Mr. Satan is actually pretty powerful as far as regular ass normal humans go, right? What if he trained at a martial arts school (e.g. Turtle School, Crane School)?
Isaiah Bennett
LATER its been a while since I stayed until the end, I missed watching Toonami with the general, now if I could get shitfaced like I was able to do months ago without getting sick as fuck...
Ryder Ross
Android 18 is such a qt
Blake Richardson
Jayden Williams
My tribute actually won. Can we get the autist at the mcdonalds as the thread theme?
Henry Miller
>candy made from people
Bentley Brooks
Ayden Wilson
Christian Young
He's legitimately the strongest non-ki using human. He made Spopovich his Spopobitch in a previous tournament.
>doesn't make me feel like crying or vomiting at all
Adam Robinson
I can't say I'm too happy about this turn of events but we have a winner!
Joseph Myers
Connor Walker
These scenes between Satan and Buu are the best.
Dominic Cox
Cooper Collins
Colton Reyes
Last episode of the night
Lucas Rivera
Xavier Walker
He won the World's Martial Arts tournament, so there's no question he's strong. But the competition didn't even seem Jackie Chun tier, much less Tien Shinhan tier. Maybe he could reach Chiatzu levels with proper training, but that kind of training never suited him.
Ryder Long
sweet sauce
Ethan Reyes
>thread 3 it's over.
Isaac Edwards
>He's legitimately the strongest non-ki using human I want to argue that there were stronger in DB but I can't think of one. Chi-chi was pretty strong, did she ever learn to use ki?
Juan James
Brody Roberts
11:00 DBZ KAI >Find the Nuisances: Babidi's Retaliation Begins 11:30 DBZ KAI >A Time of Trials! Lay Hold of Legendary Powers! 12:00 DBZ KAI >Hold Majin Buu in Check! Limit-Super Saiyan 3 12:30 DBZ KAI >True Worth Beginning to Show the Treacherous Buu! 1:00 DBZ KAI >Silly Looking? Drilling the Fusion Pose! 1:30 DBZ KAI >Bye-Bye, Everyone! Goku Returns to the Next World 2:00 DBZ KAI >Gohan Located! Intensive Training in the World of the Kais! 2:30 DBZ KAI >Birth of a Merged Superwarrior! His Name Is Gotenks! 3:00 DBZ KAI >Who Will Defeat Majin Buu? The Mightiest of Men Moves Out!! 3:30 DBZ KAI >Powering up Continues?! Super Gotenks Is Achieved! Week 288 of Toonami
Chi-Chi uses some weird Kaioken aura in filler, but I don't know if she ever uses any canonically.
Leo Rogers
Really wish Chi-Chi would slap my ass like that.
Robert Hernandez
Jeremiah Flores
what show is wizard pirates going to replace
Julian Turner
>the strongest non-ki using human Yajirobe
Kayden Richardson
new timeslot
Ryan Price
I hope GT takes jojos spot
Robert Carter
I want to see him fight Mr. Satan. They're both strong for regular humans and really cowardly.
Aiden Anderson
Do we start half an hour early or do we go on half an hour longer?
Jayden Morgan
so do they just skip SSJ2? They fuse at SSJ1 and transform into SSJ3 while fused. Their base fusion state is SSJ2 I guess? Why would they be more powerful than Gohan of Vegeta at this point?
Cooper Diaz
Xavier Green
Luis Myers
Early. Also Super 8 and 8:30 are dropped, premiere on Toonami now
Charles Walker
General Tao
Jacob Flores
Quiet, slut.
Gotenks briefly goes SSJ2 when he's turning SSJ3.
Lincoln Richardson
Android 18 is the best
how do I deal with the fact that she will never care for me?
Kayden Diaz
Jack Sullivan
Ah, i see.
Ethan Ward
Good night toonami!
Cameron Wood
>do you want to kill with Buu
Owen James
He was a Crane School student and could use an energy beam.
Michael Ward
>Their base fusion state is SSJ2 I guess? No, just a really strong normal Super Saiyan.
>Why would they be more powerful than Gohan of Vegeta at this point? Because they're the sons of strong Saiyans who got a potential boost due to being half-breeds, in addition to the multiplier that fusion adds.
Liam Perez
rip doggo, i almost forgot this.
Anthony Hughes
>Because they're the sons of strong Saiyans who got a potential boost due to being half-breeds, in addition to the multiplier that fusion adds. Halfbreed boost is nothing over Gohan since he's also a halfbreed. There's a multiplier for fusion, sure, but why would their fused SSJ1 be stronger than Gohan's SSJ2? Is SSJ2 not exponentially stronger than 1?
Daniel Cruz
Oh god, its that episode
Camden Ortiz
hey, at least it's not the last episode of the night, right?
Welp, thats it for toonami this week! Kudos to those of you who survived the marathon. Its been fun! See you all next week and keep your waifu close till then!
Logan Lewis
Michael Martin
>aussies are the catalyst for literally everyone on earth dying Good night TG
Gabriel Adams
Jaxson Lewis
later gators
Carson Thomas
Liam Allen
Jace Lee
later Sup Forumsnami
Jayden Wright
And wasn't that a fun marathon, ending on the murder of a puppo? See you all next week, and remember to sing a song for the Toonami Man
That said, base Gotenks is weaker than any of the SSJ2 characters from all indication given that he got bodied by Buu a lot worse than Vegeta or Gohan.
Connor Price
Later I guess.
Jack Martinez
Goodnight anons.
Logan Taylor
Later y'all
Ethan Garcia
Night all. Was an alright night. No therapy reminder this week, but I hope you all have a nice night. Later
Jacob Young
Later everyone! Another comfy marathon is behind us. Here's to next week's block expansion! Have a good week!
Gabriel Williams
Sleep snug, smug
Push hard doggo
Easton Ramirez
Bye TG!!!!!
Logan Carter
I guess what I'm saying is that the only real benefit to fusion that I can see is the ability to bypass the limitations on SSJ3, which one would hope Goku would have explained more clearly.
Aaron Powell
Sleep snug smug
Jayden Taylor
Well, until next week, good night and good hunting.
Always Smug snuggly
Nathan Nelson
>There's a multiplier for fusion, sure, but why would their fused SSJ1 be stronger than Gohan's SSJ2? Is SSJ2 not exponentially stronger than 1?
MUH POTENTIAL. That's basically it. Most people assume it's because they have a higher baseline/deeper reserves than Gohan due to when they were conceived, but it's hardly been put to the test outside of them being able to acquire their transformations faster.
Gavin Wright
Eli Ortiz
>last month >my ass is clogged up daily >waste hours sitting on the shitter >start telling this doggo to push hard >ass loosens up and the shit comes right out There's some magic here
Christian Phillips
The big problem is that Toriyama is a comedy writer, not an action writer. DBZ took off from under him, and he got stuck doing it for a long time.
Elijah Long
Push hard doggo
Nolan Hughes
I wonder who's behind this post.
Christopher Wood
Good night Robin my beautiful queen. And good night Guys. Look forward to seeing you next week where we finally finish the Greed Island Arc.
After that we can finally see the Chimera Ant arc everyone talks about. Palm is best girl, Fuck Pitou.
Jackson Mitchell
>Spoiler My man
Gavin Flores
as a karate man I can tell you that picture kind of grosses me out I would never wear someone elses gi. You don't realize it until you have one but the pants are a sponge for frothy poopy ass sweat that soaks up in there and simply cannot be washed out no matter how hard you try