What is the absolute worst comic you've read?
As in one that can make you physically angry when you're reminded that you suffered through that shit.
Pic highly related. that faggot should never be allowed near a comic book again
What is the absolute worst comic you've read?
As in one that can make you physically angry when you're reminded that you suffered through that shit.
Pic highly related. that faggot should never be allowed near a comic book again
What is wrong with it?
Not OP, but if memory serves there was a ton wrong with it. Like Tony's whole body being brain matter.
Orson Scott Card turned Tony into a science experiment where he his entire body basically functioned as a giant brain. It was basically a really non-sensical and weird prequel story about a young Tony, instead of adult doing Iron Man adventures in the Ultimateverse, like Ellis did with his Armor Wars rehash storyline.
This just reminded me that Millar went and made Card's Ultimate Iron Man noncanon in Ultimate Avengers vs New Ultimates by saying it was a cartoon in-universe.
Willingham got bored of his own characters and ends this shitty series by spitting in readers' faces.
The Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe. Ugly art, ugly colouring, ugly writing. I'm amazed Ennis ever got brought back; thankfully he actually managed to get a handle on the character when he was.
then there was the edgy shit like Obadiah Stane killing his classmates in horrific ways and getting away completely scot free.
In fact, they treat him like a comic relief sidekick later on. What the fuck was going through Orson's skull?
That's just about the only respectable thing Millar ever did.
Ultimates 1, Ultimates 2, Huck, Superman: Red Son, Starlight, MPH, Super Crooks, Superior and Jupiter's Legacy, too. Those were also respectable things he did.
"Reborn" was pretty uplifting too.
Archive-binged, thought it would go somewhere, but it's just so dull.
yeah, the ending made me tear up a little
maybe ol' Marky mellowed a little over the years
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl gave me a headache. I haven't gotten one of those since Bendis's first run on Mighty Avengers were he had Bendispeak doubled because he was using thought bubbles as well.
Oh god my head is hurting again!
>What is the absolute worst comic you've read?
As in one that can make you physically angry when you're reminded that you suffered through that shit.
To date this is the only one.
Last two pages of this issue and the two issues that followed, because BKV is a 'true art is angsty' faggot.
Ultimatum. Fuck everyone involved with that.
And the recent Klarion mini but that's a personal distaste, I supposed.
all of them make me sick, this comic sucks major monkey balls
Holy Terror
Nah, fuck you. Ultimate Iron Man 1 was great, the second one is the one that sucked
It's either Batman: The Chalice or Batman RIP
Gotta go with Amazons Attack, if only because it reliably brings out the ol' fanboy rage within. Seriously, it's like the Other M of Wonder Woman. It's so aggressively awful that you'd swear it was trying to piss people off. Fuck this comic incredibly hard.
That spider-man comic.. Trouble
It went to shit way before it ended.
The main Fables comic really went on too long, as well.
Huh, for years I believed Ellis wrote that.
Did I get Berenstein'd?
Early Ultimate X-Men was good. The book was consistently readable even under Bendis. Then Vaughn and Kirkman came and ruined everything.
Ugh. I maintain that Amazons Attack is worse, but Trouble is down there. Also aggressively awful, and with every character being wretched piece of shit.
>Early Ultimate X-Men was good.
No it wasn't
>The book was consistently readable even under Bendis.
It only started getting good with Bendis
>Then Vaughn
Came in and did the second best UXM run
>Kirkman came and ruined everything.
This is accurate.
He wrote Ultimate Armor Wars
>not total garbage
Most of new Marvel Star Wars character books. Like Princess Leia, Lando, Han Solo and Chewbacca. Marvel have the need to introduce new female characters in every one of these shitty comics, who are edgy and witty and basically the smart wife to the dumb husband in sitcoms or commercials.
I don't remember wich one was worst because I've tried my best to erase it from my memory to be honest
I am telling you, you are wrong
I read many bad things thanks to weekends of pain on Sup Forums.
Though Little Zombie Summer Special has a personal hatred for me.
Fuck off, Lando is incredible.
I've read thousands of comics, many of them awful, but that goddamn comic where McFarlane completely misinterprets the Juggernaut so that he's only invincible on the parts of him where he's armored, and every page is sideways is a major standout for me.
It certainly makes me angry.
Marvel need to bring back the green rabbit.
Huh, I always thought that was Bendis' arc. My bad then, I actually like that story.
I still dislike Vaughn's work with Immonen. Except for that one story with the two-headed bank robber. That's one of my favourite UXM issues.
Why did you even spam this pretty inoffensive issue? There's literally no way this is the worst comic you've ever read, unless you just haven't read much at all
ehuehuehue, he called him a dog
>my superpower is kinetic lines
Should've went with "psina" instead, though.
I'd be more offended.
"Shavka" is the best tho
Huh you never figured that Wolverine was a master of stealth
>It went to shit way before it ended.
It was shit from the start, but that ending was something special.
guy, I'm begging you, please just stop