Who is this Rosharch?
Doomsday Clock speculation thread 2
Probably the guy who stole the journal from Seymour.
>Virgin Rorblack
>Chad Rorschach
A possible homosexual
I haven't read this yet, but I'm digging kitten Bubastis II pretty hard from this pic
Remember that psychic that the Squid’s brain was cloned from? What if, there was a second clone, this time human body, and the psychic, was black?
Tales of the Black Freighter kid.
>>Virgin Rorblack
>>Chad Rorschach
The Virgin Chad v. The Chad Virgin
have you guys never read anything by Johns before? it's obviously the kid of original R's therapist
>Compromises and works with a possible homosexual
>Doesn't compromise, not even in the face of armageddon
>Favorite meal seems to be pancakes
>Beans for days
>Stays on the fence political
>Has strong moral convictions that tie into his political beliefs.
My bad wrong image.This kid.
Is it wrong that I kind of want there to turn out to be be MULTIPLE Rorschach and that black Rorschach is just one of many that are running around the world doing Adrian's dirty work?
Would also explain the line about people thinking Rorschach killed himself after killing Dan and Laurie. Adrian sent one of his Rorschach minions to lure them out, there was a big fight and Laurie/Dan had to go into hiding (for real) and the imposture Rorschach ended up killing himself rather than be taken alive by police.
Moos subtle
We SEE him get atomized.
Okay, I hope it's this. I was reading this entire issue thinking "oh shit the prison shrink is the new Rorschach!" Until I remembered he got killed by the squid too.
What is this if I may ask?
We see his head burned with the body of the magazine vendor shielding him. Of course he's meant to be dead in the Watchmen series, but it's not beyond Johns to make him have survived.
Given that Geoff has said that Rorschach being black and Mime being Hispanic is a plot point beyond Johns being pissy Watchmen having an all white cast? Can we all hope that he's explicitly making Adrian's henchmen explicitly minorities/women as a commentary of the toxic nature of SJWs?
Renee Montoya
Needs a plush
It doesn't matter who is behind the mask. All that matters is that Johns can have a Rorschach for Batman to beat the shit out of, without pissing off the Rorschach fanboys who would be butt-hurt for Batman owning OG Rorschach
Him being black is just unintentional meta commentary about SJWs and them replacing heroes
More importantly, can anyone explain why the FUCK Ozymandis is working with Rorblack? Even as the most wanted man in the world, he should still have the resources to find people unscrupulous enough to work for him, and he should know damn well that anyone who idolizes Rorschach enough to dress up like him is a nut he can't rely on. He can't even be hoping to intimidate people on the basis of Rorschach's reputation when Rorschach 2 freely admits he isn't the genuine article.
>actual valid social commentary
I don't think he's capable of it. It'd be nice if he was though.
I've been completely out of the loop of any expanded materials for Watchmen they might have made over the years. I've read literally nothing but the original Watchmen and now this first chapter of Doomsday Clock. Is there anything I should be reading? This should be interesting even if I think "Dr. Manhattan made the DCU" to be dumb.
This guy, somehow.
-Facially deformed by the alien rather than killed. The "waitress doesn't" stare.
-Familiar with the original Rorschach's mind.
-Familiar with the layout of the prison?
He had 7 years to get fit and sane-ish post-alien explosion.
There's Before Watchmen, but you shouldn't read that.
There's been stuff in a few DC books. Rebirth, the Button, whichever JL book has the Atom stuff going on, etc.
Some dude's been storytiming it. You can probably check the catalog or archive and find it all.
I'm gonna need a source, my friend
Whoever it was seems to have Rorschach's psychological evaluation files.
Just dc rebirth. The artist said the Prequals don't matter.
But he's dead. You see his body at the end.
>Go to desuarchive
>See the image
What the fuck user?
4chanX does it automatically, mate
This this this this this this. I wouldn't care if the original story showed him being vaporized atom by atom in a full page spread, I would gladly accept a retcon of "Actually he was being depressed outside city limits and was fine" so he can be New Rorschach.
If a decent enough excuse for why he survived the squid is given, anyone whining about them making Rorschach black can eat shit, because this is the only correct choice.
