Is it really as bad as Sup Forums says it is?
Is it really as bad as Sup Forums says it is?
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No. It's a okay show.
>Fallout New vegas references
No it's good
>NV references
For real?
no its a mediocre kids cartoon, people only hate on it because it dominates the CN schedule and its NOT MUH Titans
It's better than Teen Titans for sure.
Not a high bar, I know.
It was garbage in the earlier seasons when it was lolsorandum XD screaming with Teen Titans characters. Later on when it got self aware and mostly dealt with satire/parody it got watchable
>Robin says Beast boy ass tattoo looks like Two bears high-fiving
Also this
Pretty much, when cartoons get more aware on the shit that 's going on. Shit gets good.
It's worse.
It's one of those things that would've been better as it's own thing rather than attempting to be a reboot. It's not Teen Titans, but on it's own, it can be funny sometimes.
No because it is meant for Kids you fucking retards. Get out of your room once and awhile.
Its a good show when nothings on but please consider the following:
Look at the schedule just look at it. Even if this cartoon was good as say mozarts music no one can watch it for 2 hrs without getting a little bored. But CN is playing it for 12hrs+
Your new favorite show!
Schedulefags won't have to deal with this any longer considering the show is ending soon.
its clever but Sup Forums really liked the show it was based off of
It never made me laugh so its bad
I like it. It gets some chuckles out of me
>Wonder women
Stop. This is supposed to be. Kid's show
>lolsorandum XD
Stop bitching about this. Sup Forums hasn't been relevant in years. If you don't stop complaining about this then I will personally end you. I have my ways.
That looks more like a MST3K reference, newfag.
Yes, and it somewhat baffles me that anyone over the age of 12 would find this funny or entertaining. I have no doubt in my mind that this piece of shit would have been dead on arrival if it had nothing to do with Teen Titans but still had the same humor and writing.
Is that semen?
You know that the Encyclopedia Dramatica Facebook group loves this show because it isn't corrupted by the Jew, right?
It's the best cartoon right now
Remember how Teen Titans never showed Batman and how he was this mysterious figure Robin rarely mentions and how big of an impact just some music cues and fluttering of bats was?
Sup Forums has a thing for terrible shit with zero production values. If anything, it's much worse than Sup Forums says it is.
I like him better this way
Wasn't it an exec choice to not show Batman in TT2003?
Jesus christ lol
I really appreciate how they left WW for last. It's like they knew that was what you were waiting.
All Beastboy and most Robin-centric episodes are insufferable. Starfire is always great, Cyborg sometimes, Raven sometimes.
I have not seen all the episodes. I tried watching it sequentially during s1, but I eventually stopped.
Kids don't like subtlety, they wanna see batman straight forward.
The show is a giant piece of shit. And yet you're still absolutely right.
I think the first beast boy raven episode is ok. The shitting on aqualad is always hilarious.
In hindsight I kinda liked that they didnt show or directly mention batman. Shows that Robin wanted to be his own man that doesnt have to ride on Bat's image
I was intending what i said towards kids today with TTG, they don't care for those type of scenes, and the people who write these shows know this.
Voice actors have no shame.
Not really. It is alright. People just don't like how often it runs on CN.
It's fucking awful
Especially Beast Boy
This is why I justify digital piracy
Meta as fuck.
Wish to have seen more of them. But overall, I still enjoyed the two-parter.
Its a literal kids show meant to make children laugh, why do you expect to find lore or plot in it at all?
I hate it because it prevents diversity of cartoons in CN but I dont really hate the actual show.
No, It's leagues better than the original
remember how the original TT was boring as shit?
It's easy to hate, but also easy to love. Definitely agree that it was worse in the beginning. To me, the "meta" nature of the show isn't exactly what makes it good; rather, it's that it's aware of the trope common to kids shows and tries to subvert them directly.
So, for instance, a running gag is that the writers are much more interested in giving real, time-tested life advice ("consider investing in real estate" and "think hard about your college major and the type of school you go to") as opposed to the basic children's show morals ("friendship/teamwork is important").
It's worse
I think it's great that they turned raven into an aloof memelord with a heart of gold instead of the insufferable edgelord that she was in the original TT.
Also her artstyle is wonderful.
by far the strongest character.
I still don't know why I watch it. The only enjoyable episodes are the ones that basically make fun of itself, or the ones that have a art style change.
Memelords are always more insufferable, she had a reason to be what she was in the original TT cartoon
Yeah but you seen to be forgetting that the original cartoon was almost unwatchable, and just because she had a reason to act like a goth primadonna doesn't make it fun to watch. TTG Raven was only there to pander to rebellious goth kids.
New raven is 100x better
What a garbage opinion.
t. butthurt
>he liked his goth primadonna
Get that shit taste checked up.
