ITT: characters who hate Christmas
I'll never escape this fucking holiday
ITT: characters who hate Christmas
I'll never escape this fucking holiday
Christmas means more shitty fucking games.
What's wrong? An uncle do things to you in the shed around Christmas, and now you hate it? I haven't gotten gifts since I was 14, and Christmas is still awesome.
Retail workers, people with no friends and/or family, militant atheists, poor people, Muslims, Jews, kids whose parents are going through a divorce, people who recently lost a loved one, misanthropes.
There are a lot of people who don't like Christmas. Fortunately, no one cares about those people.
Christmas is fucking artificial joy through and through, the constant Christmas music is fucking nauseating, the base message of the holiday is something people should try to practice every day, and snow is only fun when you don't have to fucking drive through it.
Halloween is the superior holiday anyway
Xmas sucks if you don't like your family user. It brings up a lot of rose tinted memories about what could have been
Everything you said is true. But i like it anyway.
why can't rocks be this cute in real life?
I hate my family, but I love Christmas settings. There's just a special way the season feels that has nothing to do with commercialism and getting stuff. I just never grew out of it. I love everyone in December. Hell, some christmas songs bring a tear to my eyes (the traditional songs, not something made up by a country singer or group of pop or r and b singers in the last 30 years to push out another album...although that Personally-owned Diminutive Equine 2016 christmas album was pretty damn good)
The Grinch hated the Jews. Stupid Jews.
>shilling this hard for an over-glorified toy commercial of a holiday
You don't need to be some kind of miserable asshole to notice that this whole "Christmas" meme is just emotional blackmail to perpetuate corporate and consumer greed. You're seriously telling me you're totally fine with having every commercial break spammed with shitty derivatives of nursery rhymes, and shameless overuses of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite? You think it's cute that the song "Holiday Road" is going to be spammed all goddamn season for the off chance that you might want to buy a Chevy the next time you watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?
It'd be one thing if it was just a bare-honest celebration of Capitalism or something that's just tacked onto the calendar to help give the economy a boost, but it's not. It's still exactly that- but covered under the insidiously false guise of something deeper and wholesomely "profound", when really at the end of the day you're just throwing your money away with the reassurance that someone else will be wasting their money on YOUR behalf as well to cancel things out a little. This holiday isn't enabling altruism like you want to believe, it's purely a social obligation that tricks you into feeling like a decent person after you break some asshole's wrist for an iPhone on Black Friday. It's all glitz and spectacle like a goddamn casino without any exit.
It's one thing if you chose to celebrate it in moderation, and try to pretend those deeper meanings are the main attraction to you personally, but that's just not the true essence of the holiday. Christmas is pure excess, and anything less than that isn't even the reflection of a shadow of what the holiday is all about.
Oye! Ees pronounsed "HOOS"*, senor.
*Holy shit, you might be right...
>dislikes the one time of year where most people at least try to stop being utter dickheads and be nice to one another
you must be a hit at office parties...
I think he's one of those dickheads. Who else would be against this season of anti-dickheadedness?
>Halloween is the superior holiday anyway
Oh youre a ghoul school fag, got it
I don't have a family so I spend it alone
The true esence of the holiday is what you make of it. Of course corperations are going to market anything and everything for profit this time of year, but if you let that ruin the holiday for you then you are just as much a victm as the people who fall for the shills.
You might be shocked to hear the but many of us enjoy the holiday and ignore the gift aspect of it.
I love the songs, the movies, the food, my family and the genuinely cheerful spirit that permeates the general public.
I spent more on giving gifts than the monetary value of the gifts received last year...and every year since I became an adult. Nothing "insidious" about it, I just enjoy giving to my friends and family and Christmas is as good a time as any to do so.
Enjoy being an edgy teenager that's totally figured out everything about life and stuff man! You've uncovered the bourgeoise capitalist plot where we trick families into spending time together having fun and eating hearty meals. Down with the patriarchy or whatever.
ethnically-Jewish, atheist user here and Christmas is fucking great. Basically every atheist/ Jewish person I know likes Christmas time but just doesn't like the mangers. The only reason Hanukkah exists is because Jews wanted to celebrate Christmas, but were too tsun about it not being a Jewish holiday. Most atheists even celebrate Christmas as a western cultural thing, or even just to celebrate with our more religious family because it's important to them (in burgerland anyway).
Everything gets more festive, and it's more about gift giving and winter-themed decorating than Christianity (if you think Jesus was born on Christmas you have been duped by hallmark and coca cola, it's a pagan winter solstice party).
Halloween user is right about which holiday is better, but Christmas still churns out fun holiday-themed cartoon specials and generally adds something to look forward to in December.
>what could have been
Why did you have to bring that up?
Bitch f on grandma got run over by a reaindeer
get off the internet mike
This, I still live with my dad and his gf and every year she gets depressed and ruins Christmas for everyone else.
Just having to deal with that makes me hate this time of year.
You know it's really something to think of that Christians allowed what should have been their most holy holiday; the time they celebrate the birth of their God-man, the third aspect of the Trinity and it gets turned into the commercial celebration of a fat present giver completely devoid of God that any atheist or non-Christian can celebrate with ease.
Like fuck sake, you don't see the Jews selling out Hanukah or the Muslims letting Ramadan get destroyed.
You need to cure her
With your penis
>time of year where most people at least try to stop being utter dickheads
I wish.
I love everything about Christmas; the food, the happy people, the family gatherings, the presents, the decorations, the hot cocoa, the cold weather letting us bust out our fashionable jackets, staying at home and watching cartoons and playing video games.
What I do NOT, however, like are the fucking shitty music and holiday specials every single god damn year and they're shoved deep down our throats like we still like them. Those Christmas song melodies have been engraved into the deepest parts of our brains already for fuck's sake. One of my local radio stations even plays Christmas music nonstop from Thanksgiving until the new year and it fucking drives me insane when my folks blast that shit.
Modern Hannukah is a super commercialized version of what was otherwise a really minor holiday in the Jewish calendar that primarily exists to create an excuse for Jewish children to get presents like all the little Christmas celebrating Goyim.
I'm sure he hates Jesus
>Retail workers
I work retail and Christmas is the best time of the year. If anything I've been holding back ever since we started putting up our stock in mid september and now I'm going all in emotionally.
I've heard that Amerijews used to celebrate Christmas before World War II.
>something to look forward to in December
December is one of the shittiest times of the year, having something that makes it less shitty probably keeps a ton of people from deciding to just walk outside and stay there until their lungs freeze.
October-December > April-June > July-September > January-March
Halloween season>Christmas season
Christmas Day>Halloween night
>All of the the noise! Noise! Noise!
Are you implying Jews hate Christmas? They stole holiday from a Mediterranean religion and made it become one of the most financially profitable seasons of the year for businesses. They love this shit.
No, i'm implying that the Grirch hates jews. Please don't ask why no one asked why.