What went right?

What went right?


We wouldn’t have gotten Suicide Squad without it.
Also, Soule’s Red Lanterns was GOAT

A couple of titles that ended up good, most of which were probably planned before the New 52
But every single continuity change was for the worse

And the worst part is it literally cannot be fixed unless they fully restore pre-Flashpoint, which they never will. They've brought back characters like Steph and Cass Cain, but they don't have their history anymore, which is what people loved about the characters. There's Tim Drake and Wally, but still without any of the history.
It all feels so hollow now, and while the books have continued to get better, it'll never be the same as it was.

Batman, Aquaman, Animal Man, Dial H, Wonder Woman, Demon Knights, Swamp Thing, and plenty of series that were acceptable adventure stories even if they didn't do anything spectacularly mindblowing.

I liked Dial H.
Aside from that its more like the new shitty poo.

Supergirl was good

Most titles planned before new 52/reboot happened were fine, like Flash, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman. And then the titles that didn't get caught up in crossover and event bullshit like Demon Knights and Dial H were good.

Nothing that couldn't have been done in the old continuity.

What did you think about the H'El event? Worth reading? Worth reminising about? Worhtbowning the trades for?

Demon Knights and Red Lanterns

Demon Knights
Dial H
Swamp Thing and Animal Man minus Rotworld
All Star Western

Forever Evil.

They'll do another hard reboot in a while. Just give it time, DC always does this.

The last full on hard reboot was in 1956 with the introduction of the silver age heroes. There was a gap of 25 years between COIE and Flashpoint.

I don't think they'll do another massive reboot for a really long time, because even though New 52 was a big success, so was Rebirth. So doing a major relaunch with a continuity cleanup every ~5 years will probably be the strategy going forward.

Ehhhh H'El was overall underwhelming for me. Interesting in how they offed Kon El in that though

Demon knight and Aquaman

Swamp Thing and Animal Man were GOAT

Names of stories that were well done:
Court of the Owls
Night of the Owls
Superman and the Men of Steel
A lot went right in the nu52. Sift through the first volumes and you'll find winners other than Teen Titans and Deathstroke.

Swamp Thing and Animal Man before Rotworld
Part of Batman
All-Star Western

I literally came into the thread to post this and then thought of Animal Man and Dial H. All great shit

Dial H

>Soule’s Red Lanterns
This. Turned me GAR for Gardner

Almost nothing. I hated nearly everything in Nu52 and the few runs that were okay could have easily been done without the cancerous reboot that they're still trying to surreptitiously get rid of.

Rebirth not living up.

just mentioning some other p. good series:

The Shade
DC Universe Presents with Black Lightning and Blue Devil
I liked Voodoo but probably only because it was the only Wildstorm revival which didn't completely shit on the character

Morrison'action comics

> Rags Morales

Was mediocre

Dial H
Sword of Sorcery
Swamp Thing

I prefer those to any Rebirth series.

The entire magicverse leading into Forever Evil

I've seen this shit so much and I never understand it. They do a reboot every 30 years basically and they even partially retconned this one.

Almost nothing, new 52 was shit.

There were some weird, unique, niche series like Dial H, All Star Western, and Demon Knights. That's the kind of stuff Rebirth is really missing imo, but we seem to be heading back towards getting more of it with things like The Terrifics now that we've settled Rebirth's whole back to basics thing.

I liked the leatherface Joker even though it was the eptiome of edgelord Joker. The horror imagery was cool though.

>We wouldn’t have gotten Suicide Squad without it.
and that's a good thing because...?

Came to post this, Flash and Booster Gold were okay as well.