Star vs a weird plan

What was the last stop on Toffee's insanity train.
>infiltrate useless goons little gang
>dispose of knock-off kappa leader wannabe
>cleave wand for magical ticket to the wondrous world of source of magic of everywhere
>corrupt magic, both wands and midget bird's mind
>use newly acquired tools to conquer and rot rival kingdom
>make british brat give me (my) middle finger to get out of goop stew
>tear off little insects wings (magic no more), legs (kingdom in shambles) and hearts (star drowns, moon grieves, river floats)
>get new army to crush whatever is left ((maybe?))

That's all. He needed revenge for long-time monster oppression.

Bumping thread.
The ultimate goal of Toffee was bringing the Butterfly Kingdom down to it's knees, paving way for some monster army to form and take/wipe out what is left. He did his part, and he was probably heading off to some secret place to watch the events that would have unfolded had he not been obliterated by Star.

Perhaps if he were to learn about Meteora's existence, his next step would be to create a ruling family of monsters that serves to replace the mewmans.
But it's hard to say since we don't know much about Toffee's motivations nor Eclipsa and Meteora's past and magical abilities.

blessing this thread with jackie

Blessing this thread with something sweet

Ludo is and always will be best villain and character

Blessing thread with him. I'm proud of him.

Yes.he is the best character.Little birb has grown


Is Meteora going to search for her parents or will she still be obsessed on taking down Marco?

Is there more to Gemini than meets the eye?

Posting best.

I think there is more to Janna than we think. Spooky weird girl who's got lockpicking at 100, come one now. She must be some kind of evil underworld demon. I bet tom's first words seeing Janna will be something like this
>Hey i know he-
he then get's interrupted by star all the time he tries to tell her that Janna is an evil super demon with a weird obsession over Marco.

Obsess over Marco, duh. Heinco is endgame

Is Meteora Marco's Ludo?

This is a monster thread
filthy mewmans get lost

Wrong thread?

Makes for good fanfic material but doesn't exactly fit with what's already established in the show.

Toffee was the better villain, Ludo was (is?) the better character

I justed watched all of season 3 last night and im pissed with questions:
what the fuck is this season?

jackie just gets written out because fuck it,

star is a fucking whore slut that is jumping dicks, then just immediately dues ex machinas a new super sayian form.

idk, all the 'plot' shit seems to make no sense, especially the toffee fight, where was she before she just able to respawn through the power of main character plot armor? What was the unicorn baby? What is the magic source dimension that she gets called to?

why didnt queen moon's cool edgy shadow spell work the second time?

why did toffee just fucking walk away from them after ressurrecting? Didnt he want revenge?

Why did no one actually make sure he is dead? hes a fucking deadpool-level healing factor that is known to be invincible. what the fuck is happening.

then there is the shit with hekapoo, and marco still likeā€¦ remembers all that shit from being an adult, which makes the entire rest of the series not make sense. the only way anything in the series works is if him going back to a kid makes him basically forget all that shit.

Why was to use stars wand?

Why is the king simultaneously a ripped super capable survivalist and warrior, while also being a useless retard?
uhhg, i hate when universes don't explain or give laws to 'magic' at all and just use it as a get out of jail free card constantly. thats why harry potter and lord of the rings are SHIT

and yes, i know im an autistic faggot for meticulously picking apart a children's show but thats basically what this board is for

>why didnt queen moon's cool edgy shadow spell work the second time?
Toffee corrupted all the magic, the spell didn't work because there was NO FUCKING MAGIC TO USE. Only the ball of pudding Glossy made for Star to resurrect her.

>Star dipped down to use the last bit of magic Glossaryck had saved to restore the rest of the magic and free herself
>unicorn baby is still unknown but may or may not play a role in controlling the magic dimension. It's definitely a plot element we'll find out later this season or the next
>Star got called to the restored magic dimension that Toffee had formerly corrupted. We'll probably find out why later but her being the one to restore the magic probably has something to do with it, if she's not literally made of magic now
>Moon's spell didn't work because almost all the magic in the universe was gone
>Toffee walked away because he'd already won + fatal overconfidence
>Eclipsa being free confirms he's dead + the characters are idiots and didn't check because of the amount of damage he'd sustained
>Marco could possibly use Star's wand because of their Blood Moon connection. We're sure to find out more later

Other stuff: like half of this season after the movie has been weak and pretty dumb, I don't give a fuck about Marco and Hekapoo

>why did toffee just fucking walk away from them after ressurrecting? Didnt he want revenge?
Why? He corrupted all magic and crushed Moon's heart. He did what he wanted, now it's time for some random monster army to destroy the remains of kingdom.

>Why did no one actually make sure he is dead? hes a fucking deadpool-level healing factor that is known to be invincible. what the fuck is happening.
No Septarian flesh in him anymore. Only weird corrupted goop that was roasted by Star. After that there was only his will moving him, and he was easily crushed by Ludo's pillar.

Reminder to have a happy Stump Day


is tom fucking thrusting into star

you son of a bitch

go home mewman gi

Extermination of Mewmans


>All having fun without jackie

>Why was to use stars wand?
Pretty sure anybody can use the wand, that's why Ludo was so desperate to steal it back in season 1.

Ludo is the best character of this show, period. I can't believe how he went from being a stereotypical joke villain who was more irritating than funny to the most compelling character in the show.

>im an autistic faggot
you just answered yourself

Who is the most overrated character?

Any human/demon

>A hero denied her lover

after season 3A i can't stand seeing star happy for a certain reason. marco has been partially redeemed for me to not wish him a brutal death anymore, but this fucking bug..

As far as i remember, there was some implication that creatures non-native to Mewni dimension can't use the wand. So it was kinda surprising, at least for me.


