Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
the writer
the one thats got a demon behind them
Batcunt is always wrong
>Brother I
Batman. Batman is always right no matter what, because he's Batman.
>But this was all his fault.
Doesn't matter, Batman is right, and everyone should just accept that already.
>But he built a spy satellite designed to turn people into monsters, for the express purpose of murdering his friends if they ever do something he doesn't like.
Well, then maybe they ought to abide by Batman's laws then, then they wo T have to worry.
>Batman's law? The fuck are you tal-
Seriously though. Bruce Wayne is monster, and the fact anyone still associates with him is bad writing.
To be fair, they did mind-rape him, so having a defense mechanism in case they decide to go full super-villain again is perfectly reasonable.
The rest is totally his fucking fault, though.
Zatana for mindfucking Batman
Batman for going full autismo
Frankly, Identity Crisis and Infinite Crisis were both huge mistakes.
What makes it even worse is that later on WW gets treated like a irredeemable criminal for rightfully killing Max Lord.
I will never understand this shit as long as I live. What was she supposed to do, LET Max use Clark to murder millions of people? Why does she still get so much shit for that? Fuckin' hell.
You know, has his being a secretive condescending piece of shit ever done anything but enable to League or even the Bat family's being caught with it's pants down? If he really were more of a team player, and extended his capacity to Batkaku a bit more transparently with his allies, he would deprive he and them of many more headaches than his doing so would cause.
>Oh great, here comes Blue Beetle
>He and Booster must be up to something again
>He's been bugging everyone today, even Batman when he was in the middle of something
>Shit he's coming over
>Yes Ted, okay Ted, sure Ted
>I should just use my magical lasso, get him to admit this is all a hoax so he won't bother anyone else
>on the other hand it's fish taco day in the cafeteria, and I'll be damned if I don't get one before Flash clears them out
Give him a quick punch in the noggin to knock him unconscious and then deal with the situation in a more civilized manner before he wakes up.
And what happens when he gets up and still has control over Clark? I guess we could put him in a medically induced coma, which not only would people find a way to morally bitch about anyway, but would also be a drain on taxpayer money.
At some point one has to face the facts. Some villains are way too evil to keep alive. You can't reform someone who was planning to commit genocide.
>Wondy should be just as much of a paranoid asshole as Batman
Fuck right off.
Which one? There's actually a lot of people to blame for that page alone, Brad Meltzer, Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka (although Rucka was only working with the material written by the other two)
Knocking someone unconscious always leads to brain damage of some degree. Unless your plan is to just bludgeon him into being a helpless retard for the rest of his life why not just kill him and be done with it?
That's Kirby you're dissing, you tastless fuck.
How butthurt can you be at a fictional character?
Johns and Meltzer. But usually if batman if being irrational, stupid and a complete dick, 90% of the time the writer will be Johns.
Batjerk a.k.a. Dixon's Batman may be an asshole but isnt irrational same for snyders, Batman would never ignore Ted Kord warnings. But we all know the feelings johns holds for batman
Nah, not always. Hal punching him was unwarranted, he was right to suspect.
but he says under the lasso that the only way to stop him is to kill him
Someone fill me in so I can rant too.
Brad Meltzer wrote Justice League Disassembled, I mean, Identity Crisis, fucking up the DC Universe pretty much permanently. Then Geoff "Watchmen Made Me Edgy" Johns doubled down with that bullshit, all so he could write some hamfisted message about how the DCU was getting "darker" or some such stupidity, while, in the very same event, having an alternate Superboy massacre a bunch of teenagers.
Ok, ok but who killed Blue Beetle? And why is it Batman fault?
Blue Beatle is investigating some shady shit, goes around to other high profile heros to warn/them get help. Everyone blows him off including Batman who knows what's going on and let's Blue Beatle walk into a death trap and get a bullet in the head. Booster is rightly pissed. And indeed Batman never apologizes, admits that he was wrong, or faced any repracussions.
Why would Batman do that?
>Ok, ok but who killed Blue Beetle?
Maxwell Lord
>And why is it Batman fault?
It's been a long time so I might get some details out of order, but: Maxwell Lord took control over Brother Eye, a magic satellite that Batman made in order to kidnap people and turn them into living weapons for him to use in case of an emergency. Beetle discovered parts of Lord's conspiracy and went to Batman for help. Batman, who knew what was going on but didn't want his magic monster murder machine to be discovered, told Beetle he was being paranoid and refused to help him. This caused Beetle to investigate things on his own, which got him captured and killed by Lord.
Yeah that's why Earth One was full of Bathate
Thanks to JOHNS.
