Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie

So how was the Jungle Movie Sup Forums?

Also Season 6 when?

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I want to hold hands with the jungle loli

/OP/ for real,
there are four other threads talking about it,
use the catalog.

Is there any porn of the left girl yet?

Me too

>Central and South America City
>Has to be in the middle of a fucking carnaval
Every time

A perfect finale to Hey Arnold! I could't be happier with how it ended, seriously.

I'm hopeful for Season 6, but not half as hopeful as I am for a revival of the shelved Patakis spinoff.

it felt a little too fast paced and hectic
I missed the scenes from the show where they'd just have Arnold chilling out at home or walking through the city reflecting on the events of the episode.

There wasn't any way to do that in this movie. They had a endgame--unite Arnold with his parents--and the only way to get there was to not slow down.

Muh Dick

I really hope there isn't a season 6 or a Pataki spinoff. This was the perfect ending to a good series, an opportunity that most shows can only dream of having. Everything is concluded and the story is over. so let's not try to catch lightning in a bottle a second time and enjoy this little sendoff.

it was lame

The whole chosen one plot was really cliche and stupid, but other than that, it was a very statisfying conclusion to the series

I thought everyone hated Lila


I'd rather they just let it be over.

Or make The Patakis.

She's been loved by every community I've been to when regarding the show. I think there are just a few who bring up that interview to rustle up some (you)s

I rolled my eyes at first, but the reason for Arnold being a 'chosen one' in the first place at least had a bit of grounding to it.

>an opportunity that most shows can only dream of having
Like Samurai Jack and Foster's. I was so pissed off at those finales. I mean, Mac not really moving away? Lame

Didn't get that far in the series to explore Lila's dark triad of a personality. Or, maybe, Craig simply decided to drop that character trait.

>Ms. Perfect reveals she's poor
>School Play reveals Lila can be manipulative
>Eugene, Eugene! has Lila outright sing how it's not easy for her to act like she's perfect all the time, and how she's really sad on the inside.

They definitely hinted at it, but didn't delve too deep into it.

Post screencaps of sexy jungle loli.