Hey Arnold had 90 minutes to tell a conclusion to its story and it did it perfectly.
Samurai Jack had 10 full 22 minute episodes and failed.
What went wrong bros.
Hey Arnold had 90 minutes to tell a conclusion to its story and it did it perfectly.
Samurai Jack had 10 full 22 minute episodes and failed.
What went wrong bros.
>they're still blaming Ashi
it started good
Genndy chose to focus on the least interesting thing about Samurai Jack: Samurai Jack himself
I mean, things was going good until she came around.
If they kept the same tone as the first 3 episodes it would have been a lot better. I still don't know how the first 3 episodes could have been so kino and the remaining 7 ended up getting worse and worse.
It was ok
Ashi came in to what should have been about Jack and Aku.
Genndy decided to slap a "Gets back to the past" ending on a story arc that was all about Jack learning to move on, let go, and focus on saving the present because he thought "Gotta get back, back to the past Samurai Jack Wacha" was what people wanted to see all this time.
Hey Arnold was an episode show that teached morals and there was no absolute ending
Samurai Jack was an episode show where the plot was already determined but the road was what truly mattered.
In the Hey Arnold movie the premise was about an ambiguos plot that, even when there where some obvious key frames, it left an enigmatic resolution, letting the spectator have a truly moment of awe
In Samurai Jack Season 5, the plot was more directed to an arc that unwrapped the ending, at the price of leaving the classic-wanderer episodes behind (A bold move that needed great tact). Thus it needed to resonate with the audience, but due to introduction of a late key-character and a restiction in time limit while highing the stakes, it obviouly was going to feel rushed and dissapointing not leaving a great taste in some viewers (Specialy those who where fans that watched all the previous episodes).
But that's just my opinion. So I'm eager to hear more of Sup Forums :)
Season 5 had a mirage of problems, but most of them definitely stemmed from Ashi.
Ep 1-3 was kino and Jack spending Ep 4 and 5 trying to atone for his sins of killing a human by teaching Ashi what's right and wrong in the world sounds good on paper and was done decently.
Episode 6 is where things starts to fall apart imo. Jack's gone and now we're left with this new character we don't really care about, traveling around the world for pointless cameos from the old show to sell her the message that "Jack's a great guy!" even though Jack should've proven that to her in the previous two episodes.
Episode 7 we spend majority of the episode watching Ashi fight an army and her mother trying to protect Jack (how they knew where Jack and Ashi was going to be is never explained, since Aku isn't interested in Jack anymore). End of the episode Jack says that it's time to finally go after Aku. Logically that would mean Episode 8 would be the set up to a 3 part finale.
Except it wasn't and Episode 8 was filler for a romance subplot that was never there in the first place. If they wanted romance they should've done it earlier, not 2 episodes before the end. Episode 9's first half continued with that romance shit, until the plot finally started up in the second half, but the damage was done. Now we got 22 minutes to wrap up EVERYTHING, when we could've had 90 minutes if Gennedy handled the latter half of Season 5 better.
Not even mentioning how Aku, the big bad of the series was only prominent in TWO (two and a half if you count Ep 9) episodes of the whole season. Episode 10 was rushed and poor as fuck, but that's only cause most of Season 5 wasted it's time doing dumb shit with Ashi instead of focusing on Jack and his rivalry with Aku.
TLDR: Gennedy brought Jack back but inserted his waifu into it and made her the focus, ruining the final season and finale to Samurai Jack.
How would you rate each episode?
>1 10/10
>2 10/10
>3 9/10
>4 6/10
>5 5/10
>6 6/10
>7 7/10
>8 3/10
>9 4/10
>10 2/10
>You have Aku's powers!
>I do!
>Immediately teleport all the way back before thinking about the potential consequences
Question: Would the Samurai Jack final season have worked if they kept all the story beats the same, but had an extra 10 episodes or so to fully flesh them out? Stuff like developing Ashi as a hero, and the whole Jack coming to terms with himself and then deciding to go back to the past and undo everything for the sake of the greater good. I think it would have worked, personally. Ashi in particular would have been fine if she didn't feel shoehorned in and was allowed to grow more organically.
Samurai jack had a good ending but wasn't over the top. The whole ashi/jack relationship should've been mentor and student. My ending for samurai jack would've been that ashi fight aku and jack delivers the final blow to aku but aku also gave its final blow to jack. Once both aku and jack lie dead the army that was attacking the fortress come inside and carry jacks body to a resting place. Then ashi would've been a traveler and told the story of jack for generations to generations.
>not meeting old Jack in the time portal and swinging him back out to give him a second chance at stopping aku
>Samurai Jack had 10 full 22 minute episodes and failed.
According to Sup Forums, thankfully no one cares about what this board says
What the fuck was the point in the guardian telling Jack he "wasn't ready" to use the portal in the old show if he just ends up dying in the new season? What did he expect Jack to do to be ready to use the portal, and why?
It was decent. Maybe if it had more time it would've been better, but oh fuckin well.
What was the point of doing anything if the entire future is wiped and never happened when Jack went back and prevented it from occurring?
user a lot of people outside of here don't like it. We're just the only ones still talking about it.
How do you know timetravel doesn't work on the split timeline theory instead of a singular one?
Ashi died, why not assume that everyone and everything has the same fate?
there's just something about having a waifu that turns a man's mind to mush
>people are still denying it was Ashi
Aku is some kind of cosmic evil so maybe destroying him in one timeline destroys him in all timelines? It's obviously a stretch though. It's another thing that should have been made clear in the finale.
Honestly, if she wasn't offed at the end of the series, I think the ending wouldn't be as poorly received.
They wanted to do a bittersweet thing, but it could have been done so much better. Even just having Jack lament at the fact that he wiped out all his friends from the future by undoing it.
>Jack defeats the Daughters
>Spares Ashi
>They go their separate ways
>Jack overcomes his anger and despair
>Regains his sword
>Aku is told he doesn't have it
>Split off to Ashi learning about Jack's past and what has changed between now and then
>She learns to use some of Aku's powers
>Jack has climactic battle with Aku, his remaining allies show up to help
>Barely wins, on the verge of dying
>Rescued by Ashi
>Ashi offers him the chance to go back to the past once he's recovered
>Jack considers this
>His allies give him their feedback
>He ultimately goes back to the past
>The future where Aku is law fades to an empty whiteness
>Ashi comes to peace with her end as she dissolves into nothing
>Jack returns to the past
>Cleaves Aku in half
>Sheathes his sword
>Looks to the horizon
>Walks off to a new adventure
8 and 10 are the worst offenders of this season imo.
desu, it's not her being offed at the end which was bad, it was how they handled it.
If Ashi died immediately after killing Aku and Jack spent a few minutes grieving that'd be fine. Instead we got a shitty clone of TTGL's ending with Ashi conveniently dying right before the wedding.
And even THEN, it could've been slightly salvaged if Ashi's final words to Jack were something emotional. "Don't forget me." "I'll always love you." "It's not your fault.". Instead she gives off exposition that the audience already inferred, and then fades away forever. Just thinking about SJ's ending makes me buttmad.
Her dying was the best moment in the whole season.
Create a romance story within the final season everyone begged for and you have a recipe for disaster. If Ashi had been a character established in the series, I think people would have received her better and been more impacted by the ending.
>What went wrong
Tartakovsky thought with his boner and Bartlett thought with his heart.
Speaking of boners, why isn't there any art of best MILF?
You just rewrote season 5 into exactly what it should have been, without cringey fanfic-tier bullshit like Sup Forums usually adds when it tries this.
Though on second thought this Pepe is probably more fitting here, given what we actually got...