so, guys. Is it worth? I would like to buy this colection but after the jungle movie and the possitibily to us get another season, maybe they will release another colection; So, what do you think?
So, guys. Is it worth...
To me the show was never all that great.
Now a Jim Button collection, I would totally buy that.
Don't wait, just buy, dumb fuck.
>Jim Button
I liked the official ship, and found the dragon antagonist cute POST-transformation.
FACT: Futurama came back after cancellation because DVD sales were so high. FACT.
You want another Hey Arnold season, especially now that they have all the character models digitally animated, now is the time to support it.
>You want another Hey Arnold season
I don't.
What do you think about the show? Is it ok, great, excelent? give me a note ?/5
Do it. If there's enough interest, no matter where it comes from, there's more likelihood of a season 6 being made.
>You want another Hey Arnold season
It went on long enough.
why? I would love to see. I didn't watch the movie yet but i think it will not be enough. because of that I want another season.
Buy it and show the people at Nick we want more complete series box sets.
>16 motherfucking DVDs
Jesus Christ. At that point I honestly don't care about not technically owning my shit anymore, digital is the future.
Simpsons and South Park say hi
>16 disks take a lot of space
I wonder if you ever will become a parent.
Go for it, user. I own the DVDs and it look good on my shelf of "Favourites from the Past". If you truly liked the series, purchase the physical. If not, then go for digital.
All the physicals I own are because they were my favourites. Otherwise, I torrent the ones that weren't and didn't want to spend money on.
So, the box contains the same DVDs as the individual seasons releases?
>that Helga
Never seen that artwork before.
Fuck reboots. Hey Arnold got the ending it never had and there is no reason to not end with that.
Reminder that if you want to maybe help get another season then you can buy the Jungle Movie on itunes, it's literally only $4.99 for HD.
Believe so.
Waiting on physical.
Good, that means my season 1 was not a wasted purchase.
Does it really need another season? why can't it end on the movie?
guys, buy it!
It's around 20 bucks and it's got everything in pretty good quality besides the movie.
I'm doing my marathon on it now, no special features but its a good release. Only the specials are out of order so use the Hey Arnold wiki as a guide.
I'd say go for it user. Bluray is not a forseeable future thing and worst case scenario you're out the cost of 1-2 meals.
It's pretty common I think. Might be on a book. She looks really cute.
>Craig Barlett delievers
>fans get hype for the new season
>everyone on standby at their couches
>black screen appear
>theme song start playing
It's the plan Helga television series he had pitched long time ago.
I want this to happen.
I do want another season, but only because the creator, Craig Bartlett, as well as his cast and crew, would love to continue it
Fuck that. Hey Daria! Would have only worked back in the day. It would suck now. Gimmie 15 episodes of the Parents getting to know Arnold, dates and cute stuff with Arnold and Helga and various adventures.
Damn! a lot of pirates died in the movie... I'm surprised!
I already DVR'd it.
because, sincerely, a jungle movie doesn't fit with "hey, Arnold". Arnold is about the worldly life, the block, the neighborhood, life from the point of view of children who often succeed in being more mature than adults. The show always made me believe that it was about this and not about a megalomaniac adventure
Me too. I'm a man but it's time to a girl protagonist. it's now!
You might be waiting a while, plus even if it does get one it's likely only going to be dvd.
Buying. Thanks for letting me know how to support it.
I saw a pack of Seasons 1-10 of Southpark at a thrift shop yesterday for $10, and as much as I considered it, the fact that there are another 11+ seasons of it to add on to that just made me decide against it. Just too cumbersome.
Thanks user. I didn't have any way of actually paying for the movie and I felt bad. After waiting for so long 5 dollars is literally fuck all - and i'm normally a piratefag.
Ah. Never mind. The catch is that apparently it isn't available outside of the U.S. What a retarded system. It's like they don't want my cash.
>another season
It ended. It was good. Let it go.
Bought this shit. I hope you guys do, too. I'm only sad that it seems to be Amazon exclusive because I'd rather buy at Target.
It's like $20 for 100 episodes. That sounds like a great deal to me.
Problem with digital is that you don’t actually own it, the store can go down or your DRM rights stripped away or your hard drive can crash at any time and that’s that.
As long as you don’t have kids that’ll scratch em up or some catastrophic accident happens to your possessions (which I would think is a lot rarer that a hard drive crash) your DVDs are good forever.
That being said, I just watch Hey Arnold on Hulu.. I do already pay for it after all. Once it inevitably leaves that service I’ll probably buy the discs.
They ended everything perfectly, making another season would just tarnish the movie.
SpongeBob is still going on though
Do you realize The Simpsons is still going on?
Scooby-Doo franchise is still going on though
>Let it go
Let me guess. You like Frozen?
But there's some old franchises still going on to this day (Simpsons anyone?)
DVDs aren't good forever, though. There's rot that'll set in just like with any other piece of digital storage, and unless you routinely watch or clean the discs or keep them in an airtight environment, there'll be dust build up that'll fuck up the disc's ability to be read and create small scratches on the surface.
You want storage that lasts forever, you want punch cards.
Why are you forcing people to let things go? You don't know them
Do you realize that nobody on here knows you?
You can't tell me what to do. You're not part of my family or anything
Fuck off SJW
And all of these franchises (barring maybe Scooby Doo) have gone on long enough to decline in quality.
Some things you just never let go of. Like your childhood
If Sup Forums could meme trump into presidency I'm sure Sup Forums could meme another season of Hey Arnold if you try hard enough. Or at least a season of a Helga's show.
i want "the patakis" to happen
Whether or not optical media rots is dependent on the original manufacturing quality and adhesives used in the process - either a disc is going to rot quickly (within 20ish years) or it won’t until the plastic breaks down, which is supposed to take over a century.
>unless you routinely watch or clean the discs or keep them in an airtight environment, there'll be dust build up that'll fuck up the disc's ability to be read and create small scratches on the surface.
I don’t buy this. I really doubt enough dust can get in to a closed plastic keepcase that’s inside of another carboard slipcover to fuck it up within my lifetime, and how could dust get INSIDE OF the disc? And if it’s on the outside you can just wipe it off.. additionally small surface scratches tend not to adversly effect DVD playback in the first place, drive error correction is a thing. I’ve had severly damaged discs (far beyond anything that could concievably be caused by dust, like someone took sandpaper to them) that still worked perfectly. And I live in a brand new house so there’s not much dust to speak of anyway.
I’d say vinyl is also a relatively permanent medium. Those via static electricity DO naturally attract dust and thus the surface noise will increase with time but you can prevent it somewhat with sealed plastic slipcovers and clean them also, and the big thing is that you can play them back with very simple mechanics compared to any digital or tape medium, so after society collapses and we’re stuck with a bunch of scrap we’ll still be able to play them with a sewing needle and a paper cup.
Hey, this post.