New images from IW
New images from IW
I was worrried they weren't going to use War Machine.
What is the tactical benefit of being blonde in space exactly? What’s the benefit in bringing Black Widow to fight Thanos in the first place?
Why does everyone look so drab and boring? Look at that Wasp, for fuck's sake. I thought Marvel movies were supposed to be bright and colorful.
>What is the tactical benefit of being blonde in space exactly?
Maybe it's diguise. She's supposed to be a spy.
>What’s the benefit in bringing Black Widow to fight Thanos in the first place?
She can help with saving civilians. What's the problem with her being in the movie?
Pepper Potts, here to save the day with her healthy vegan diets. The plan is to weaken Thanos by feeding him nothing but beats while assuring him it's just as good as real sustenance.
>one of these twelve is not like the others
>reveal that mewmew comes back
Godamnit, it seemed obvious it was going to come back but that's kind of shitty that they revealed this in a magazine cover.
Would've preferred a permanent SSJ2 Thor desu
Team Fuckbuddies
Team Nervous Breakdown
>Team Overpowered
Team Fun
The plot will bend over backwards to accomodate her and the other characters who would otherwise be useless in a fight against Thanos, as always.
"Guys, we need to infiltrate the Russian military base that contains the MacGuffin we can use to defeat Thanos!"
I fucking hate meme-lord. Fuck you Gunn.
Where the fuck in Antman?
Thanos will be much easier to deal with once he's had a strand of kelp pulled slowly out of his butthole.
I didn't even realise that and I'm the fucking OP.
I keep telling myself it's all a long con and his character will develop into the serious, responsible, dry witted defender of the galaxy eventually.
But deep down I know I'm just lying to myself.
Or did you mean Pym?
>Thor gets his hammer back
That is as much of a """reveal""" as Superman coming back to life in the Justice League, c'mon now.
>New images from IW
They're not images from IW.
It's a photoshoot of the actors in costumes that may or may not even be the ones they wear in the movie, with or without makeup similar to how they'll be shown in the movie.
I'm sorry but reading comprehension is so bad. Typical Vanity Fair mindset. I want to read about their "special investigation" into Trump Tower ffs.
He also has his eye
Covers lie user. He also doesn't have the eyepatch.
Yeah, they're for MCU's 10th anniversary.
Wait, does Pepper still have those superpowers from IM3?
He's got two eyes as well, it's probably just to avoid Ragnarok spoilers. Notice there's no Bucky either. They don't want to spoil that he will get defrosted in Black Panther. Why they've decided to include the Wasp when (as far as I'm aware) she wasn't confirmed to be in the movie is beyond me though.
She'll swap her jade egg for one of the infinity stones and win the day with the power of magic vagina stone.
Theres gonna be a trailer for this with star wars right?
>those wires on peter
Well then, back to fearing for WM
they look really young and thin here. are they photo-shopped?
pretty cute though
>whatchu thinking about?
What a fucking trash. It looks like cheap tv show. Capeshit was mistake. Logan was last good movie.
Shoo, shoo pajeet.
ok, you asked for it, meme off, you and me
Christ, Thor's outfit looks fucking terrible next to everyone else's, even the new chick's.
>Jeremy Renner’s haircut
For what purpose?
Oh shit, they couldn't find fourth black guy for this one. That's bad
Who's the one in the middle?
>braindead americuck is too fat to not eating every shit he sees
Hawkeye's wife
Wasp I think
I chuckled.
>he thinks I'm an Americuck
Kek, fuck off back to your DC shilling threads my friend. They need every retard they can get. Why don't you try learning how to talk while you're at it?
So were the yellow gloves exclusive to Thor Ragnarok?
>Bucky’s sex beard
>Everyone crowding around Fiege
Two of them barely had cameos, come on...
Why would they blow their Wasp load here and not the Ant-Man movie?
Thor has his fucking eye in that picture. You can't trust it.
Maria Hill still exists?
His look in Ragnarok's perfect, too.
>MCU's 10th anniversary.
It's been 10 years already! Fuck we old...
Zoinks scoob, Velma looks like THAT??
2 days before IW's release will be the 10 year mark.
>short blond hair
>eye patch
Why do they have Thor and Caps now look exactly the same?
>that nu-male haircut on Clint, the oldest dude there
>no waist scarf
>No TV characters
Still think your shitty universe is canon, Ikefags?
I called the police on you.
>that Thor costume
What happened for this photo shoot? Did they forget that they had trashed all of the older Thor costumes and tried to throw together an amalgam?
>tfw when no blind catholic husbando in IW
Not canon
>thor with an eye and mjolnir
>Sif missing
being Jaimie is suffering
stop hurting my waifu please
Where is that hot asian scientist?
Helen Cho, she was a specialist the Avengers visited. I don't think she's considered as involved with them as the others here.
>not a redhead
Wait, hold on. Just saw on the wiki she was at the new compound. She should actually be in here.
I just realized that Black Widow is literally Mockingbird now.
>Banner accidentally greened himself
Jesus Hawkeye's haircut make him look like a mid life crisis dad trying to fit in with what's cool now days.
They're also spotlighting "Ant-Man & The Wasp".
it still hurts
>all white people in a single picture
how did they get away with this?
>Rocket next to Lee and Feige
That's cute
>No Netflix/ABC characters
Your wife left you because you're a man child and kissing sick kid ass in costume doesn't change that.
> every strawman in one picture
How do they do it?
It's funny because Republicans support child molesters all the time.
bitch got old.
They kill his fanily off
Who is cute little Wakandan girl? And why is she pals with Nebula?
Why did Mantis not become waifu bait?
Black Panther's sister Shuri.
Are they planning to turn Steve into the new Nick Fury by mimicking the original one?
Of course he's coming back
Hey! Soviets have been surviving on nothing but beats for a century! Have you ever had borscht?