Just finished this, now what?

Just finished this, now what?

now you scream

Drink heavily and read countdown.

Alternatively, read a summary of countdown then read Seven Soldiers and Final Crisis.

Also read Booster Gold.

comics kino

... I dunno, post pics of hot soldier women? The fuck kind of idiot asks for advice on what to do after reading a comic book? I swear, this fuckin' website.

>read a summary of countdown then read Seven Soldiers and Final Crisis.
OP, right there.

He's asking what to read next you fucking dumb idiot.

Which is the one where Starfire is the Baker's live-in nanny? Or the one where Teth-Adam has a cream egg milkshake? Does anything pick up on the story of Ralph Dibny or is he really dead?

Read a summary of countdown.

Read Booster Gold

Whatever you want. Maybe a lesser known title.

Damn, all that stuff is in Countdown? Disappointing.

The cream egg thing was in Black Adam:The Dark Age

The point stands. If you need to ask what to read next, you're a fuckin' idiot who clearly doesn't know how to google shit. Fuck off.

Awesome, thank you.

The Dibny ghosts showed up briefly in Reign in Hell and that's it. Don't read it.

Damn. This was the first thing I'd ever read with Ralph and I grew to like him quite a bit. Has he been in N52/Rebirth at all?

>ask google goy
>listen to all the shills on what to do goy

I think he was in Secret Six, but I haven't read it at all.

Read it again.

>LOLJEWS! I'M RACIST AND EDGY-Am I cool yet, guys?
Grow the fuck up, you retarded cunt. If you need your opinion on comics fed to you, you don't deserve to read anything in the first place.

The Geoff Johns run on Booster Gold is a direct sequel to this. Morrison's Batman run picks up the Nanda Parbat/Thogal threads. Greg Rucka's "Crime Bible/The Question/Five Books of Blood" and Batwoman run pick up the Renee/Batwoman stories. Rucka's Checkmate run doesn't directly tie in with much of this, but it's also a very good post-Infinite Crisis era book, as well as Morrison's Seven Soldiers and Final Crisis because they're great.

Skip Countdown, just read a synopsis somewhere before you read FC. Pretty much all you need to know is that Earth-51 gets blown up.

Booster Gold picks up where it left off.
Blue Beetle starts up too which is also amazing.

There is a 52 aftermath where the four horsemen come back. It's okay nothing great.

Countdown to Final Crisis is said to be super bad so I never read it.

No, Ghost Ralph sadly hasn't appeared again, but go back and read JLI/JLE, he's great in that. Surprisingly the most mature of that goofy lot.

>Does anything pick up on the story of Ralph Dibny or is he really dead?
He is dead, his story-line is largely ignored and both Neron and Faust escaped from the Tower of Faith with absolutely no explanation making Ralph Dibny sacrifice completely meaningless.

>Faust escaped with no explanation

Read Black Adam: The dark age

You read World War III and Four Horsemen already?

After that read Justice Society of America #23-26 if you wanna see what happens next with Black Adam