What is the better Transformers origin, Primus or Quintessons?

What is the better Transformers origin, Primus or Quintessons?

Quintessons. Fuck the magical shit.

Quintessons. Primus makes Transformers LITERALLY the center of the universe, since GOD ITSELF made them as HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE TO DO HIS WILL.


Primacron best Unicron origin. Less BS that way in terms of power levels (really big robot instead of really weak god).

Primus AND Quintessons
>B-b-but user how does that work
Read a comic nigger

>reading TF comics
Sorry, I'm not a bong nor am I part of the LGBT community. But hey, get your teeth fixed or find Christ, nigger.

I like the idea of Primus as a concept for the Transformers, but not as an actual being.

Like, Cybertronians have Vector Sigma, they know life comes it, but they don't know where it came from, or how and why it does what it does, so they just developed a religion around it.

Honestly, unless your some kind of lorefag, ultimately, the origin of them as a civilization is pretty irrelevant to the story.

The Allspark is better than both Primus and Vector Sigma

The AllSpark and Vector Sigma aren't really different enough to call one better than the other...

They're both just inexplicable life givers, the only difference being than the AllSpark is more portable

>aren't really different enough
Vector Sigma is a magical, god-like sentient being. The AllSpark is just a tool made by the Quintessons. That is why The AllSpark is better

A Birth of Planet Saybertron

Ultimately that's best.

It should be a matter of faith. With different Cybertronians having different beliefs.

I wasn't fond of Primus, but now that the current media made him just a super advanced alien organism that merged with a planet instead of an actual holy god I'm fine with it.

The Allspark was never a tool made by the Quintessons. In ANYTHING. Bayformers doesn't even use Quintessons they're just using Quintessa as stand-in for one of the 13 called Quintus and even if Quintessa were a Quintesson it wouldn't fucking matter because those mad films will never write in a connection between them and the Allspark anyway.

TFA backstory is irrelevant shit that lives in the Twitter of a fat man that whines he got cancelled too fast but wasted episodes on Constructicon buttcracks and g1 references.

Quintssesons, bot can't make themselves.

>I'm not a bong nor am I part of the LGBT community.
He's talking about the marvel run you fucking moron.

>The removal of multiversal singularities brought back the Quintession and Primacron origins to the G1 cartoon
And all was well and super sillydumb again

Better question:
Do you prefer Rumble being blue or red

Quintessons! No question!
"Oh we'll just build a little shop, sell some stuff."
Robo-racist Cotton Hill, moron Bobby, and "I can do no wrong" Peggy end up running the place for a day.
"Oh gods to robots are shooting everybody! Run! Run to the lifepods!"
"Goldang shouldberunningtothe offswitch iswhat."
Robots- Yay, we're free, what now?
Robot1- Give me your boots or I'll shoot you.
Robot2- Uh oh, better hide. (turns himself into a car and sleeps in a parking lot.)
And so the transformers were born.

>Quintessa were a Quintesson it wouldn't fucking matter because those mad films will never write in a connection between them and the Allspark anyway.
The connection is pretty damn obvious

The Allspark is a hive of scum and villainy never before seen.

Primus, by far.

Furman hit a home run with that. Blending that kind of mythos with the mechanical transformers was genius.

It very neatly explains why they transform.

It also inverts the creation myth by making the TFs in the image of the devil (Unicron).

Quintessons. Primus kills a lot of the mystery behind Transformer origins.

Neither, both are shit

Technically, how does any definitive answer not "kill a lot of the mystery"?
But of the two, Quints are by far better. Primus is too "God" for any part of the setting. This isn't Final Fantasy, this is sci-fi. With a dash of comic book and Rule of Cool to make sure that dinosaurs get fire swords. I think it best that Primus is a delusion of desperate, damaged, possibly poisoned, homeless starving construction robots.

Of course, then there's this origin: which was before Primus or the Quintesson origins, but kinda works for both. And evolutionary engineerism/atechnogenesis.

For non-moonrunes readers, it's basically a bunch of alien species got together to make a powerful computer in a space station to end all wars.
Unfortunately, it worked, and stopped taking instructions. It devastated it's creators, and absorbed their satellites, starships, and space stations.
Over hundreds of millions of years, the conglomeration turned itself into a planet, evolving a mechanical ecosystem, and eventually robotic life.

So you've got the ancient races, which could have involved the Quints (also possibly the Primacron). You've got the original supercomputer, aka Vector Sigma/Primus, and you've got robots evolving from naturally occurring gears, levers, and pulleys.

>naturally occurring gears, levers, and pulleys.
which partly exist, btw

>Unfortunately, it worked, and stopped taking instructions.
I think there was an episode of the cartoon like that. They try to find out Ultra Magnus's birthday, goto the Cybertron moon or something, and try to access the computer that no one can get a response from. They do, screw up, and a firefight happens. They probably shoot the computer.
I like the idea that all the origin stories are true, just differently explored, because they had a long tyrant rule under the Quints, then the war against the robot-buyers, then the war against each other, etc. Any war will have a lot of plans and prototypes.

