>rewatching Young Justice because bored
>sudddenly this episode
Jesus, M'gann. What the fuck?
Rewatching Young Justice because bored
seeing as her green martian form is fake anyway, she probably gets off fooling around as other people.
It's literally just roleplaying, the only reason they made a fuss is because m'gann can shapeshift and they're roleplaying people they know
Not even that kinky, i'd be worried if it was a tentacle monster
Well if you think about it Jesus, M'gann. What the fuck? could be an alternate title to that show.
>she based her entire personality on a sitcom character.
>Tried to shape superboy´s persona arroud that same sitcom too.
>Think her martian form as mounstrous even thou she doesn´t look that different from other martians
>Mind rapes people
>and when Superboy didn´t like that she tried to erase his memory.
I wonder if she is going to become a villian in the third season?
sadly her little breakdown toward the latter half of the season is most likely meant to be her 'learning the error of her way' so at the very least no more mind rapes
>M'gann is actually 40 in earth years, only a teen in Martian years
>Superboy is six months old
Jesus, M'gann. What the fuck?
>mfw Ollie was cool with it.
It's pretty weird to cosplay as people you know while you fuck. Don't try to pretend M'gann is in the clear on that one, it's not normal (and not just because it involves shapeshifting).
Well that is the thing about YJ by the end of season 1 you think she learned her lesson but after the time skip you realize she got even worse.
>it's not normal
Yes it is you uptight prude.
now I'm picturing any time Superboy got mad or frustrated with another male member of the team, M'gann would probably shapeshift into the female version of them for a hate fuck session.
M'gann is one of the reasons I fucking hate this show. This is one of our "heroes" who we're meant to root for, and she's a morally reprehensible dumbass who treats her own abilities like a fucking toy.
In fact, that's the entire reason I hate this show. All of the protagonists are stupid pieces of shit who refuse to shut the fuck up. Well, except Artemis, she's okay, but the rest can go to hell.
this episode is something
>Basically "dressing up" as her boyfriend's sexier authority figure so he can fuck her vicariously
Is M'gann literally the best girlfriend in the universe? Normally if a girlfriend finds out you have the hots for another girl she turns into an absolute bitch about it.
It genuinely isn't, you deviant.
It genuinely is you shut in baby.
Well she probably feels bad because she read his mind without permision.
I liked Bestqualad and Red Arrow as well.
>The next Wonder Woman
well it's not like the 'her' he's in love with is completely 100% either so she probably has enough of a personal disconnect of self and appearance. As long as she's the one getting some, she doesn't care what or who she looks like
Your opinions are tainted by sickness of the mind.
It isn't normal, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it as long as it's kept between the lovers and not used to make the roleplayed persons feel something. IE it should be kept secret on a need-to-know basis, like most kinks. No shame, just common manners, really. The big problem here is that they did it in a public area with cameras. That effectively made it everyone else's business.
This. When he just started laughing my sides left me.
Boy you are dumb.
Behind closed doors it'd still be weird, but relatively harmless, so long as it didn't color either of their interactions with the person being imitated.
>tfw Conner can't look at Dinah without remembering her face contorted in pleasure underneath him
Ollie just realised how lucky he was to be fucking a woman that even half-kryptonian ubermensch dreams about. Why is Ollie such a winner?
That'S basically the gist of what I was trying to say.
As an aside, you'd have to wonder if M'gann!Dinah really has the same O-face as actual Dinah. Like, it's the same features but different minds/personalities/desires/feelings, ergo the expressions might be quite different.
Well, she might have spied on Ollie and Dinah to get it just right. Connor's super-lust is hard to satisfy, but good girl sure is doing her best.
As an even further aside, I do love the specific trope of characters in other character's bodies having different facial expressions/reactions than we're used to seeing from that character. It's probably a mark of a good character if you can put them in someone else's body and they're still recognizable through their speech or facial expressions.
I doubt she had all the details of Dinah's body right. Unless she was reading his mind the whole time I bet Ollie would realize it wasn't actually Dinah.
That shit is all Connor.
>Got a hot girlfriend
>she learns from watching tv
>sit her down and watch porn
>oh I should have said before: She's a shapeshifter
>has the hots for one of my teachers
>Hello M'Gann.. change into this hot stacked blond plz
And here we go
Ollie knows if he was dating a shapeshifter he would've done exactly the same, but with Wonder Woman, Catwoman and Lois Lane.
Ackcheually, in the show it specifies that M'gann came up with that on her own as a way to try to make him like her more, and that Conner went along with it but was content to just fug her in her "regular" form. He was also cool with the white martian form, IIRC.
