Is this a good series ?
Is this a good series ?
Benis haters on suicide watch
Only if you like Tempus...and then don't read the arc that ruins her.
Yes, people just hate on anything Bendis does but it's better than any X-Book has been since then.
>better than any X-Book has been since then.
So it takes Perlmutter trying to kill the brand to make Bendis' shitty writing seem decent?
Bendis fuck off.
>see the creative team
>oh, nice, his style fits very well with muties
>never mind, into the trash it goes
>better than Spider-Man and the X-Men
Shit taste detected. Bendis, shouldn't you be trying to fuck up DC right now? What are you doing shit posting on Sup Forums, you know no one likes you here
Compared to Austen or MilliganĀ“s run, yes
God, Tempus was a cute.
Same as every Bendis comic post 200X:
Overall mediocre, but it has a couple decent moments and ideas.
That's All New, not Uncanny.
Don't stub your toe or trip over that bar user
The stuff involving Emma, Magik, Scott and Magneto were good. The stuff involving the new characters was pretty boring and forgettable.
Absolutley not
who's that elfin alien?
some interesting art. disappointing plot resolutions.
Fuck no. A complete waste of time and a complete waste of a unique status quo that will never return like this.
The only decent moment was Emma laughing at how absolutely retarded Bendis' own plot was.
Bachalo is the best X-artist besides Lee, ever
fight me
it's a meme to hate Austen
We need a guy who is great in photoshop because if you cut out all the fluff and bad dialogue then Rightclops and friends could be an easy 8/10. There's gold in this run.
He was awful, same for Milligan