Has there ever been a more kino scene than this?
Does Sedusa never take showers ever?
Why is her hand backwards?
>Bellum looked better in Sedusa's outfit than Sedusa did
I prefer the uncensored cut.
>chestlet who can't fill out a blouse
Are those falsies? How come I never notice that?
I hope you get cancer.
Does that mean there's more?
i probably forgot about it
but now that i see it, i remember
i mean, how else would she fake bellums tits?
would've been funny if they were oranges or whatever fruit equivalent.
They're supposed to be her shoulder pads, but given that they had Buttercup vaguely slip condoms into the Professor's pocket in Sedusa's first episode I'm not as confident as I used to be about that.
>what are shoulder pads
You can clearly see her chest doesn't get smaller after she pulls them out too. Sedusa's whole thing is that she seduces people. Obviously she's not going to be smaller than Ms. Bellum.
>she is throwing pads at her
Holy crap I never noticed that as a kid.
then why the falsies?
its probably stupid animation shit that they don't get smaller.
They aren't falsies. They're shoulder pads and Sedusa's just as big as Ms. Bellum. That's my entire point.
>It was the mayor's dirty laundry
That solid Big Lebowski reference
user speaks the truth!
Perhaps it does.
>anons don't know what shoulder pads are
You have to be at least 13 to post here.
A lot of people not realizing she was throwing shoulder pads.
She's not reaching near her shoulders
They're not breast pads.
That would explain why her skin is so pale
Sedusa looked great in Bellum's outfit and Bellum looked great in Sedusa's. They're both thicc as fuck and watching them fill out each others' clothes was one of the reasons the episode was great. That and the catfight.
Wish Bellum had kept fighting Sedusa instead of going to release the girls. I wonder who would've won.
her left hand kinda is
>Sedusa could've stuck Ms.Bellum to the wall like she did to the ppg she wanted to fight Bellum so badly
Based. And cute since it shows how prideful she is.
This gave me one of my first boners.
She's got them Tarkovsky thighs tho
Sedusa would've come out on top I think. She is a supervillain after all.
The original show was so good....... (save for the few shit episodes later on).
As I descend to the earth and I view the universe above me, I realize that life evolves, revolves, and dissolves completely around the opposites. Therefore, I conclude that I cannot exist in my utopian mind.
Drugs are sometimes not good.
First time on Psychedelics? Yeah I used to do that and shitpost on Sup Forums. Don't do that you get banned for dumb rule shit then you're just high and bored.
He's quoting an episode, dummies.
>posts in powerpuff thread
>hasn't watched best episode
neck thineselves
nigga what is this
Oh FUCK....... THAT episode??? It was worst, actually.
the fate of sedusa
Ms. Bellum would've just kicked her ass again.
>Bellum kicks Sedusa's ass the first time
>but the second time, for no given reason and without the use of her powers, Sedusa would've won
Yeah no.
Everything about your post makes me believe you haven't graduated high school. The cruise control, the excessive punctuation, the shit taste; it all just sums up to one big underageb&.
>Ms. Bellum would've just kicked her ass again
Bellum only 'won' that fight because the plot demanded it. Sedusa would've won in 2 seconds if she had just used her powers like she did against the other girls, but for some inexplicable reason she didn't. And if the plot demanded it, Sedusa would've won too.
>but the second time, for no given reason and without the use of her powers, Sedusa would've won
>for no given reason
I really need to give you a reason? Sara leads a sedentary life as the mayor's secretary. Sedusa is a supervillain. She's fighting all the time and we know for a fact that she's good at it (easily good enough to beat a normal human like Bellum in hand-to-hand combat) because otherwise she'd be in jail.
In any rematch where the plot wasn't at stake Sedusa would win, and she'd probably win with ease.
Thank you, mature adult.
It’s called a shower cap, you fucking philistine.
>where are you going?
>To the prison! visiting hours are almost over.
Oh wow, the Mayor of Townsville exploits his position to fuck female inmates in exchange for reduced sentences.
Would you turn her into the police, Sup Forums?
That's because you're boring.
>nice butt
Only if she'd give me a handy jay with her hair tendrils in exchange.
How is hardcore nudity boring?
There is nothing "hard core" about nudity. Don't believe me? Visit a nude beach once in a while.
If Sedusa's hair is part of her nervous system, isn't this torture?
Is there a term for people with pale skin/freckles but dark hair instead of red?
Yes. A common combination, a genetic trend if you will. Not like there is a "race" of such people, but dark hair and very light skin somehow stick together.
>There is nothing "hard core" about nudity.
Try telling that to the MPAA or the FCC
I am talking about Real Life™. Do you know what that is?
Nudity may not be taboo in real life, but fiction is a whole other subject matter.
Go back to the jojo threads on Sup Forums, hairposter
>pale skin
>dark freckles
>black hair
>green eyes
>THICC thighs and HEAVING honkers
lads is this gal literal perfection?
I like big b00bz myself, but when I realize they don't work IRL, I get sad :'(
If she's so perfect, then how come there's no good lewds of her?
Chlorine is bad is bad for the hair, might have been that
Sedusa might be the weakest of all the Powerpuff girls outside of the non-fighter ones. Even the other villains think of her as a joke.
Nano of the North easily tops that.
All the porn artists are too busy spanking it to the girls
Needs more porn to be deemed the best
I think Sedusa's pretty strong, but it's evident the writers only use her as a gag villain.
Source for this stuff though? What other villains? Only villain I remember talking shit about Sedusa is Femme Fatale, and Sedusa could kick her ass, easily.
go away
big boobs work fine IRL
>was only in 3 episodes
>still has more porn than everyone except Bellum and the girls
And Bellum barely has more so you know with a few more episodes Sedusa would pass her.
The sagging. The back pain.
>not massaging your titcow's utters every morning and every night
hahaha, ok
lets talk about something that can be easily corrected with working out, sagging is natural but can be countered over at least a while.
dumbass idiot. listens to the "back pain" myth, while true, but only if the woman does ZERO working out of the associated muscle groups.
i point you to hitomi tanaka, petite asian with huge as fuck tits for her frame. she has been going to the gym as of late sept and its been doing good for her. she actually has a pronounced ass now, not flat like 99% of asian women and she STILL kept 100% of her 113cm O cup tits!
>O cup
Is that a peculiarity of the Japanese measuring system or is that as fucking weird as it sounds?
its metric cup size, so i guess thats why.
funny enough, she was only 110cm when she was a J cup, so i'd blame it on that shit or the fact that the japs know NOTHING about bust sizes and just toss numbers and letters at it.
Powerpuff Girls is one of those cartoon shows that I feel doesn't have nearly as much nsfw content as I expected. Especially with the women in the series.
if I recall properly the conversion between Japanese cup sizes and the American system, she'd be like a F or G cup in the latter
Here you go.
Isn't that redundant?
fuck off
this isn't your secret club. We arent your friends
And I'll throw in the first chapter to make up for my tardiness.
Sedusa's probably a tease who never follows through with actual intercourse.