Jackie, I'm glad she's the only popular teen who isn't included in the main group now

But wait. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

>so much jackiebashers across the fanbase

I'm just shitposting


Reminder that Ludo's cornfield and mill are still feeding tons of monsters who wold otherwise starve. Ludo is a hero.

Should monster be allowed to integrate with Mewnian society or should monsters have their own seperate kingdom?

>without jackie
but look in the back window, user

For being waifued and obsessed over despite being totally irrelevant: any background character
For being waifued and obsessed over beyond what she deserved despite being decent for what she is: Jackie
For being obsessed over for reasons that aren't in the actual show, despite being good characters in the show: poor tragic Toffee and badass warrior queen Moon (and by extension Toffee/Moon)
For being liked at all right now: bitchboy Marco

I was impressed with him in Ludo in the Wild but when he begged Glossaryck TELL ME YOU'RE PROUD OF ME my heart fucking broke

Kill all monsters

Well done, but what was Eclipsa's tax policy?

>Eclipsa likes candy a lot
>T O F F E E

Is that enough reason to make Ludo the new Monster King?

>Why was to use stars wand?
Anyone could use a wand, you just saw a whole season of Ludo using half the wand. In the first episode Star is told not to let the wand fall in the wrong hands because it has the power to destroy the universe


Emilio killed himself after Marco's critique.
That's for the best, since Emilio was always a walking vagina.
Fuck that faggot.
Press [P] to piss on grave.

The Jackie-bashing seems to be backlash from how people kept posting that she should be a main character just because they waifu her.


Ludo's family issues just resonated better with me than Star's. In that regard, they're the complete opposite and I love that.
Moon is an overbearing mother while Ludo has been neglected his entire life. Moon wants the best for Star and tries to push her to be a better queen, while Brudo is downright abusive in his attempt to toughen up Ludo for no other reason than him being a runt.
Also, Star and Ludo's relationship seems to go way back and have more context than we know of; I wouldn't mind seeing a flashback to explain how they met.
What I really want to see is Ludo and Star sharing an episode together because through all the disgust and hate they have for each other they're pretty similar.

>she should be a main character
What? People just wanted her back in the story.

Been there since March, and the only time i've seen some positivity for Jackie was right after Sophomore Slump. Earlier there were only bashing and autistic falseflagging.

Im certain when Buff Frog is brought up again by Star he's going to tell her he doesnt want to live with Mewmans.

What did Brudo do again to Ludo? I only remember Ludo telling Glossaryck his dad taught him absolutely nothing because he was just 1 out of 50 eggs.

Separate kingdom in good terms with Butterflies would be great.

Tried to toughen him up just because he's a runt. I guess he used a lot of emotional abuse on him thinking it would be good for him and instigated his brothers to do the same. Ludo, of course, didn't understand what did he mean by this. It's kinda hard for some people to learn something from someone when that someone spills negativity on you.
Maybe it was even something like
>hey, can you do X for me?
>no, i won't do this for you, you stupid runt, do it by yourself
>but i can't
>then learn it but by yourself


I've never been into waifuism and never even watched anime except for the saturday morning musts like Pokemon, but don't talk shit about my waifu.

Delte this rite now fuckko

>says she's overrated
>posts one of the most beautiful arts of her

What is the name of the fetish where the woman is old but she dresses young and pulls off looking young even though she's not?

I don't know, but I have it with my supervisor.

She says adult clothing doesn't fit her.
She's very tiny

So does anybody ACTUALLY deny that season 3 has been a complete clusterfuck?

Well she is pretty cute and no mortal being can be this cute

I liked it.

In Battle for Mewni why didnt Moon just use scissors to teleport to the shrine? Scissors are the most OP plot ruining device with no downside and everyone seems to have them. Even Bufffrog has a pair. You could delete 1/4 of this show if people actually used their scissors to their full potential

This is sad
I hope its copypasta


Magic barrier.

Have we ever seen the scissors used to teleport within the same dimension?

What do you think of Queen Marco?

I mean, it certainly had a lot of problems. But almost every episode moved the plot along and there were only one or two really garbage episodes.

Thats what Marco did in RWS

Love it.


I expected trap marco
Im not disapoint

The problem is that it mostly moved the plot along in ways that didn't make any sense. The only things I found actually good were Eclipsa and the Meteora reveal. It never fully recovered from the inexplicable decision to hit a reset button on Star and Marco's friendship, which is the fucking core of the entire show.

Give her the DICK.

This post is dedicated to Meteora the Beautiful of the House Buttefly, the first of Her Name, Rightful Queen of the Butterflys, the Monsters and the MewMen, Lord of the Mewni Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

Racing with Scissors.

Shrine is a magical sacred place for Butterfly queens so maybe they're disabled there like magic is in some areas. Without the "guardian" the place would be underwater after all, so it's kind of hidden already. Don't remember exactly how Star got there on her own.

The real scissors issue is the fact that if Toffee had had them at the end of the movie, he would've totally lived.


running with scissors

If she was still young and hot, I'd be fine with that.

Postal 2

You could argue that that was a special case, considering that those were Hekapoo's scissors.

To go somewhere with scissors you have to know or at least have an idea of the where but first you have to either
a)be of a royal and important enough family
b)earn them by whatever hekapoo considers worthy enough so you are somewhat capable.
Granted i'm also not sure why they didn't teleport to the sanctuary but maybe it's because since magic was compromised moon tought that Toffee would have been able to track them

I forgot that Marco was already dating Jackie at this point

The writers selectively forget about dimensional scissors all the fucking time.

Didnt Ponyhead steal those in a bathroom at the bounce lounge?