>There was a time period before Hanna Barbara where this was allowed and cartoons were considered for adults
What do you think western cartoons would be like today if that was still the case? Would we have gotten our own hentai industry?
There was a time period before Hanna Barbara where this was allowed and cartoons were considered for adults
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Probably not. I am aware of at least 2 animated shorts from the 1920s that have explicit nudity/sex though.
there also was a time after HB and also France exists
possibly, at least the disney mindset wouldn't exist or be as prevelant.
>Using Private Snafu for your argument
You're an idiot
Cartoons like this one wouldn't have to be tailored to kids and you would see lots of violence and blood like in the original movie.
Why? Because it's about WW2?
“You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway.” - Walt Disney.
the 50s were bullshit all around
the music sucked
the movies sucked
the cartoons sucked
the comics sucked
It was made by the Army for soldiers. They have shorts about avoiding stds and disarming bombs
Private SNAFU was never shown to the public, where it definitely would not have passed in a time when the Hayes Code was in effect (it's part of why they're so crazy in the first place, since it gave WBs animators a place to do stuff they couldn't normally do). The only reason Snafu is available to the public today is because the US government declassified them. For that reason, citing Snafu for the OPs argument falls flat.
Because it was intended for US servicemen only.
And American cartoons only got worse from then on, until the 80s or 90s (depending who you ask).
You must be joking if you believe this is a counter to the OP point. Having a animated short series that was commissioned by the US government for the military only reinforces the fact that animation is intended for all audiences. This series aside, it was primarily adults during the great depression, ww2, etc, watching comedies and animation, not children.
Most animation keeps adults in mind because they are the ones paying for it and watching it with their kids
>You must be joking if you believe this is a counter to the OP point. Having a animated short series that was commissioned by the US government for the military only reinforces the fact that animation is intended for all audiences. This series aside, it was primarily adults during the great depression, ww2, etc, watching comedies and animation, not children.
It doesn't, because OP is talking about the general public. These kinds of cartoons would not have gotten past the Hayes Code.
If anything, there are cartoons nowadays that get WAY more violent and sexual.
>tfw no Koichi Ohata Robocop OVA
Who here wouldn't watch Disney made porn?
If only we could take the tech and art of today and go back in time before all the degeneracy and segregation happened. Better times, hopefully they will come again.
I would bump you if you know what I meme
t. soyboy
>Not posting the early semen demons
T. Woman, Soyboy, or Black dude
Yet modern cartoons are seen as a childrens thing.
You are placing the blame on the wrong people. HB certainly contributed the problem and are one of the sources of it, the other being the Hayes Code, but the real trouble came with the marketability of the saturday morning cartoon. Marking animated shows to sell to specific demographics caused the shift not only towards gender specific shows, but the attitude of animation being for children. Thankfully, due in part to anime and "adult animation", this attitude is changing.
As for the alternate history version of things it is kind of difficult to tell. One of the reasons Japan has such a robust market is due to Japanese animators being paid like dogshit throughout the 70's and 80's. The, relatively, low cost of production coupled with an economic boom allowed the industry to flourish. I think the industry would be pretty similar to what we have today, in part due to the fact that American media tends towards monopolization. We would have probably gotten a niche "hentai" industry and probably would have seen more hyper-violent stuff, but I doubt it would be mainstream in any way.
And can you honestly blame them? Most of the showrunners behind these cartoons act like the audience they're catering to.