They would have to shove in the idea that some people survived the blast with brain damage, sure, but there really aren't that many watchmen characters.
you see him
did you check his vitals?
he's not ded cuz SEQUEL.
same can be said about the newspaper boi
>Who is this Rosharch?
Does it matter? What ever mattered was the mask not the man behind it.
I am not sure DC is fond enough of Before Watchmen to do that.
They don't even list it here.
This is the stupidest thing I've ever read, holy shit. And I'm in the camp saying that Rorblack is good because it means Walter stays dead. Jesus, how can you miss the point by this much?
Well Johns wrote it so it's obviously going to be Bernie
>We SEE him get atomized.
You literally do not see him atomized. Read the comic again
He's social justice incarnate.
Dead people stay dead in the watchmen universe. That goes for the comedian too.
I doubt we will see nite owl and silk, they're retired.
Fun fact: 99% of you pronounced Walter Kovacs name wrong when you read it just now
>Essential Graphic novels
>DC Super Hero Girls : Finals Crisis
I haven't read those comics because I'm clearly not the demographic but are they stealth quality?
He seems to be against liberals as well as conservatives as opposed to Walter who was super hard right. It's been said, but most likely Ozy made sure this new Rorschach was the exact opposite of Walter .
I think the Female Comedian's costume has been teased before.
Yeah... but... doesn't that just kinda ruin the original ending, just a bit?
In light of the first issue I think it's safe to assume that's Jewlee's costume
I mean even back then in the original Watchmen Kovacs never mattered, only Rorscach.
Eh that's probably mime or Maronite costume.
The whole comic ruins the end of watchmen. I'm treating it like I treated the old Star Wars EU. Fun little what if's that are in no way canon no matter what the creators say
That's Morrison's best work.
You missed the point of Doc's revelation on Mars.
They're all exactly who they are. You can't separate Rorschach from Kovacs.
Kovacs' life created Rorschach
Rorschach is the direct result of Walter's twisted views on life. His entire objectivist views on right and wrong stems from Walter's political beliefs.
>Not even in the face of Armageddon
Just because Walter was mentally unhinged and couldn't face the world as his normal self doesn't mean that it wasn't the most important part of Rorschach. Did we even read the same book?
Why did he take his mask off before he died?
I could see Blackshack being a reference to how a lot of recent legacy characters are just race-swapped replacements of their older counterparts.
I haven't seen enough of Blackshack to tell if he's supposed to be a true successor or not, but he's definitely not an objectivist.
Because Rorschach doesn't compromise.
He is a moral relativist. Notice how he won't kill mime.
So an SJW.
Lois is going to get Ozzy's cancer
No, because an SJW would imply he shares an extremist aspect with Walter, which Rorblack doesn't have. Walter is prone to violence, Rorblack is not. Walter doesn't compromise with his beliefs. Rorblack does and works with Ozy and known criminals. Walter is very literate in his journal entries. Rorblack writes in short sentences with very little descriptors. It's honestly a pretty nice FOIL.
Hmmm hey thread, how many of you think Rorschach was like, a "good person" and a "hero"? You know, someone to be "admired"........
Another nobody like Kovacs.
Nah that's Dr,M aka superman fault.
H-how do you pronounce it?
Like with everyone in the story only in certain respects.
The surname Kovacs is pronounced Kovatch
So why does he need these low tier fags to find Manhattan?
Do we see more kitten Bubastis in the comic, or just these 2 panels?
it means "blacksmith"
He's holding her when we first see him.
He only needs the woman. She probably has puppet master powers or can break the strings.
We see baby Bubastis look at a box and that's pretty much it.
What if kitten Bubastis isn't a clone at all and he reassembled himself like Manhattan?
Looks more like a Maine coon cat
Okay Sup Forums, roll 'em.
Here goes nothing
Dani Dreiberg is a cutie
Adriana is a qt, but she'd probably kill me for the greater good in some insane plan.
its whateva the writers want
Jeez, what a pill
Let's roll the dice
Alright let's make this quick
At least you have a lot of money you can fuck around with. Worst girl is clearly Manhattan.
Remember cat-girl Bubastis?
You know what I would do Fem Ozymandias
>people trying to insert regular capeshit themes like "the ideal is what matters!" into fucking Rosharch
Doomsday Clock was a mistake.
Fuck u
That was literally the point of Rorschach's character though.