What comics do intelligent people read?
What comics do intelligent people read?
Calvin and Hobbes
They don't
American Splendor
Wait, am I not supposed to answer honestly?
That's a weird way of spelling "Assigned Male".
Adam Ellis.
Truly the thinking soyboy's comic.
I don't think Trump finds women gross I think the opposite is true
I have to say this is the lowest test xkcd I've seen in a while
why do these provoke such feelings of irrational hatred in me
But... nothing the rats said was racist.
hm. I wanna fuck that Velma.
Because it's pretty much everything that's awful about Buzzfeed, just in comic form.
>blobby head shape
>surprised fish eyes + Tumblr nose + faggoty little lips for EVERYONE'S face
>fivehead + pompadour on EVERYONE
>bitch-tier facial hair that doesn't even have the decency to finish as a goatee
>gross fuckin' hands that morph from curvy muppet mitts to scrawny Dementor claws
>everything on this goddamn page
>the fact that this guy wasn't bullied hard enough as a kid to dispel his GAAAAY fucking tendencies
>the fact that he likely gets paid fucking stupid amounts of money by a clickbait site to shart out nonsense like this in order to further distract the latte-and-Pruis crowd from reality, or at the very least good taste
Your hatred is not irrational. Rather, it is a sign that you are a functioning and healthy human being. It's a sign that the caveman instinct part of your brain that says "Unnatural! Cannot breed! Cannot eat! Danger! KILL!" is in full working order. Nature knows best, user. Go and slay this unnatural un-thing.
Yeah, me too. Good taste user.
Why does Daphne look like a fish?
sums it up well.
Because the artist is a cthulhu worshipper.
At least panel three is a new face.
Because it's the same drawing over and over, maybe he barely changes the expression to some other indistinguishable shit or adds some arms coming from outside the frame that make no anatomical sense, it's more fucking lazy than B^U and xkcd combined
Have you ever seen those comids made by people who can't draw that's just pictures of themselves with text balloons? Somehow this is even worse
It's basically "2010s on easy mode". He, much like Buckley before him, is a guy whose success in life basically boils down to happening to live in a time where his particular hackneyed style is considered a la mode and thus somewhat popular.
And, like Buckley, after his meme stage is over he is doomed to fade into obscurity after his period of relevance is over.
The ones where your whore of a mother sucks niggers off