Evening Sup Forums, lets read a less well known Elseworld
Leo Taylor
Charles Hill
Ian Nelson
Tyler Brooks
Michael Ward
Asher Davis
Elijah Peterson
Kayden Richardson
>more Legion You'll hear no complaints from me.
There's no way they won't be in Doomsday Clock.
William Baker
Oliver Barnes
Yeah, they're definitly going to do something with them. We'll just have to hope that it's something good.
Eli Rodriguez
Hudson Walker
Bentley King
Nathan Butler
William Garcia
Jacob Howard
Andrew Jones
I figure the safe odds are on them showing up in force to make the save when Clark is on the ropes, with a bit of foreshadowing beforehand to set them up.
Kayden Green
Grayson Butler
It's either that or him rescuing a few of them from Manhattan/another threat, but them rescuing him would be much more entertaining.
Jace Ramirez
Hunter Campbell
Connor King
Henry James
Lucas Butler
Dylan Gonzalez
Holy shit! Lydda, honey, that is a full on Marge Simpson you got going on there.
Jackson Foster
Kayden Wright
Josiah Fisher
Austin Diaz
Blake Perry
Jordan Roberts
>dat Tasmia Wew, lad, as the saying goes.
Also couldn't help but notice she's drawn to have clearly black features. Always a nice touch, since that's always been something of a thing on Talok VIII.
Easton Bennett
Samuel Butler
Josiah Murphy
Xavier King
Christopher Rogers
Leo Taylor
Landon Jackson
>We'll make our own superhero club! With hookers, and blackjack! Gotta love the Subs.
Jose Edwards
Owen Hernandez
Jordan Rogers
Joseph Williams
Austin Reed
Matthew Sanders
Ryder Kelly
Anthony Parker
Jeremiah Cooper
William Myers
Isaac Hall
Jeremiah Sanders
Levi Perez
Jace Taylor
Gabriel Johnson
Angel Harris
Samuel Perez
Who would have thunk
Josiah Myers
Angel Jones
Issue two here we go
Nathan Cooper
Parker Edwards
Brandon Flores
Read bump
Asher Nguyen
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Dominic Sanders
Daniel Ross
Noah Allen
This feels like something of a generalization of the concept. Like a story designed for readers who aren't familiar with LoSH. With the exception of one or two things, it's not a bad intro, to be honest.
Nathaniel Adams
Ryder James
James Evans
I really hate Alan Davis art.
Gavin Collins
Yeah, it's of course not totally accurate to any version of the Legion since it's an Elseworld but it's a good introduction to some of the more general elements of it.