Really , why do conservashits vote against their own economic interests ?

It's seems trumps primary supporters are white , typically uneducated , working class or middle class . They consistently will always vote republican and republicans are the party known for working with the corporate elites . The republicans tend to want to give employers/corporations more rights over those who have to actually work by slashing their benefits , pensions and such . Also , universal healthcare would greatly benefit those in the middle and working class yet these voters can't seem to comprehend that their boss is fucking them over and he vote republican everytime . Republicans don't care about putting any worthwhile legislation that would actually greatly benefit the lower classes snf instead make you believe that you are one tax cut away from prosperity away ( even tho it has shown that republicans focus most of their tax cuts for the billionaire and 1 percent class )

Why do so many of them clearly vote against their own economic interests ?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Why do so many of them clearly vote against their own economic interests ?
Because they're stupid.

because they're uneducated

denmark has canine brothels lol. google it

How do Denmark even afford that?

Denmark was so happy because it was so white. thats changing and now its a shit hole just like Canada and Sweden.

Socialism only works in high intelligence homogeneous societies. So if Europe doesn't pull it's finger out and remove kebab were going to end up like an even shittier version of the USA.

>Unfunded Liabilities in the US, alone: $200 >Trillion

>Global World Money Supply: $68 Trillion

"Let's spend more money on "free" stuff"

Conservatives are generally very prideful about working for rewards in life. They feel these kinds of services must be earned, such as paying for them directly. If the government offered them for free to everyone they'd get angry and feel unworthy people are taking advantage of the system.

Johnathan Haidt and Jordan Petersen have done some interesting psychological research on this. Worth checking out.

Denmark also has the highest usage of anti-depressants.

And is also the country most frequently inebriated.


denmark isn't 63% white and as such still has a sense of social cohesion and high trust

Latvia, Poland, Hungary, etc. are white as fuck too. Shallow analysis.

stop posting this terrible meme

myth started by journalists who came here looking for an animal brothel story, but didn't find any animal brothels.

so they went home and wrote the article anyway because they already wasted their time and money on the trip.

Stop being inbred bogan that votes against his countries best interests

now promptly kill yourself

I'm not sure why you seem to frame this as rep vs dem. One enslaves by tricking people into a fake meritocracy they won't success in, the other makes us all proles. Why don't we vote in our best interest and challenge this two party facade? Because no one listens to Yuri.


liberals are actually this stupid


you arent even familiar with australian politics rofl

All of that information is false or misleading.

There is no state-mandated minimum wage here. We do have very effective unions, that have agreements with employers.

Most people work 8 am - 4 pm, so a 40-hour work week.

And our "free" shit is funded by an insanely high income tax.
If you earn more than ~$80k/year here (Some nurses and garbagemen earn that, mind you), you'll be paying around 60% in income tax.

Our minimum income tax is around 40%.

This system is crumbling, fast. Nobody wants to pay a ton of taxes to support muslim immigrants on welfare.

>homogenous society
>Have a common goal

The USA is divided af

They believe one of two things:

- trickle down economics
- that they are one big break/lotto win away from being rich themselves

I got really excited for a moment but it turns out I already have your flag. No need for you to post here anymore.




you wish. We are known as the racists here in the north.

It's literally because white people you dumb euroshit

we dont, but we pretend we do

>as long as you feel happy, stealing other people's money at gunpoint is fine


1) you obviously haven't looked at his policies, you're just parroting

2) if you haven't read them by now, then what's the point? Its too late for you to change your mind.

>only republicans are elites

This meme needs to fucking die.

Only Trump is anti establishment.

Hahaha trump lost FL its over

>Why do so many of them clearly vote against their own economic interests ?

If Dems stopped being autistic over the second amendment more repubs would vote for them.

slavs arent white tho

;) nice pic op :ok_hand:

>Not posting the actual video


Why do educated democrats vote against their own interests by supporting more cheaper educated immigrants that will take their jobs?

We have cities with more population than the entirety of Denmark. I hate when people try to compare things like this.

>based Pyrus is only for whites

Because fuck then

Not all dems are anti gun , just republicans get hysterical at the thought of any sensible gun control measures

Both parties are known for working with the corporate elites. If you think the democrats are any different you might want to take a look back at the primary they just had and the candidate the party leadership chose.

and also

Maybe republicans are not as poor as you think?

Not all republicans are anti-immigrant just hysterical democrats get hysterical over any sensible border control measures.

>babbys first talking point

Quick reminder that some of these so called (by everyone other than themselves) "socialistic" countries have strong market economies subsidizing the social policies. They are being paid for by the free market, the antithesis of socialism, not working by themselves.

>sensible gun control

You mean like those "no guns allowed" signs? They were so effective!