What films you hope happen post Avengers 4?
What films you hope happen post Avengers 4?
None. So that live action fags can leave our board forever.
Invaders with Cap, Namor, and Human Torch.
involvement of Kang; thus serving as a intro to a future-Marvel world and spring boarding some 2099 shit!
Shocking as this may come, Kang was confirmed to be under the FF banner at Fox.
Or at least, he was back the year Tranktastic Four was out (Trank confirmed Kang was considered for the trilogy while on Sup Forums, then James Gunn confirmed Fox had Kang).
Thing is, they're using Kang for Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2, which strikes me as weird considering they deliberately left out FF and X-Men characters in recent Lego Marvel games.
Thanos Quest
>Western movie with the Two-Gun Kid
>Buddy comedy with Hercules and Gilgamesh
>Horror movie with Man-Thing
>Trippy technopunk movie with Machine Man
>Great Lakes Avengers
>Sword and sorcery Black Knight movie
As for TV:
>Moon Knight
>Shang-Chi so everyone can forget Iron Fist
>White Tiger presented as a third-generation superhero.
Rocket and Groot duo movie.
A good Ghostrider movie.
> Shuma Gorath sending his errand boy Nightmare to investigate Wanda's use of Chaos Magic, which Mordo is super-salty over. Strange embarks on relationship with Clea.
> Death's Head in GotG3.
Fuck you! Leave Moon Knight out of your shitty TV shows. He deserve better than that.
Ulysses Bloodstone kind of like the Van Helsing movie
Something with ridiculous Leidfeld aesthetics in the style kind of like the Sin City, but not necessarily as dark, but as exagerrated looking rather than life like.
How can the boot Ant Man from Ant Man 2?
>A good Ghostrider movie
but with nick cage again
Marvel might have traded for him back.
I want a Howard the Duck movie. To the point I'm considering writing a spec script of it.
My Industry people are telling me that Disney is definitely still in talks with Fox, whatever you may hear otherwise.
I have always hoped that Marvel would eventually branch out with the kind of characters they would give movies to.
I want Feige in charge of TV.
That said,
>Marvel Netflix Phase 2: Midnight Sons
>Ghost Rider, villain Mephisto
>Werewolf by Night, featuring Moon Knight, Manphibian, and the Zombie
>Man Thing Anthology series
>Tomb of Dracula starring Blade and Elsa Hellsing
>Midnight Sons team up miniseries.
Go full cosmic.
Warlock And The Infinity Watch
Thor: The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill
Martyr (Phyla-Vell and include Moondragon in some form)
Lead into a modified version of 'Annihilators' where they start to piece together a Skrull plot based on Secret Invasion. The discovery leads to the revelation on Earth.
Phase 5 then goes into Dark Reign.
How? Did they specify Kang as being part of the FF rights in Fox's contract? Because he's always been far more an Avengers villain.
>Western movie with the Two-Gun Kid
They'll never so this cause Westerns are so derivative anymore but I'd love a movie about him and the other Kids plus Arizona Annie.
Secret Wars
Young Avengers, it looks like.
This is the absolute never going to happen option but.
Netflix Anthology show just focusing on different shit in the Marvel universe. Have it be introduced by the Watcher.
Use it to tie together the Netflix and MCU stuff better. Introduce new characters that could be used in either movies or Netflix stuff.
I am not saying get RDJ or Chris Evans but get fucking Renner to do a Hawkeye episode.
Have a horror movie style episode with Cletus before he has the Symbiote that ends with him getting caught and being sent to the cell he will end up meeting Eddie in.
I would like an Iron Man or War Machine film that actually utilizes his rogues gallery properly, and takes note from the run of the 70s and 80s. Maybe even some Fing Fang Foom.
A Moon Knight film that focuses on his 80s run, and a sequel introducing Mr. Night.
Would love to see 40's Human torch become a prominent Marvel character again if they cannot use Johnny Storm again
Kang is Reed Richard's future ancestor.
twins are often cast for baby roles cause if ones cranky or sick they just use the other one
And Mar-Vel is in Captain Marvel...with Skrulls.
And then there's Cassie.
Kind of annoying how the Runaways get sent to TV limbo while the YA get their own film of faggotry.
Again with this dumb shit, this is "Hela will be Death for Infinit War" normie tiers of retarded.
Most likely it's just an extra baby role just like
They've made exchanges before. Apparently, to change Negasonic Teenage Warhead's powerset, they needed Marvel's approval, and Marvel was able to leverage that to get the rights to Ego the Living Planet for James Gunn.
>Hela will be Death for Infinity War
I was so happy when Thor Ragnarok stabbed that theory into the exploding remains of Asgard. Not because I ever believed it was likely, but because I was tired of people saying it.
Dark Avengers, I don't think Norman as the big bad would be as big of a step down as people might think if it was done right.
I don't know, specifically asking for twins at this point is suspicious.
Also, thank god that Hela thing fell apart.
You know what I want?
A Contest of Champions film between Grandmaster and Collector, and they do a surprising move where they resurrect decease villains for roles in it. Hell, I think one of the most surprising things the MCU could do is bring back decease villains and flesh them out as characters. Nobody would expect that, and it would catch everyone off guard if say, Ronan or Yellowjacket end up becoming sympathetic.
That or make a Mephisto movie where he raises hell.
I still hope for a mega crossover event with all the remaining properties that Fox and Sony still have. Secret wars part 1 and 2
meanwhile Spidey 4 movies with all his archnemesis done right
I want Secret Wars to have the end of the World be the first part and then Battleworld second part. I have a sequence I want where we see some civilian who's life is falling to shit, his wife is divorcing him, and as he goes to his radio job, the final incursion is happening. Having nothing left, he just keeps playing songs on the station and being a DJ. He then plays American Pie, and we get a sequence of every hero failing and getting killed, and as the song ends, the ceiling collapses and kills the radio host.
Lego Marvel Superheroes had FF and X-men, though
Lego Avengers didn't because that was based on the movies.
And Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 once again had no FF nor X-Men
Spider-man Black Panther Captain Marvel Dr Strange Ant-Man Wasp big team battle Guardians Of The Galaxy style in 2099 setting bad guy could be Ultron/Mordu/Claw but thisjust sounds like a 3rd part after thetwo announced Infinity movies and i dontlikw theidea I just typed :-(
I honestly wouldn't mind this but I'm a huge Cage-fag
Honestly, this is how I plan to treat the MCU after "Avengers: To Infinity and Beyond"*. I might still watch a Marvel movie post-Phase Three if it looks good and word-of-mouth is generally positive, but I really feel just about done with superhero movies for a while. I blame "Logan".
* - not the actual title
When I put out an ad like this it just got the cops to show up.
They're buying Fox, they'll get Johnny. But Jim Hammond would be amazing because he's not at all like Johnny.
Disney is fine with recasts. I'm guessing aflect will do this to get fired soon.
Fuck thats autistic