Who else wants the superhero movie boom to just die out already...

Who else wants the superhero movie boom to just die out already? The world was better without so many people (that dont read/watch Sup Forums) pretending to like them.

Not me. I want more. And as time goes on, they keep getting better and more faithful to the thing I like. Why would I want that to stop? It doesn't bother me that people who expose themselves to daylight are enjoying them, too.

Upcoming capeshit:
>Black Panther
>Avengers: Infinity War
>Deadpool 2
>Ant-Man and the Wasp
>Captain Marvel
>Untitled Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel
>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
>Untitled Avengers film
>Wonder Woman 2
>Green Lantern Corps
>The Batman
>Black Adam
>Gotham City Sirens
>Justice League Dark
>Suicide Squad 2
>Untitled Deadshot film
>Untitled Deathstroke film
>Untitled Harley Quinn and the Joker film
>Untitled Justice League sequel
>Untitled Lobo film
>Untitled Man of Steel sequel

(((((they)))))) want all your money

Muh lame Sup Forums memes

>Wonder Woman 2
>Green Lantern Corps
>The Batman
>Black Adam
>Gotham City Sirens
>Justice League Dark
>Suicide Squad 2
>Untitled Deadshot film
>Untitled Deathstroke film
>Untitled Harley Quinn and the Joker film
>Untitled Justice League sequel
>Untitled Lobo film
>Untitled Booster Gold film
>Untitled Man of Steel sequel
None of those are happening

I want them to die off just because I hate capeshit.

Aquaman 2 is almost complete, and you better believe Wonder Woman is getting a sequel. The rest of the DCCU is up in the air.

t. butthurt hardcore comic fan who is fucking mad that the movies are fun and not autistic like the comics

>as time goes on, they keep getting better and more faithful to the thing I like
They keep getting more homogeneous. They used to be unique and created by real filmmakers with vision. Now they are almost all corporately mandated products created by work-for-hire bumblebee directors. Not to say there weren't boring or terrible superhero movies before, but there was definitely more variety and experimentation in the genre. And "muh faithful to the source material" is one of the biggest problems the genre has right now. Studios are afraid to allow anything different or interesting into the films because they might upset the fanboys. The same fanboys who screech with glee because Beta-Ray Bill's head has a two-second appearance in Ragnarok. Geek culture was a mistake.

why hasn't DC cashed out on lobo more he's essentially their version of deadpool

I mean, as somebody who grew up in the 80s and 90s, I can't help but appreciate this feast of riches. It wasn't that long ago when literally every comic book film coming out was a disappointment or complete failure. In 1997, the only decent live action superhero films we had were the first two Superman films and Burton's Batman (and it's sequel if you wanna get real kooky).

This year, we had at least 7 comic book movies, and I enjoyed every single one of them. Even Justice League.

Are they all kinda same-y? I guess so, but honestly, so are the vast majority of the comics themselves if I'm being honest. And I love 'em. As long as they meet my personal standards, keep on making them, and I'll keep paying to see them.

I dunno, with a few exceptions they felt samey before the Boom as well, and were hampered just as much by execs for broad appeal as today's are. also a lot of them didn't respect the source material at all or had really questionable choices to appeal to non fans.

well {{{they}}} created capes in the first place

>any >upcoming DC live-action capeshit after Justice Flop

I 100% agree with you OP. Live action shitters have no place here and need to get the fuck off our board.

Its a double edged sword really. On one hand, the exposure gets other lesser know characters time to shine in media, on the other we are unfortunately stuck with bandwagon faggots

>Capeshit without the over the top characters and blending pot of different genres mixed together
>more fun and better
This is what Sup Forums actually believes. Go back to your goddamn board.

same exact feeling my dude.

I'm enjoying some less than others but shit like a big budget, live action Justice League movie is something I would have never expected to be made 20 years ago

>they keep getting better and more faithful
Exact opposite actually.

I hope everything gets live action adaptations just so they collect comics that I love in oversized editions
I don't want any of the tv shows or movies but please give me an Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld series just for reprinted comics in color

Aquaman, WW2 and Batman are happening. The rest is up in the air.

I really hate how dominant superheroes are in western comics. I've always preferred foreign stuff because at least there is a greater variety in content and subjects, as well as some damn good art.

