>Samurai Jack
>revived for proper ending
>Hey Arnold
>revived for proper ending
who's next? Spectacular Spider-man?
>Samurai Jack
>revived for proper ending
>Hey Arnold
>revived for proper ending
who's next? Spectacular Spider-man?
Other urls found in this thread:
Spider-Man TAS please
Young justice
emh. fuck avengers assemble.
Spectacular Spider-Man is tied up in rights issues, so that's probably never coming back.
Does anything need closure like Sam Jack or Hey Arnold did?
Maybe Rugrats as adults
Proper ending? You mean a rushed pos that didn't satisfy anyone and was utterly pointless?
I liked getting an ending as opposed to no ending.
I heard Invader Zim is getting a movie.
Cry more faggot
No thanks, both of those were garbage
Plus Rocko.
just like you
Jungle Movie satisfied a lot of people and accomplished what it set out to do.
Teen titans season 6
Teen Titans had a movie.
I don't, I at least could imagine it ending properly. Bringing it back just for ratings rather than giving it a good ending is pointless
Just watch go.
Just kill yourself.
Swat Kats.
They're working on it. SLOWLY, but they are.
>Samurai Jack
>proper ending
I mean, it might have been pretty shit but at least it ended with the big bad being slain.
>Samurai Jack
>"proper" ending
You're seriously braindead if you think that ending was any good.
Teen Titans had an otherwise proper ending with "Titans Together". "Things Change" was just renewal bait
we really didn't need more of the show, except maybe a Starfire centered arc
Pirates of Dark Water.
Seriously, I wouldn't even mind if it was a cheesy live-action remake. I just want to know what happens.
My name is earl
Now that Disney bought Marvel and Spiderman rights, I don't think Spectacular can be revived.
That was the reason the show was canceled in the first place. It was cheaper for Marvel to just make their own show than to work with Sony to continue that incarnation.
I found the fanfic imbecile
That art is just something the show's artist did for fun. He even confirmed that they didn't have rights to use a few of the characters featured in it.
>Samurai Jack
>proper ending
While I agree that he did accomplish his mission, season 5 was a shitshow. Too much time dedicated to Ashi (who had a lot of time dedicated to her) who committed sudoku at the end, and there was no real reason for Jack to return to the past, as they clearly shown that his work already made world a better place.
>samurai jack
>proper ending
fuck off genndy
Zim is kanker
>spectacular Spider-Man.
Never, because Spider-Man had like 4?5? I don't known how many shows, why revive and ending it, if the studio just reboot the whole thing?
What happens when Eustace and Muriel die?
They don't courage parents get off the moon and they all live happily ever after.
Zim and Rocko are being brought back
It just fucking stopped.
Sweet I like joe Murray work
Yeah no that shit can stay ded
I wanted her to make up with black fire so bad, it hurts,
A total off-chance, I hope it's fucking Motorcity. Symbionic Titan is an option too, but it'd take too long, I think, so might not be worth the investment.
My guess is we will see some newer follow up to Dexter's Lab by 2019.
>proper ending
>added a bunch of questionable bullshit that had no time to play out
>multiple hard-to-watch moments (mostly on account of Genndy thinking it a good idea to act out his 13yo self's action gf fantasies in a public production)
>really poorly thought-out ending (going with a single self-correcting timeline for cheap Ashi paradox death drama inadvertently confirms every relevant character other than Jack and his parents have been erased from existence as well, when they could've just gone with a divergent reality ending and killed future Aku and past Aku on separate timelines)
yeah I dunno about that one
It was done better in Gurren Lagann. TTGL was an enjoyable anime that didn't deserve to be ripped off so badly, and Samurai Jack was too great a cartoon to deserve such a copy-pasted ending either.
There is G.T.'s triste with anime references in stuff for years, but this one felt like it was crossing a line into the blatantly uninspired.
Green Lantern TAS
Teen Titans was not a story-based show, however, aside from a few episodes each season that formed one arc apiece. I just wish there was more of the show itself, not that it had a "proper" ending.