What is the best South Park song? How the fuck are Matt and Trey such musical geniuses?
My favourite is the dreidel song.
What is the best South Park song? How the fuck are Matt and Trey such musical geniuses?
My favourite is the dreidel song.
Other urls found in this thread:
My favorite is Satan's song: youtube.com
literally an anime
>reading the English translation
>that second verse
Brilliant fucking song
who the hell is brian boitano anyway
I have a magnificent penis
And hair on my balls
Is that sound a monkey?
No! It is the ninjas!
Hey hey let's go! Get in a fight
I'll protect the things that are important to me: my balls
I am to blame, so let's fighting!
Let's fighting love!
Let's fighting love!
This song is a little stupid
It's hard to make sense of
The English is all messed up
That's okay, we do it all the time!
Hey hey let's go! Get in a fight
I'll protect the things that are important to me: my balls
I am to blame, so let's fighting!
Let's fighting love!
Let's fighting love!
I think he’s an ice-skater
I can't remember that at all. Which his strange because I'd expect I could.
It's from season 3 so it's understandable
Up there was top tier I also enjoyed the la resistance song
When does the new episode's preview come out?
Rebecca's Song
It's short, sweet, and reminds me I never had the balls to ask a girl out as a kid (or a teen)
later tonight
a new discussion will pop up on this forum before anywhere else when the description is released
I hope we get a sticky for the finale next Wednesday
Too many to choose from, but this never fails to make me smile:
this song is so cute, why is kyle such a fag now a days
The correct answer
okay so why are matt and trey so obsessed with him?
or Stevie Nicks for that matter
Pretty much anything with Cartman in it is good though.
why is his voice so good, i would literally just listen to an album from him
Early South Park contantly referenced celebrities that nobody knows about anymore now, hell they were already has-beens or short-lived back then.
satan was a flaming homo, so who was damian's mother?
maybe he was in denial for a little bit and finally accepted he likes dick
Or mpreg is real in hell.
Sounds like HEAVEN to me
this kind of shit is why you're gonna burn in hell for eternity user
Unfortunately I can't find a good video of it, but the anti bullying song gets me every fucking time
these will always be in my top three
I love that episode. Cartman singing is always the best
>I-I-I'm not crying. You're crying!
>tfw can't listen to this song in public because it's about jacking off
but its so catchy
Antisemitism is never funny. Fuck off with that song.
post phone destroyer decks and rank!
This one is funnier when you know the context lol
Craig's mom lived a life of shame and despair, everyone feared her great giant bush
Gets me every time. The bard sings it right at her
well, they might be pedophiles, but they're not JERKS
Dunno if I'd call it the best but every couple of days I'll get Mountain Town stuck in my head.
It's not the song itself, but the way the class reacts when he starts singing it that always kills me
This is pretty much my favourite South Park scene ever, let alone song
Poor Craig. Having a bard sing and insult your mom about her "bush" must be terrible. Also, why the hell is Carol so happy back there? What is she thinking as this is going on?
I liked Let's Come Together as a School and Minorities in my Waterpark. And anything by Faith + 1. Cartman has all the best songs.
>How the fuck are Matt and Trey such musical geniuses?
They just are , Book of mormon is just fantastic
I hope they do another mormon episode.
Oh man, how things change
>that tard in the background
It is nice to see a relationship go through changes and actually progress rather than stagnate. And Cartman bullying himself is fantastic.
Cartman's suffering brings me euphoria
I need cute pictures of Heidi.
I miss early-seasons Wendy
I miss early-seasons Stan
OK. Here you go
I don't really miss Wendy's early voice but I liked her better when she was less "mature"
>Bigger, Longer & Uncut didn't win an oscar for best music
She's way more adult-like with the new VA. I sort of agree in that I liked her when she acted like a kid, but she definitely still has her moments. It's hard to choose.
The Oscars are trash
I hope Heidi goes back to her old self and Cartman learns to become a somewhat better boyfriend.
Status quo has already been broken many times these last seasons, I could see this one staying
Sometimes I wanna burn the Oscars to the gwound, eh Matt?
Cartman learning that would be too weird for me. Heidi needs to come to the final realization that Cartman just isn't capable of a two-way relationship but can't help but still be in love with him.
Heidi could attempt to do something really horrible that no one can convince to stop until cartman comes out and admits his deep love for her, which reverts her back to her old self. season end.
Cartman doesn't become a better person per-say, he just doesn't try to murder her anymore. I'd rather that then him just losing her and gaining nothing, something I don't see matt and trey doing.
thatd be really cute
but mat and trey dont really do cute unless its creek
>but mat and trey dont really do cute unless its creek
Well, Kenny and butters were pretty cute with their "Hapa Noa" and all in Going Native.
But nobody in these threads cares about Kenny and Butters whatsoever, so what's the actual fucking point?
fuck off we get gay ass bunny posts all the time
I care about Kenny.
Butters is meh.
Kay'. Guess I'll just post Creek then. Since time seems that you prefer that more.
user, fix the filename next time if you really want it to be a surprise.
When does the press release for Wednesday's episode come out?
Yeah I was kind of irked watching Night of the Living Homeless because Wendy's mom sounded exactly like her.
Call Girl was my favorite party member in FBW, Phone destroyer was useful as hell in some of the later fights
in a few hours. about 9-10ish central.
post the rest of those, I finally found out how to filter you
Her voice is very cute.
Thank you. Also hello fellow CST inhabitant.
isnt that jacket cursed?
damn kenny thats a subtle way of getting her killed
Are we gonna have this conversation again?
>tfw just watched that episode
I loved Tweek during S6 and I loved Craig druing Pandemic
that episode was everything I could have hoped for and then some though in all honesty Craig's dad sort of stole the show for me, his shift from practically a full blown homophobe to an accepting father was great
>Antisemitism is never funny
>he supports the Jews
I think you took a wrong turn on your way to Tumblr
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
It will be Funny either way.
What's the most satisfying moment on this show and why is it pic related?
>not pic related
Also, they didn't censor the violence in this one
Dogpoo is husbando
yeah you're right, i forgot about that one.
that was pretty great
Take it to Sup Forums, asswipe.
That is amusing. Cartman's pain always brings a smile to my face.