This is Jessie Pride my own character, what should I draw her doing?
This is Jessie Pride my own character, what should I draw her doing?
Also a couple of sketches I got requested to do a few days ago that I never got to post.
make her head less circle-y and her neck thicker and shorter.
I'll try
I don't know if I did it right but I tried
>what should I draw her doing?
A number of NSFW things.
I'm not really into all the nsfw stuff at least right now, but give me a suggestion anyway
i'll see what I can do
her showing her nice 70s style bush and/or pit hair
That's gross, but i'll think about it
Not him, but that's a lot better.
Ignore the NSFW requests and just draw her kicking ass, man. Seriously, just draw her doing something cool.
Also, some character building stuff like where she lives, what she does for a living, etc. would be nice.
That's boring.
You're boring.
Thank you
I see where you're coming from and I feel you're right, just for you i'll draw her kicking ass
Balls deep doggystyled by huge male
This is as far as i'll go with all the NSFW stuff
Have her do your favorite attack from your favorite anime.
This fucking cute dude. I like your artstyle
Sure thing
Thank you I appreciate it
How the fuck did that lollipop get through the hole when the hole is smaller than the lollipop? did she put the stick through it herself? That's not how gloryholes are supposed to fucking work!
she's into sensual blowjobs/handjobs and giving small dicks attention
Jesus you're right, i'm sorry about that. What if I make the hole as big as the lollipop or make the lollipop smaller?
Maybe you're right maybe you're wrong, but still I would never draw Jessie doing unspeakable things :(
I don't know if this is better but I tried
i'm a terrible person user, and now i wish you never posted your cute character, because i just wanna see her do lewd things, like get flashed and things like that
Where's the drawfags to make Jessie a slut and destroy OP.
we could ask /aco/
P-please no one draw her doing unspeakable things
Quick someone get a picture of her getting flashed and her reacting horrified.
Or some 70s bush OP found gross.
I'm a drawfag.
Such a shame I don't do lewd.
You should draw her doing some fundamental studies
Learn your shit
No!! You can lewd any other character that I haven't created but please anyone but Jessie
Don't worry one day I will learn all of that stuff, also I think I can draw that
i don't even know if this is reverse psychology
Either that or pathetic autism
Nope it's not I really mean it :(
I wish someone delivers soon
I hope no one does, this is wrong
Good stuff, OP. Are you a girl? I've noticed female artists tend to draw girls that look believably like girls but draw guys that look kind of feminized and vice versa with guys not being as good at drawing female characters in as authentic a way as what you get from female artists.
Just something I thought of looking at this particular drawing since the guy kind of looks like a girl with facial hair and angry facial expressions in the way I've noticed in the past on female drawn male characters.
but it feels so right
Thanks but i'm a guy and I do get what your saying and I agree, he does look a little feminized it's just that I rushed what I did on that so I didn't put the extra detail in that I should have put in.
If it was someone else's character then yes:)
Welcome to Sup Forums!
Thank you, I guess I can't be too mad, I know there are a lot of horny people on Sup Forums from what i've seen.
Bathing her dog or prefered pet.
How her hair looks like when the rain hits her. Like a wet chihuahua.
Ok I think I can do that, she likes cats
Jessie taking the knot
i'll draw that too
Here you go
No. Just no.
I don't have autism :(
How about baking a pie or failing to do a frontflip?
Ok sure I got an idea
Hope you like it
Cool. Although I have yet to see a single cat that likes to take a bath.
I agree
Here you go
Cute. Cute! CUTE!
Hehe thank you
Drawfag here, what lewd outfit/character should I dress the character up in? Dubs take precedent.
You clever bastard.
Dress her up in cancer
What about this?
I just realised what I did, I didn't even mean to do this! Hahaha
Alright, I'll take a crack at those.
Too late, you can't take it back. Your character is confirmed for lewds now
No! That is wrong!
Honestly, your characters are pretty damn cute. I hope you are successful with whatever project you have.
Draw her playing lawbreakers.
Thank you
Ah, I see he's about to dab
draw porn.
Sure ok I can do that, anyway but for now i'm gonna catch some sleep. I'll finish and post the sketches I got requested to do but haven't finished yet when I wake up, thank you everyone
Haha yeah
Delivering, might as well put in my name as well. Normally I'd charge like $250 for a drawing like this, but EHH. Merry Christmas, OP.
What the fuck is all this?
I think it was a ruse to get smut art.
>Normally I'd charge like $250 for a drawing like this
Not him, but how do you get away with that? I'm not saying your work isn't great, but that's one full color picture with no real background. Meanwhile, I know a girl who's doing full color comic book/manga style hentai pages for $50 and $60 a pop:
But if people are willing to pay you $250 for a simple (to say nothing of the quality of your art, which I don't need to tell you is really good) drawing, more power to you, I guess. I know I don't have that kind of money lying around.
I was just ribbing him on the $250, no way would I give a drawing away for free if I could command that sort of pricing on a 1 hour plain drawing hahaha. That's "quit my day job" levels right there. Truth be told I've never even done a paid commission before on the internet.
its bauhauseque
>Truth be told I've never even done a paid commission before on the internet.
And yet you drew that something that good in an hour? Dude, you're like, losing money here and you don't even know it. Get on DA or HA and start charging people for that crap.
Also, Pixiv or Tumblr.
I'll demonstrate how much of a know-nothing I am on this by asking if there's like a basic guide or something on how to even start taking commissions? Also, what would someone reasonably pay for a drawing like the one I posted?
> if there's like a basic guide or something on how to even start taking commissions?
None that I know of, but it's nothing complicated. The first thing to do is to establish some sort of online presence: a DeviantArt page for SFW works, Hentai-Foundry, Tumblr, or Pixiv if you're interested in doing adult works.
Then you set up a 'commissions' page where you detail your rates, what you are and aren't willing to draw, etc. and an e-mail address so that prospective customers to discuss specifics with you.
Then, if you feel you are getting popular enough and are able to set aside enough time to take on more work, set up a Patreon account so that your followers can become monthly supporters (this, of course, entails giving them Patron-only exclusives).
>Also, what would someone reasonably pay for a drawing like the one I posted?
Rates vary from artist to artist, but if I were you (and I'm not an artist, so feel free to disagree) I would charge $30 for a full color, full body picture like the one you posted. $15 for each additional character, and another $15-20 for a colored background.
>Make Tumblr
>Draw porn
>Make post saying you do comissions
>Wait for degenerates and autist to Contact
Theres a whole comissions thread in /aco/ if your are interested in prices
Also, it's standard practice to charge less for line art, so if someone just wanted to order an uncolored version of , $20 seems like a fair price. $10 for a quick sketch.
haven't seen the request for this but i thought of something else seeing this picture. Maybe i should take a Sup Forums break