Ok, Marvelfag here. I just saw this Justice League movie and thoroughly enjoyed it, but I have some questions as someone who really only knows DC from the animated adaptions. First of all, is Aquaman always this much of a sort of roughneck Chad guy? Is Cyborg usually so brooding and dark? Also, this movie was just really good, despite this being the first time we see three of these characters I feel like they really pulled off the character interactions and feeling of "a team coming together" well, where in Avengers despite having so much time beforehand, it still kind of feels like it's just Cap and Iron Man, while stuff like WidowXBanner just seemed forced. Another thing I noted was that I liked how the action was "weighty", you know? Like it felt like there was an impact when things got hit/characters fought, which is something I've always liked about these movies going back to MOS, where in a lot of the MCU stuff it seems to suffer from what I call "Transformers syndrome", where it just seems like characters are floating around and fighting in a no gravity chamber or something.
Also, you get to see Diana's butt cheek, how cool is that? I like how they weren't afraid to have a female character show skin and to be honest, kind of excited by it, the whole time I was practically smelling her.
Jaxon Brooks
Sounds totally legit.
Ayden Sanchez
It's not a good representation of DC at all, about 3.5 members of the league are straight-up done wrong, and they've already neutered themselves by cutting off a lot of potential plotlines.
Austin Allen
>It's not a good representation of DC at all, about 3.5 members of the league are straight-up done wrong I guess that's why I have certain questions, because yeah they kind of seemed different than any version I know of. But that being said, maybe the fact that I'm not a big DC guy when it comes to comics is the reason that didn't stop me from enjoying it? On the other hand, Spider-Man Homecoming fills me with autistic rage because of the sins it committed against the character.
>and they've already neutered themselves by cutting off a lot of potential plotlines. How so?
Jordan Ramirez
>I'm not a big DC guy when it comes to comics is the reason that didn't stop me from enjoying it This is the reason. The DCEU is full of so much shit.
Landon Myers
On how deep of a level though? Like, is it Mandarin in Iron Man 3 tier bullshit or like making Peter Tony's niece tier bullshit?
I kinda got the feeling by the ending of it that Cyborg being all broody and emo was just part of his "coming out" but he probably won't stay that way, meanwhile with Aquaman it seems they've gone with a pretty specific vision of the character being like a Wolverine kind of guy, which was never what I thought of in terms of him before.
Cameron Richardson
Potential plotlines cut: Diana's gods and her duty to them
Zod and the other Kryptonians appearing against an established/stronger Superman
Doomsday... Fucking Doomsday
The build up to Apokolips having been watching Earth by planting their people as minor influential figures; like Kanto and that news faggot
And so far there isn't much to show Martian Manhunter, one of the (supposed to be) most OP and funnest mother fuckers around will show up any time soon
Christopher Myers
>Zod and the other Kryptonians appearing against an established/stronger Superman >Doomsday... Fucking Doomsday Aren't they kind of boring anyway? I mean they could still use like Lex, Braniac, Metallo, possibly even Bizarro in some way, and obviously Darkseid
Easton Ward
>is Aquaman always this much of a sort of roughneck Chad guy No >Is Cyborg usually so brooding and dark? Sort of. Early in his career he's usually pretty salty about the whole robocop thing >the whole time I was practically smelling her. O...okay...
Dylan Wright
Doomsday is frankly something that never should have even been used, it was dumb in the comics and it was dumb now.
Lex got ruined in BvS
Julian Hernandez
Steppenwolf is bigger than I thought. His fist is bigger than Superman's head.
Ian Rodriguez
Zod makes a perfect origin story villain and Doomsday was fucking lame and impossible to ruin. The only thing they ruined with that is the Death of Superman plot. I'd have had him killed off in a mutual kill with Brainiac and have it stick for several movies.
Asher Reed
How would you do Bizarro when they already gave Doomsday his origin?
Jayden Collins
Joseph King
>that was blaring in my head when Supes fought Steppenwolf.
Jaxon Phillips
Superman confirmed for having UI. He even followed flash's movements that it creeped out Barry
Parker Moore
Luther is poison now, there is no way to come back from what eisenberg shit out
Liam Thompson
>Luther is poison now, there is no way to come back from what eisenberg shit out
Did you not see that he is already back?
Noah Murphy
Actually haven’t seen JL yet,I’m just really salty about bvs still Do they actually rescue the character? I hadn’t heard anything to that effect yet,but now I’m interested
Camden Thomas
I don't know because I watched a rip of the movie online that didn't show the scene, but I've seen it posted on Sup Forums before, Lex escapes or some crap and is seen setting up what could be assumed is the Legion of Doom with Deathstroke, hence why all these Deathstroke pictures on the board
Leo Roberts
Ok but is it Lex Luthor or autismo-man?
Jacob Ramirez
It's Mandarin in IM3 tier bullshit
Aaron Cruz
>JL movie works better as a standalone movie (remove BvS from Timeline, just hint that the Doomsday Incident happened)
Isaiah Martin
He was in it too quick to call.
He talks in the same Eisenberg way but he looks much better bald and in a black suit, he's flanked by bodyguards who look much more like Mercy than the BvS one and his Legion of Doom plan has got to be a lot more straightforward because all he's gotta do is to show up in the end Sam Jackson style.
Samuel Rodriguez
>Didn't watched JL
Chase Adams
I watched it, I just watched it online because I don't pay for movies, and the recording I watched didn't include the Lex after credits scene
Zachary Stewart
if you watched it why not answer the question about lex?
Samuel Harris
Aquabro is seemingly a DCEU invention, I mostly know him as a regal king type. Cyborg has been broody, but we are in the early stages of his transformation, he should be more lighthearted going forward.
Ethan Ross
This is a bit too much sarcasm for my taste.
Parker Scott
Failed Superman clone
Kevin Baker
Ok user,I see your point.
Like: >Deathstroke arrives at Lex's boat >Lex is well dressed with bald head and with hot chicks around him >He says that Deathstroke could pick a glass of champagne to celebrate Superman's return >Deathstroke says "Don't waste my time Luthor" >Luthor says that he heard that Superman now works with a team,he propose a alliance with Deathstroke so they could create their own team AKA "Legion of Doom" This is your question? Or you want to know if Lex really feels like Lex? If this is your question,then yes,he feels like Lex >Studied the Mother Boxes(which helped the League) >Created a plan to escape Arkham >Sarcastic but keeps his cool >Not a virgin >Helped create the JL and will create the LoD