American adult animation, as it's generally agreed, tends to be puerile and relies on cheap humor and gore instead of actually mature ideas.
What kind of stories, characters and ideas would you like to see reflected on American adult animation?
American adult animation, as it's generally agreed...
>movies that children aren't supposed to watch exist
wow who would've guessed
What is the point of that pic anyway?
Wheres the rule34
>That pic
I don't get it. Is it saying that anything animated is for children regardless of the content of the animated thing in question?
More period pieces. You don't have to worry about costumes, sets, props, actors, special effects, extras, or any of that shit.
I'd like to see a coorporation between Euros and Americans. Euros get away with more stuff but not with the cheap shit, you could show wome of them on Adult Swim with next to no problems.
It's implying everything animated should be for children so moms don't have to forbid their little brats something
Pic is retarded.
Your hypothesis is also hyper-flawed. The vast majority of adult animation heavily relies on cheap humor and gore. You just notice it more in America because we're wealthy enough to afford an industry in adult animation, with armies of art majors pumping out this swill.
Exceptions are generally Japan / Korea because their market is exclusively big anime teetees and THICC anime thighs.
Animations going downhil
Well animation does humor best, so I don't know about the mind-numbingly retarded notion that "grown up" animation needs to be "serious" (i.e. unfunny) but I would just like to see a return to solid drawing fundamentals, acting and character derived humor rather than amateurish, stiff drawings "standing" around and spouting off some hackneyed script. Unfortunately, "adult" animation fans tend to be emotionally/mentally stunted autists who watch cartoons because they can only empathize with (or masturbate to) primitive drawings, and would bemoan such a thing if they felt it lacked sufficient "character development" or "world building" (whatever that means).
Some things never change, I guess?
Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot of stuff you can do with animation that doesn't have a guranteed ROI these days, so that means the story is always going to be sacrificed for whatever gets asses in seats, and you can bet your ass the script will be on the chopping block first. To add to that, stories with genuinely mature themes still aren't associated with the medium to the extent that a producer would choose it over live action. And forget trying to get Hollywood to do it for the craft, either. The last time someone tried to make an animated film in Hollywood purely for the art, it got wrenched out from under him by the producers, who proceeded to butcher it so they could try to compete with Disney (and failed), to the point where a couple of animators were literally digging through trash to save some of the footage they had completed.
Although to be fair, the guy never used storyboards and was a raging perfectionist who didn't let his underlings help until they had been trained by people who met his standards, by which I mean he hired Disney's Nine Old Men, not to mention a couple of the head animators for Fleischer Studios and Warner Brothers to teach his animators and work on the film with him as well.
So, no, you won't see anything considered mature, nor artistic in American animation anytime soon.
Just turn this into an animated movie. There's no way Hollywood would fuck up something about the Holocaust.
What about Laika? They don't give a fuck about ratings and just do whatever they want.
Why are you hating on South Park because it's a comedy? It's a legit great film. Don't tell me I'm not mature because I love and deeply respect things that aren't strictly drama. You're not an adult.
Sausage Party caused a wave of "oh man, misguided parents are going take their kids to see this" so I guess the image is saying "they weren't that naive with the South Park film, they won't be that naive with this".
Funnily enough it seems you actually get misguided parents taking kids to see adult capeshit like Watchmen and Deadpool more often than with adult animation.
Most animation is puerile and relies on cheap humor
Because Laika is funded by a rich guy who's father owns Nike. He can do what he wants because he doesn't have shareholders on his ass about an underperforming movie.
He can do whatever he wants to do because hat company doesn't have to worry about funds. Besides it's not like they make several movies every year like most studios.
what kind of dumbass kid would want to watch Sausage Party?
While all of that is correct that doesn't disprove my point. Laika really is the best bet for those of us who want some quality adult animation.
Lucky son of a bitch.
It feels like it's a "nothing ever changes" deal, but there's no reason anyone would believe it'd quit happening.
America has more resources. That sounds like it would be better, but it generally means that you have to please more people which generally means you have to sacrifice more.
Science fiction is what springs to mind. If only because Hollywood proper has fucked it up for the last decade with their character drama + space formula for getting retards into the seats.
I was at a movie theater when Sausage Party came out and I saw a mom with her kid get a ticket for herself to see Sausage Party and a ticket for her kid to see a kids' movie.
I was impressed/relieved.
My problem isn't even that they rely on cheap humor. My problem is that the animation is always shit. You can find well-drawn stuff for kids, but not for adults, even though adults have more discerning tastes. According to John K., the executives at Fox believe that funny drawings are just a form of slapstick, and that adults prefer verbal jokes to slapstick. I wouldn't be surprised if this mentality is also present at Netflix, since even their most genuinely mature cartoon, Bojack Horseman, doesn't give the characters the range of expression that good pathos requires.
The usual bad animation/shit art style thing is understandable. Look at Imaginary Mary: if it flops (woulda been better if Mary were more lewd), they don't want to invest too much actual effort into it.
I didn't read the thread until posting my reply. Thank you for taking the words right out of my mouth.
I can see the studios that make animated movies about Islam (Perseopolis, Breadwinner) taking this on. There's an Anne Frank project in development.
Would be more effective if the kid in the first panel was the same as the parent in the second one.
I wish more rich kids would do stuff like this.
>Hate kids' movies so much you can't even be there for your own kid
>Hate kid's movies but okay with Rogen shit
Sounds like a pretty low-tier parent pham
This. All adult oriented cartoons look like shit, or at least use their ugly style as an advantage, but it's always hideous.
Why is that? They think that by making it a sore to the eyes it'll keep kids away?
>"your name"
that movie was absolute garbage and Sup Forums still defends it, I just don't understand this specific timeline
Well Sup Forums still defends Man of Steel so I guess everybody gets to have shit taste about their respective topic.
Kids show as of late are like that too.
Read this and read by the numbers.
fuck off Famicom
So... Your Name is a chick flick.
Wasn't this made by Famicon, the literal autistic poster who loves Hamtaro and the Nostalgia Critic?
people defend man of steel? welp!, this timeline is fucked
>people with bad taste is a brand new thing that just recently started
Hamtaro got millions of views back in it's day, Famicom was not the only one who watched it.
nah, it's your average anime but without ninjas or robots
No and the Nostalgia Critic was never brought up by him.
your comment is stupid, please go to sleep
no u
But people get sick with those things, just like fan service.
I said sleeeeeep
Is the right supposed to be
>no Robbie, you're too old
Because although it would still be a shit comic at least it would be some attempt at humour
>mature ideas
>adult animation
holy fuck.
Everyone! Everyone attention! Be wary! Famicon is in this thread! I repeat! An actual autistic man is in this thread so be wary of every comment you reply to!
No he is not, relax.
But Hamtaro was fucking sick
Yes it was rad, just not rad enough.
Not all of them, there's visually appealing adult cartoons like Venture Bros, Boondocks, and Archer, but it's still a shame that most others look like shit.
>Why is that? They think that by making it a sore to the eyes it'll keep kids away?
There's probably the mentality of "why bother putting effort into it when it's made for those high off there minds", plus it probably saves time and money for animation, VB takes like 3 years to make a season
But none of them hold a candle to Telecom episodes Animaniacs is the thing, people don't want fake anime and they don't want Filmation knock offs either, they want Tex Avery & Bob Clampett.
What normies won't do for Friz Freleng tier quality in this day of age, thats how bad things have got.
What about the other animated film that was done as a passion of love for the story (not the art since it was done with limited animation) but got censored and the original version of the film was confiscated by their goverment, making only a censored version of it and the original only exists in low quality 480p.