You can't blame shitwritting on the characters
Covering his own ass. The stuff that Blue Beatle was looking into was tied into Batman making Brother I and Batman being the asshole he is would rather let someone die then come clean that he was pulling another Tower of Babel. The fact that he was let back into the League and didn't get his shit push in after that fiasco is bullshit.
Clark is too much of a good friend.
I think you mean Waid. Batman being a fucking asshole that screws over his friends was well established in Tower of Babel.
Also his stuff getting stolen and used against the JL and Batman thinking he was right having this shit in the first place.
Did he ever apologize to booster? I know he went to the funeral
A 26 years old manchild not knowing stepping into evidence isnt a good thing was funny. Or not testing his toys before going out, or jumping and ending over a pile of trash.
Nope. Waid had Batman FAILING, but wasnt irrational.
There's nothing wrong with batman being wrong and fucking up. The plans in tower were shit tho, but he wasnt irrational.
>and Batman thinking he was right
He was.
And she had to fucking apologize to Bruce in the end even after he made his stupid tantrum and severed theirr friendship and told her to get out.
Brucr is an asshole.
>writer that dislikes batman makes batman act like a cunt
>wtf i hate batman now!
You can take the Bat-dick out of your mouth at any time you like. He's a fucking asshole. I wish Swamp Thing would beat him within an inch of his life again, but with bat fags like you running rampant I'm sure he'd come out on top somehow.
So, you don't care about if he was right or wrong, you just dislike the character. Nice to know that you can't argue.
Pic related the reason those "plans" make sense (waid plans were shit tho)
You... you do realize these aren't real people we're talking about, right? The stories that are written about them are literally the only way to judge them.
Saying that Batman is a nice person if you only ignore all the stories where he's not nice is pretty retarded.
Or did you also forgot about this Leaguer?
I liked Batman before he became Batgod, and people like you think he can do no wrong because of it. There's no reason to try and argue weather he's right or wrong with you. I presented the fact that he told Beatle to pretty much fuck off, and let him die. But for you that's the writers not Batman's fault. Why argue with a brick wall.
I didnt say batman is a nice person.
i'm saying that characters acting out of character should be considered bad writing.
>Bruce does something awful
>Diana gets shat on for it, and she has to apologize to him
>Bruce faces no consequences whstsoever
There's a term that I dislike using, because it has lost nearly all meaning. But fuck me, if that ain't some straight up, classic Gary Stu bullshit right there.
If the writer hates Batman so much, why did Batman get out of this story scott free? Fuck off.
And Bruce Wayne has always been a total cunt who desperately tries to control everyone he knows, including the many children he has drafted into his self-perpetuated war against various psychopaths. Several times he has devised means of murdering his so-called friends, and, let's not ever forget this: Batman built a satellite designed to turn unsuspecting civilians into killer robots.
Batman is a piece of shit, and the greatest super villain of all time. Why? Because he convinced the world that he's the greatest hero of all time.
>liked Batman before he became Batgod
Sure you did.
>Batman built a satellite designed to turn unsuspecting civilians into killer robots.
That didnt happen, You are mixing OMAC with Brother eye you dumb casual.
>Several times he has devised means of murdering his so-called friends
Not only his plans are never lethal, but also he is 100% justified in a world where mindcontrol, possession, crazy colored kryptonite, magic and evil doppelgangers are a thing.
But he doesn't kill user so that means he's a good guy.
why is Supes so sad
>Batman never built a satellite weapon to use against the League!
Except he did, and Brother Eye turns people into OMACs, you fucking retard.
But you're right, user. Batman did nothing wrong, and we've always been at war with Eurasia. Fucking hell with this.
>Batman is justified for finding ways to beat up his "friends" because mind control exists
Again, this is the exact same comic that Wonder Woman will never live down because she rescued Superman from mind control. Bat-fags being hypocrites, what a shock.
>Sure, Let me go dig out my copies of Shadow of the Bat, Legends of the Dark Knight and take a picture
Fuck off
If only it was Captain America who’s allowed to be right about everything!!
>Reeeee, I just want my favorite characters to be in everything!!
Except Batman could do nothing against Parallax. This isn't even Halwank or anything, Parallax literally had the power to almost reshape creation.
Damn, user! That's some serious straw grasping you're doing there. Make sure you stretch before you get started, don't want to get hurt.
I agree. But the point isnt that he can do shit against parallax, but that 3 members of the league went crazy/evil at some moment. And that's not even counting mindcontrol or shit like that.
There's no rational argument to be made against batman having a plan B, in tower the issue is that his plans fell in the hands of a villian.