I would >imply that you like lolrandom memelord but that's every single characters in GO! with the same exact personality.
No milk.
Does anyone have the edit of animated Tara Strong with the crows' feet and big jugs?
If you ignore how Cartoon Network spams the show like there's no tomorrow, it's really not that bad. The overexposure is what pisses people off about it. I genuinely think that a lot less people would hate this show if CN didn't fucking air it so much and stopped neglecting its other shows in favor of this one.
this just proves that the show is a giant shitpost on behalf of CN.
Funny that one try wasn't enough and they had to make more episodes of taking a jab at people who complained. How desperate.
it goes to show how autistic the average Sup Forums user.
>Voice actors of the Teen Titans kicked the Teen Titans out of WB animation.
Khary Payton will always be cyborg for me and cyborg's best appearance was in the teen titans zone flash.
wasn't into the other show but the eps I saw of this were pretty lame
The show is okay. I like 2003 Teen Titans more but this show isn't too bad (some say vice versa). It has its funny moments and its irritating moments. The show plays too much on Cartoon Network. That's probably the overall consensus of what Sup Forums thinks of the show.
Yeah, it's low-effort unfunny garbage. The only reason there's a sudden rise of people liking it on this board is because the waifufags got their minuscule dicks hard to the TTG incarnation of Wonder Woman.
>oh wow this show is garbage, the comedy is seriously horrendous.
>w-wait, did they shoehorn a reference to a popular video game that I like?
Consider lobotomy.
>any show
I don't like shoehorns everything
Those are some rad mental gymnastics, man.
Not really, if anything it shows how insecure the writers are about their own show. Anyone that puts that much time and effort on something they hate means that they're trying to compensate. Spending several episodes building up strawman to tear down shows that there actually is truth to the criticism and they can't handle that.
Take a look at Batman BaTB, for comparison. That show received far more backlash and criticism when it came out than what TTGO gets now. But it only has one scene in the entire show that addresses the criticism, and it's nowhere near as hostile. It was just saying "look, we hear the complaints, but we're trying to do our own thing here. If you don't like it, fine, but the version you like isn't going anywhere", only to carry on with the rest if the show.
TTGO is just actively malicious. It doesn't just insult fans of the original show, it straight up belittles anyone who dares to like cartoons if they aren't the most brain-damaged child imaginable. Being so petty as to attacked people that long since stopped caring when it isn't being shoved down everyone's throats by the network is just sad.
>It doesn't just insult fans of the original show, it straight up belittles anyone who dares to like cartoons if they aren't the most brain-damaged child imaginable. Being so petty as to attacked people that long since stopped caring when it isn't being shoved down everyone's throats by the network is just sad.
I mean if you don't like how they make little rabbit punches at the old show, thats fine, but dude come on. I think you're making it sound a lot worse than it actually is.
>Spending several episodes
More like a couple of episodes and a few extra jokes and jabs here and there in a few more out of two fucking hundred.
Stop blowing shit out of proportion.
and she got hit with the most and more than once
It's worse
>"References are so funny ahah xd"
Did you not see Return of Slade where they practically spell that shitty moral out for you?
How does disprove any of what I said, you just said exactly what I did.
You're implying they're spending a lot of time and effort doing it when they really aren't, and you're making a big case about it when it's fucking puny compared to the rest of the show.
Yes I have,many times since it shows up on tv a lot and I still don't see it.
If you're talking about Cyborg and BB liking clowns when they are too old for that, I consider that a separate thing entirely. It's only problem is being that it came after a very light jab at how long the original took to defeat Slade.
bad timing i guess you can call it. You make it sound like they turned toward the camera and said,"IF YOU LIKED THE ORIGINAL AND CARTOONS IN GENERAL, YOU SUCK."
its on way to fucking much
>he doesn't just watch his shit online
look at this guy
I do.
If it weren't for these threads I wouldn't know this show still exists.
I like it solely for the fact that it pisses off autists on Sup Forums and youtube
I don't care for it but holy fuck the people against it make me want to slit my wrists
Do it.
Why can't we have daily threads about how FIM S1 went to shit starting with S2-S7?
>flies magically appear
Its just mindless fun that people hate because muh nostalgia
You're totally misunderstanding where the writers are coming from.
They are making jabs at the vocal manchildren who criticize the show for not living up to their expectations, when in reality the show was never meant for them in the first place. Like Raven said, it is for KIDS, and you should accept that it's not for you and move on.
>Something becomes extremely popular
>"It's complete trash guys!"
>Something becomes unpopular
>"Have we misjudged this?"
Stop this now, Sup Forums.
>muh contrarian meme
You stop this. You're becoming the same people you're whining about.
They weren't allowed to use or namedrop him. They didn't really want to anyway.
How new are you? This place hates any and all references, he was sarcastic.