Quintessons, by far. I love the idea that the TF's were labor or war bots and their own AI was so advanced they had true sentience. It bears way more weight to have implications of sentient AI than to go "lol God Robot made us, we're all really alive, and the God Devil Robot is flying around space to eat your planets".

It's much better if no one's sure.

The Quintessons claim to have created the Cybertronians, before their untrustworthy creations rose up to oust them... but there's no evidence that survived the millions of years, and no one would trust a Quintesson anyway.

Primus is more of a national demigod type of thing. Usually he and Unicron were created by God directly.

There’s a short comic where Primacon claims to have created the Quintessons.

Red for the alliteration.

>He's talking about the marvel run you fucking moron.
Only British people read that, thus bong.

I like the idea that the Quints enslaved them and sold them like products and convinced them that they created them to break their spirits.

What is this from?

I like both
>Robo God and Robo devil fight and get turned into planets and shit
>Robo god makes his original primes
>shit happens and his primes disappear/sealed away/fuck off.
>Space jews land on cybertron and uses the primus's sparks and the primes technology to jew up some robo goy
>robo goy revolt against space jews
>Space jews fuck off
>with nothing better to do, the robots fight each other and get into gay relationships.

Transformers vs GI Joe.

The Quints make a brief cameo as well as totally being those creators.


FIRRIB all the way.

Weren't the Sunbow Dinobots bots made by bots?

What if they made a Rumble that was red and blue?

Would the fandom implode?

And the Technobots. And Trypticon.

Quintessons making a big giant factory world that went tits up and turned into chaos makes a lot more sense than giant robots being physical angels that do god's will. Not even sure why giant robots had to get metaphysical at all.

Plus the Decepticons being military grade while Autobots were worker drones makes sense in the early seasons.

>wearing a shirt with "Duke" written on it

And Megatron, who made the Constructicons.

And the Constructicons, who made Megatron.

WHeeljack, why the FUCK did you build the Dinobots with small brains?

Also, Megatron built the Constructicons, who in turn created Megatron...somehow.


Doesn't the Allspark just reduce the whole origin into tiny magic maguffin that just does it fo no real reason or explanation, it's just magic.

Even better, he was infiltrating Cobra in disguise with that T-shirt beneath it.

No wonder his disguise didn't last five minutes.

Then Megatron brainwashed them and built them on Earth.

>Big Boa
Fuck yeah, I love that guy.

Gobots were weird yellow hairless aliens that uploaded into robot bodies when they fucked their planet up to the point of not having an atmosphere any longer.

Somehow makes more sense than magic cube that turns any box of plastic and metal scraps into a fully sentient machine with built-in guns.

To bad he never got to fight Rocky

For me the narrative matters. The themes in the G1 cartoon Quintessons made best because they were treated like active thinking robots and they built themselves and what not with super computers or less even(Dinobots) so something like Primus would be completely confusing(that said it didn't stop them from having things like robot ghosts and spiritual elements). Now the shit they are doing in IDW Quintessons being the creators would make no sense what so ever since we see transformers are born from sparks and harvested as such to life, as well as the fact they look at robots built by them as cold constructs and second class citizens it demands a more spiritual element.

Goddamn I loved this series



>Arcee forms the crotch

Not really, it offers a small explanation but still leaves a nice amount of blank for people's imaginations to go wild at. Was the Allspark a dying civilisations attempt at creating a way for them to live on forever? Maybe it was a collective consciousness abandoned on a giant space station. It could even be a space rock, just a really fucking powerful space rock, glowing ass space rock from wherever the fuck.

>Quintessa as stand-in for one of the 13 called Quintus and even if Quintessa were a Quintesson it wouldn't fucking matter because those mad films will never write in a connection between them and the Allspark anyway.

So there were 13 primes, and now 13 quints?

>It could even be a space rock, just a really fucking powerful space rock, glowing ass space rock from wherever the fuck.

But that puts it right back into magic object territory.

No in some lore the Quints are descended from one of the primes


much better origin story that resonates with a lot of people. they're able to connect with it. plus later on many decepticons changed to autobots (i.e. skyfire/jetfire from decepticon to autobot).
factions later wouldn't be hardwired into them. cybertronians could decide what they wanted to be or not be.
plus the notion of a crazy inventor creating unicron and going out of control is a lot better.

the matrix of leadership being a safe guard/learning computer is also better than the bs mysticism. a computer that stores knowledge from the previous owners and passed on as a guide makes sense to a race of machines.

when the quints were making tf (software and military products) it makes sense that they wanted to automate their process, and in turn made vector sigma (to 'roll' out as many products as possible and infuse the programming quickly - i.e give life to the product depending on what the consumer ordered (software or military).

also in a sense it's true what vector sigma says, 'before cybertron was, i was'. because when the quints were running the place, vector sigma just took in structions. but then the rebellion happened and suddenly these 'children' of vector sigma were asking questions to it. thus vector sigma came into it's own being when cybertron was liberated.

