
When the mom cat passed by, I was expecting the carnie to say the same shit in order to make her want to play too.

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Don't know why I kekked so fucking hard

Peppa Pig is actually a pretty kino kids show. My niece watches it, Paw Patrol and Bubble Guppies the most. Peppa I can watch with her and get a chuckle out of it, while Paw Patrol I just want to pull all my hair out. Bubble Guppies is okay, it's kind of there. Can't unhear Dr. Pigs voice in Mr. Grouper though


Holy shit


That's like a buck.

I was expecting this to be one of those bootleg youtube videos to bring in the views. Pretty funny for a babby show though desu.


It can be funny when it needs to be.

well, he is not wrong.

The moral is Sup Forums is always wrong?

Seems an appropriate lesson for preschoolers.

Says a lot about Sup Forums though.

I love baby shows! When I was sick from school I would watch so many random baby cartoons. My fav is pocoyo. Glad to see you guys enjoy some shitty baby toons too!

their heads look like dicks and ballsacks

That made me laugh harder than it should have.

More like a whistle

no, definitely cock n balls

Or you for bringing up Sup Forums all the time.

a $1.33 actually with current conversation rate.

Same, that ending just made me laugh.

>helter skelter
I laughed. I forget that in britland, this term just means a carnival ride and isn’t connected with the ravings of a serial killer trying to start a race war

this sums Sup Forums up pretty well

I want Daddy Pig to shove his snout into my anus and suck my balls.

this shouldnt make me laugh

OK, This show is shit compared to Toot And Puddle, but that was good.

if anything, the constant mockery of the father pig in every single episode proves that Sup Forums is, as always, right.

>every single goddamn person at the funfair just falls down on the ground laughing at the very end

>Teaching kids wealth distribution

Fuck off with your socialism

toot and puddle were fuckin BOSS. peppa pig is shit. they heads look like cocknballs

I will laugh every time I watch this, it is never not funny.

Ben and Holly is funnier and it's made by the same guys.

It's proving Sup Forums is right. Women are terrible at decision making. The man was clearly egging her on by saying women are useless and she fell for it. But it's all for a good cause.

Sup Forums is always right because they bet on every outcome.

>full episode ends with Peppa magically learning how to whistle because "muh practice makes perfect"
Always hated this episode despite the jokes. Some people just cannot whistle, and this would have been the perfect opportunity to teach kids the lesser-taught aesop that it doesn't matter if you just can't pick up on a trivial skill. Or they could have had Peppa use a toy whistle instead, to teach kids that you can use tools to do things you can't do on your own (pretty sure a different show did this, think it was one of the CGI winnie the pooh cartoons)

holy shit those pig noises must be insufferable to make. I hope they just have a stock clip of each oink so the VAs don't have to do it every fucking time.

but yes, I suppose that was some jokes for the adults who want to watch with their children.

That carnie has an amazing strategy

R.I.P. Peppa Pig

>women are useless at this

the stuffed animals are shitty knockoffs that cost 10 cents to make in a Chinese sweatshop, he just baited her into buying one

>using aesop as a noun

Daddy Pig actually used to be pretty smart. He tried to explain to Peppa and George why their reflection in a spoon is upside-down, but it went over their heads.

This shouldn't have made me laugh, but it did. The timing was just too good.


Also the fact that Brian Blessed is on this show with some frequency, and he chews scenery like no tomorrow. And the rabbit doing all the jobs in the city. This show is great and more preschool programming should be like it.

>What's wrong Peppa?
>tells her what's wrong
what a bitch

I honestly didn't expect a legit toddlers show to be this funny.

>Isn't that cheating?
>Yes, well done Flur, that's called "cheating"

Whoa hey manson didn't kill anyone, he just ordered other people to kill people

If nouns are people, places or things and aesop was a person, wouldn't aesop be a noun?

Why is the male protag of Bubble guppies so hot

If you want something Sup Forums and Peppa related this is as close as you're getting.

And it's still good enough.