>stop letting people into much secret club, it's not fair, I liked heroes before they liked heroes! Reeeee

t. illiterate live action shitters who has no place on this board

You make way too much sense for this thread.
just sayin

You two are exactly why OP, me, and others feel that the superhero genre and nerd culture on a whole needs to go away.
Justice League was bad, id rather no League movie than a shitty one. Im not gonna be content with " hey they ACTUALLY did it"
If I had died and thered never been a JL movie I wouldn't cry about it. Seeing what actually came out, id have rather waited 5 more years if it meant itd actually be great. Fuck decent. Fuck okay, I want a great JL movie.
I grew up when there was very few good superhero movies and I wish things went back to that because we knew how to appreciate a great film, nowadays people just lose their shit over an easter egg for fucking dingbat the fuckard just because hes an obscure comic character and nowing about him gives me points amongst my "nerd" pals.

>Studios are afraid to allow anything different or interesting into the films because they might upset the fanboys. The same fanboys who screech with glee because Beta-Ray Bill's head has a two-second appearance in Ragnarok.
Did you fucking watch Ragnarok? Interesting might be a stretch but it's completely different than anything in the comics.

>Are they all kinda same-y? I guess so, but honestly, so are the vast majority of the comics themselves if I'm being honest

They really, really arent. This right here is a giveaway that you arep art of the faux geek culture OP was warning about.

First off, you are obviously rolling together the idea of capeshit and comics as a medium like a fucking casual.

Are you really going to tell me American Splendor is in anyway like House of Mystery? Or that A Contract With God is like Little Nemo? That Asterix is like Incal?

Even just in the world of capeshit, are you going to sit there and tell me Golden Age Superman, where he is threatening politicians and beating up gangsters until they cry uncle, is similar to Post-Crisis Superman? Or even within the realm of just post-crisis, are you going sit there and tell me 90s Jurgens Superman is just like Tomasi's current Superman? Or that Waid's Superman is just like Levitz' Superman?

Are you really going to sit there and imply that Wally West's initial run is the same-y as Batman Earth One? REALLY?

This is the shit I hate. People who don't know jack shit pretending to be authorities on the medium, who then make retarded blanket statements like this. And then a gaggle of other faux-nerds agree with him so they can feel secure in their lack of comic knowledge.

>Waaaah stop liking what i like because i dedicate more of my life liking it :c
Go fuck yourself, you're the reason writers try to pander to people who don't read comics, because the people that read comics like you are a bunch of fucking whiny faggots

That's not Lobo at all.

I'd say that they should've only focused on Avengers movies rather than sequels to individual properties so it was less a "boom" and more "another avengers film" but I've enjoyed all the cap movies too much.

Guardians Vol. 2 as well as much as I hate half of the cast and the forced memes.

>you're the reason writers try to pander to people who don't read comics

And look at how well that worked out for Marvel.

>because the people that read comics like you are a bunch of fucking whiny faggots

He isn't even whining ABOUT comics you idiot. And good writers know to ignore 99% of that shit and can recongize whats genuinely constructive criticism. Stop being such a faggot.

The industry was better, yeesssss. The problem isn't with the casuals. It's with the executives in charge. They are attempting to cater to people that don't really give a shit about the product. I'm talking about books here. People that just want a cause for the moment so they can feel like they've done something with their pathetic lives. If executives were smart they would just ignore those people and focus on good story telling.

I hope the superhero bubble never bursts so I can keep enjoying people like you getting so butt blasted over it all.

Yeah, well, superhero movies ain't going anywhere. Looks like I'm gonna keep being happy and you're just gonna keep being sad. So... tough rocks, pal.

>please give me an Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld series just for reprinted comics in color

Wholeheartedly agree, it's a shame they only printed the Showcase when the coloring was one of the highlights.

This might be the most pedantic and autistic post in the history of Sup Forums. And God knows we've had some real doozys on this board.

Half those DC movie won't come out

>Been collecting comics since Ghost Rider wore white.
>am a fake fan

thanks for letting me know kid. Im glad True Believers like you are here to spell it out

>created by real filmmakers with vision

You didn't even fucking go to film school, stop pretending to be That Guy.

Boo-hoo! More people are enjoying the thing I like! Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo-hoo-hooooooooo!! Woe is meeeeeeeeee! I shall never adorn my hipster fedora again! Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!