NEW Egs Tape: Matilda Ramsey
How is this possible?
What a time to be alive.
>How is this possible?
Going ghost is red pill user.
Somebody warn every supermarket on the planet
Where does it live? Willing to call 911.
Come Ghost Squad!
I'm so lost. Who has Randy's account?
I think it was deleted
Why would you post that?
Oh, such triggering and slaughter coming this way...
Oh hell no you ain't going nowhere nigga.
Naze is an ugly tranny.
He killed millions
>Post image of Teodora
>"This is a Mexican Ghost"
>Post image of Randy
>"This is an American Ghost"
>get banned
to save billions
>get banned for asking to see my overlord randy stair
>tfw it's not a joke and there are still potential tranny mass shooter edgelords on discord
Make your own character so you can go ghost!
Expired. Post a new one.
the absolute madman
Where do they find voice actresses willing to do this shit?
Serious question, not for making a EGS vid though
>Another potential shootout/suicide
Alright, I'm not laughing anymore.
A dead man(child)'s switch?
Call the EGSbusters!
Francine Renyolds, the Trash Ghost.
She comes out and throws TRASH all over the- all over the ghost zone. Then she starts eating garbage. Then she picks up the trash can and BASHES the guy on the head.
>Got banned because that faggoty youtuber told the dude to ban me.
Fucking hate that guy. I was hitting it off well with the owner too.
How/why do they switch discords with such frequency?
Somebody give me a quick rundown. Why is this ghost girl shit still a thing?
Someone posts it in Sup Forums.
God, I wish I was Randy.
>Nickelodeon fans commit mass murder
>Cartoon Network fans commit robberies and heists
What kind of crimes do Disney fans typically dabble in?
Mary Jane, the Weed Ghost.
Height: 4'20"
Weight: 420 grams
She is made of weed smoke ectoplasm, and her power is to poison people with her blunt smoke. She is the ghost of a woman who overdosed after injecting marijuana into her eyeballs.
Not another shooter fag, why can people just suicide alone. If you want atention cry in public or make scene
Nah, they're planning on slitting their throat.
>The fingers
>That mouth placement
>The everything
At least the art reflects randy’s aiming capabilities.
Perfect then, if they want to end themselves and don't hurt anyone on the process everything is fine
What fresh hell is this?
Randy Stair started a fanbase.
I'm actually really happy that somebody is continuing Ember's Ghost Squad. Just the whole idea and concept is so out there and unlike anything I ever saw in my life (fitting for something to come out of the mind of a spree killer) that it would have been a shame for it to just vanish into nothing essentially without getting fully explored.
Plus I could listen to audiolog storytelling all day.
It's funnier than ever because of this.
kill it, with lasers.
EGS lives on!
>that video of him at the shooting range
Turns out some of Tranny Phantom's followers weren't sockpuppet accounts managed by Randy, but actual followers with similar delusions.
Found it.
I'm fucking weak
I'm honestly not that surprised, and that frightens me