Stark must have really left an impression on Thor over the years

Stark must have really left an impression on Thor over the years.

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It’s a really nice subtle bit of character development. Hanging out with the Avengers all the time turned him from a stick in the mud into a dudebro.


Thor was always a dudebro.
He just used more flowery language. Hell, the first movie is about him becoming LESS immature.
Ragnarok mostly just doubled down on the casual dialogue and let Hemsworth do more with his natural charm.

he likely spent a good several years on Earth, all the while dating Jane, and socializing with people like Darcy, eventually picking up their mannerism, never mind the more easy going lifestyle he led working with the Avengers (save for those 2 times the world was at stake) being somewhat a celebrity, compared to the constant drama at home & balancing to keep the peace in all nine realms while trying to keep his image as a "god".

So thor’s less of a dudebro but more of a cool chad?

Fuck Stark, it was Daryl that taught him how to chill out.

so he fucked Darcy. That explains why he acts like her and why Jane is gone.

he literally talks in an australian accent? where the fuck did he pick that up

She's superior to Jane in everyway anyways.

Australia, duh.

>asgardians are more lethal than humans
>almost everything on Australia can kill you.
>both Asgard and Australia start with the letter "A"
Asgard = Australia.

>subtle bit of character development.
No, that's falled flanderization.

That's really not what that is. Flanderization is a character becoming more like his distinguishing traits, to the point of caricature, like Flanders becoming more of a religious stick-in-the-mud. A flanderized Thor would be him getting more grandiose and stuck-up, not less.

Who wrote/directed those anyway?

Those are comic thor Traits not MCU, Thor did not pass thought development to explain those changes at all.

Taika Waititi

>Those are comic thor Traits not MCU
Relative to the rest of the MCU, yes they are.
>Thor did not pass thought development to explain those changes at all.
He kinda did. Either way nothing to do with flanderization. If you're going to use tvtropes buzzwords at least use them right.

Wait I think your argument doesn't make sense. If you think Thor wasn't stuck up then how is him not being stuck-up in need of character development to justify it?

Yeah they felt that way.

No they aren't, they are a very minor trait in this version of MCU thor.
>He kinda did.
No he didn't, in fact this change of personality contradict his development and story progression, he was supposed to get more serious though the movies learning about humility, responsability and losses, learning how to be more mature and a good leader, yet he get more and more goofy, that's flanderization.

Thought Ragnarok was a ton of fun, but honestly, everyone just being a variation of Tony is getting tiresome.

>they are a very minor trait in this version of MCU thor.
They still distinguish him from other characters more than "I make jokes", which is literally every character in this universe other than Malekith and Ronan.

>he get more and more goofy, that's flanderization.
No, because being goofy was never his distinguishing trait. And someone becoming more like he (allegedly) is doesn't require development, you can't have your cake and eat it too on that argument.

Reminder that the director said outright he was ignoring the previous Thor movies. Thor progressively chilling out makes sense in the context of the Avengers movies, but I agree that it contradicts what the previous solo Thor movies were trying to do. Ironically the Thor movies were on a steady road of flanderizing the "noble pseudo-shakespearian warrior" aspect of Thor.

But he was never a stick in the mud.
Hell he was banished to Earth to LEARN humility.
They just decided they wanted the funny so they kept him as a dudebro.

Space Australia

No, to be honest it's just Marvel realizing they can write movies, see anything that even remotely resembles comics, claim it was an inspiration and shill that specific moment like LOOK GUYS JUST LIKE IN THE COMICS while also have nothing to do with the comics.

And it works, I think movies need to do more of their own things and less with the comics, maybe you faggots will finally go back to Sup Forums with your movies.

Sebaceans also have an aussie accent, what's the problem with that?

That’s not Flanderization, retard.

Dudebros can be humble. He was a douchebag dudebro at first but now he’s a bro dudebro. And have you watched Avengers recently? I watched both movies and he was one of the more serious characters.