>plus later on many decepticons changed to autobots (i.e. skyfire/jetfire from decepticon to autobot).
>factions later wouldn't be hardwired into them. cybertronians could decide what they wanted to be or not be.

No reason that can't happen with Primus. He just made Cybertronians. The splitting into factions was all them.

>It doesn't have to be a magic box..
>...it could instead be a magic box
>"Wait user, that's not different, how is that-
>THat's my fucking point asshole I does not have to be a magic box when it can be a magic box instead!!!!!


It does put a different spin on the whole robot revolution. They went full Matrix Earth on their creators and then decided that organic life is worth defending from their own dickery further down the line.

>Not smart enough to grasp the simple concept of sufficiently advanced technology
>Would rather compare to a fucking terrible normie-core Hollywood tripe since this is the best they can perceive
fucking mouthbreathers

>I like the idea of Primus as a concept for the Transformers, but not as an actual being.

I think Primus should still exist....but as the planet of Cybertron's robot mode.

make it vague if he's a god or not.

I never said it couldn't be a magical box user, it was all about how an origin story can be deepest lore even when its just a fucking magical box :^)

So you have to be very intelligent to watch Transformers now?

No but you have to be 18 to post here.

But I thought Rick and Morty was the smartest show on tv


Primus is too important to the mythos to drop.

Only anti religion fedorafags actually have a problem with Primus and that is not even because there is any issue with it working in the setting. The concept was just too triggering

presented without context.

Thoughts on Primus Vult?

How I figure it is that one of the raw materials on Cybertron is computronium -- programmable matter.

This mass of nanoscale material was used to create life, either by outside forces, or by natural forces.
This living metal developed around photonic crystals, a natural form of optical computer, which formed the brain or spark.

The allspark/vector sigma/underbase was effectively a giant spark, imbuing others with a form of seed AI, allowing them to think.

Of course, the Cybertronians themselves prefer to think about this in a less technical way as a whole.

Do I need more reasons to hate Rodimus

>implying vapers are people who used to smoke

Roberts is saying Magnus vapes not Rodimus.

What are your thoughts on Magnus being an armor?

Thought it came from the original toy being an albino Optimus wearing a giant blue robot skin.

Was there some other reason why the toy was designed like that? Was it the ghost of Optimus wearing a large blue bot or something equally weird?

Makes sense considering the toy history with Ultra Magnus.

Its the same robot. Diaclone had guys riding vehicles that turn into piloted mechs. Optimus and Magnus are the same mech, one is just a bigger and more powerful form.

It was just a Diaclone release they hadn't used yet.
How the guys at Hasbro back in the day didn't write and release it as an upgraded Optimus I'll never understand.

Comes from the pre-transformers days when they were just mecha.

The armour was to power up the Battle Convoy, creating Powered Convoy.

Back then Hasbro had no idea that kids would actually LIKE the characters. They were just disposable names to slap on the newest toy. "No one's gonna miss Optimus, kill him off so we can shill these new Rodimus and Magnus guys."

Of course it was retconned to be Optimus in Transformers vs GI Joe. Reborn through the power of Ultra Magnus, the Autobot God of the Dead.


They sort of did with Powermaster Optimus, he makes a bigger version of himself by combining with the trailer. So they took that concept and applied it later on.

It's really amazing they lacked that foresight that the characters were gonna leave an actual impact.

In their defense, no one else knew it either. GI Joe and Transformers were the first toys to ever really do so. Before that you had generic soldiers and dolls and licensed stuff.

It's all very simple.

Optimus died earlier on, just before Megatron destroyed Earth.

His body was taken by the god of the dead, into the depths of Cybertron, where he'd be able to repair it.

Meanwhile, Optimus' spirit was journeying through the afterlife, along with Grimlock, evading Kremzeek the devourer of souls, and aided by Zkarlet, queen of Scorponok.

Now, with his body fixed, Optimus could return.

Of course, Earth wasn't actually destroyed, but that's another story.

>Back then Hasbro had no idea that kids would actually LIKE the characters.
I understand that bit. I'm just wondering how the guys at Hasbro looked at the Powered Convoy toy, saw that it was literally the same guy they had chosen to be one of the faction leaders and then made it an entirely separate character.
.....and now remembering that the seekers and Prowl/Bluestreak and that whole ilk exist it sort of defeats whatever point I was trying to make.

Anyone got a gif or webm of the quints laughing?

The same way they had 3 jets that were the same guy only different colors, three Datsuns, 2 Ferraris, and 2 minivans that were 1:1 copes of the same mold.

Who was going to notice if they did it again?

>people complain about repaints
>literally half the fucking original cast is repaints
>Datsun Bros
>Reflector clones in early eps

Etc etc.

Ok? You can complain about original casts, you know.

It's more of just to illustrate how the entire franchise has always been balls deep in repaints/recolors/etc. It's never not gonna be.

Isn't Jetfire literally a repaint of a Robotech Macross robot?