>Conner was cool with bending over and railing a big white martian monster
Consider who he grew up with.
>Conner pre-YJ
>babe send nudes plz
>k but dont show anyone ;)
Do you think he ever got Megan to shift into a genomorph body while they were doing it?
Tiny or large?
You almost got me interested in watching the show
>this is what set young Conner's standard of sexual attraction
I imagine that was pretty much the only form he wanted
This is his version of the sexy police lady getup.
Black Canary really didn't have the right to be as outraged by this as she was. Upset and uncomfortable sure, but her righteous indignation was unwarranted.
God damn I love Ollie's reaction
gets me everytime
I think she was more upset at people seeing that and thinking it was her.
martian's are scum in general
where's plasticman when you need him?
Truly the chaddest of all arrow users
And she handled that by taking it out on Connor and Meg. Acting like they had committed an unforgivable act.
you are right, she didn't. But that is her character and exactly what she would have done. She's quick to anger and to love. Her getting mad, trying to tell Ollie and him laughing at her making her more mad is perfect. If you would have followed her longer she would have had one more spat with Ollie who would smile and love her and tell her kids have hormones and she would have smiled back and forgave the whole thing. Then they would have had hot sex, probably roll playing other superheroes just to get it out of their heads.
It's why I love those characters so much, they get angry but bumble through and find the love they have for each other and fuck their way back to happiness. Hot in anger and in sex
Count Virgingo VS. Oliver CHAD.
Connor probably learned from porn himself.
No, she learned her lesson about not being ashamed of who she was. Her mindfucking of Psimon, as well as her ruthlessness seen in the Mister Twister and Parasite episodes, was not punished, so it makes sense it would escalate in season two.
>Batman pausing it at that moment, letting Dinah get pissy, and then telling her to keep watching the rest of the footage
He knew exactly what he was doing.
Because no one in the league had a problem with how she extracted information from enemies. Batman was in the room right next to her when she basically lobotomized one of the aliens and he didn't appear to care in the slightest
Played her like a damn fiddle.
It's implied that Connor did the deed with M'gann while she was in her true form. Let that sink in.
Bruh, there are people that find xenomorphs sexually attractive so nothing phases me anymore and never underestimate a man's desire to fuck something
>Test tube baby with spliced DNA decides to fuck White Martian.
Where would you even stick it?
Maybe they moprh in a vagina?
Shapeshifter dude, literally infinite holes.
That fleshy arm flaps are just calling for muh dick
>well, this is me
You mean my long wanted fetish of brain vaginas will finally come true?
connor has good taste
Imagine if Megan got pregnant....
A part Kryptonian, part Martian, part human out there
Do you think she did anything with BB's mom before she made her kill herself?
Lol, idiot.
I mean, it could literally get her to prison if the wrong people got their hands on that tape, I'd be angry too.
This was the hardest I've laughed at a non-comedy show
So BB's mom was gay?
>That guy who was super upset during the Virgin Hawkeye/Chad Green Arrow thread
Martian/kryptonian hybrid alone sounds interesting.
This show is shit
Yes. They were supposed to kiss in that comic page, but it got censored. There's a black and white page out there somewhere, but I did not save it.
Bi probably.
She had sexual interest in women that could be manipulated by Queen Bee.
Reminder that Sportsmaster was banging his daughters
Canon or headcanon?
So that's why his greatest fear from the dark multiverse is just an angry Black Canary with a baseball bat.
Is incest a sport?
tonsil hockey
Wouldn't that just water down the Martian?
They already have every Kryptonian power
Not specified, but weisman did say Artemis got her cherry popped young.
I want to say canon given how heavily implied it was when Sportsmaster would talk to Artemis
Well its a team sport
Bit off topic but
>all the Spartans from Halo are essentially raised by Dr. Halsey
>she's able to I.D. every single one at a glance even when in full armor based entirely on their body language with 100% accuracy
>this serves to annoy the piss out of them
You think Megan ever shapeshifted to have a big ol' weird looking cock and made Connor suck her off?
user, the fetish confession thread is further down the catalog
>tfw I was going to post about M'gann's futa fantasies when I saw the thread
I have nothing to confess, I'm very open about my love of shecock.
Why doesn't this edit exist. It's too perfect.
>tech-ninja and operator core
Sweet. I always wanted them to look like this. Where's M'gann and Aqualad though?
This is actually pretty cute, the fact that he fucked her and ~~loved her even in her true ugly form~~
Who's Donald Glover there?
black lightning, apparently