tfw Artemis, a goddess and a warrior, has a physique like this and demi-god Amazonian warrior Wonder Woman is a stick.
Tfw Artemis, a goddess and a warrior, has a physique like this and demi-god Amazonian warrior Wonder Woman is a stick
Please fuck off musclefag
Honestly When was the last time a female actresses ever did some kind of muscle building/toning for an action role? I dont mean just a flat belly because they always do that anyway
Skipping leg day again, ic
Because she's also imbued with Aphrodites' beauty not Goddess of Dykes manliness.
Artemis lived in a tribe of survivalist murdercunts, of course she's gonna be more muscular.
Though ironically since she was originally drawn by Deodato she was an actual twig with giant thighs
But she's still pretty
That girl is a turbodyke that only internet musclefags and grrl power lesbians on twitter would find attractive
This is not Artemis Bana-Mighdall with Jason Todd's gang. This is the goddess of the hunt Artemis, daughter of Zeus.
Fuck off Amerifat.
>turns a guy into a chick for seeing her naked
>makes girl (male) her slave
>Is now free see her naked at and with near her at all times
Artemis is based
When did she did that and to whom?
RHATO i think. They have a story arc for her.
Seconding this
Jessica Biel.
Hold up. Artemis and Diana are different people?
I thought they were Apollo's moon sister.
Yea but she's also half human, all that physical activities should have an effect on her physique. Doesn't have to be muscle bound, just athletic at the least.
Roman name, Greek name. But in this case I think they are reffering to WW who is also named Diana.
time for some research
>Background actors who just have to look good & don't need to say anything
>Comparing them to lead actors on Multi-Million dollar franchises
To be fair, Gal Gadot, Jason Mamoa, and Chris Hemsworth are all lead actors too
Caity Lotz seems to for Legends of Tomorrow, maybe.
how do you even get ab muscles that thick? like that kind of stomach looks thicker and more muscular than anything I could ever accomplish. memeing aside they really are big guys, and its like i just have the wrong body type to be as tree truck stomach and barrel chest like them, but ive been trying to get my chest muscles stick out more than my stomach for a long time now. it seems like guys arent attractive unless their chest muscles stick out more than their stomach
Get a proper routine and stick to it for 5 years, then roid out when you can't go any further naturally.
>Advocating roiding when its not necessary at all
You look at the people in the OP and tell me they're natty
No way in hell that's natural.
Well, user?
That guy on the right, HNNNGGG
Where can I find a bara lover like that?
haven't had time for a proper search
>tfw some random WW/JL extra is a better WW than Gadot
t. beta dyel
Yeah, she's horrifically miscast, everyone knows it. Everyone knew it was a mistake from the start.
She doesn't look anything like Diana. She doesn't have blue eyes. She way too skinny. She doesn't look at all physically intimidating, she doesn't even look like she could throw a punch. She's also too skinny to be really attractive. She doesn't sound like she's speaking English half the time. She doesn't have Caucasian features. Bottom line she doesn't even look white. To top it all off she can't act.
She was cast because the producers wanted Wonder Woman to be an Israeli and a Jew. That's the straight truth.
JL also proved that Jenkins is a better director than Snyder. Gadot's acting in JL was awful as compared to her performance in WW.
Wondy doesn't have to be muscle bound like a body builder. An athletic body would be acceptable.
Wondy's physique is not simply athletic. Anything would have been better than Gal tho, even Valkyrie in Ragnarok looked like she hit the gym.
>Beauty body
Stop making his point
Than why is Wonder Woman an ugly Jewess?
LITERALLY ME at the right
Because the Jews who run the studios demanded it.
This needs a Brazzers logo.
>implying this is what warriors looked like
Ann Hathaway for cat-woman did gymnastics for like a year so she could be able to do that scene where she disarms that guy with her legs.
how can you talk with your mouth full of cock
>She doesn't have blue eyes
Stopped reading here.
Sup Forums was a fatal mistake.
They're Gods and Goddesses not your mere mortal warriors
Why does the Wasp needs to be buffed and Wondy skinny?
Wonder Woman has blue eyes, though
bet they can also act better
> Frank Cho
Of course he'll draw snu snu.
Hi, No Bullshit.
It's literally what happened, sorry if it disturbs you. Sometimes actresses get roles because they sucked the right cock, sometimes as in this case they get the role because they were the specific race and ethnicity the studio wanted, and all other considerations like acting ability, physical presence, similarity to the canonical character appearance, etc, were put aside. She was cast because she was an Israeli Jew, and the studio wanted Wonder Woman to be an Israeli Jew because it serves their interests. There were dozens of actresses who tried out that were better for the part in almost every way.
Ben Affleck has brown eyes, Bruce has blue. I don't see you crying about that you nitpicky twat.
Thought that was jinh yu frey for a sec
Diana has always, canonically, had blue eyes.
Gal Gadot is wrong for Wonder Woman for a number of reasons, blue eyes being the least among them
Lauren is hot but too short to play Wondy
Yeah but Affleck at least looks white.
Can't forget when people here wanted HHH to be cast as Thor. The stupidity here never goes away.
>Nitpicky about eye color of all things
Her eye color being wrong is just one thing on the long list of things that make her wrong for the role. It's like number 87.
I was in the 75 Years of Wonder Woman thread. Diana's generally pretty tiny. Especially compared to some of her enemies like Queen Clea or Giganta.
"You're great beauty and strength is intimidating..."
> great beauty
> strength
> intimidating
None of which Gadot has nor could display.
And your fundamental problem is you seem to want 1:1 adaptations and crying about eye color. I see people ragging on her acting a lot here, yet people I talk to irl about these DCEU movies say that she's the best part about them. Of course the universe itself is weak and the writing is terrible, but it always comes down to some pol-esque crying about her heritage and autistic screeching about how she doesn't look like a roided up instagram body builder.
> tiny
> compared to Clea or GIGANTA
Because Wasp need buffed muscles to fill in the costume.
she is a terrible actor, but so is everyone else in these movies, and her earnestness sets her apart
>And your fundamental problem is you seem to want 1:1 adaptations and crying about eye color.
We don't want 1:1 No one does, it's unrealistic. Well, RDJ Tony Stark is pretty close.
But it would me nice to even get 0.5:1 It would be nice to get someone who looks and sounds kind of like the character.
Gadot isn't even 0.2:1!
She's wrong in every way. EVERY way. Physicality, appearance, ethnicity, voice, everything.
>she is a terrible actor
99% of cape actors are terrible so this point is moot.
>normies liked it so it's good
>being faithful to the source material is Sup Forumstard crying
>jewashing Diana is not a problem at all
>nd your fundamental problem is you seem to want 1:1 adaptations and crying about eye color.
>I see people ragging on her acting a lot here
She is terrible
>yet people I talk to irl about these DCEU movies say that she's the best part about them.
They don't know shit, they probably think the CW shows don't have garbage acting
>Of course the universe itself is weak and the writing is terrible
Your opinion
>but it always comes down to some pol-esque crying about her heritage
Praying for the death of palestinean children, being a zionist, serving in the military of a country that has a funtional apartheid, a country that bombs children is not a Sup Forums complaint. You would shit on a north korean actress that supports Kim
>and autistic screeching about how she doesn't look like a roided up instagram body builder.
Fethish shit.
>99% of cape actors are terrible so this point is moot.
>99% of everything is shit, so therefore you're wrong to want it to be better
>mediterranean woman doesnt look like a mediterranean woman
Being from israel is a issue, but she is the right kind of caucasian.
Exactly how do you "sound" like a comic book character? People whined about Bale's Batman voice, people are also whining about Affleck's robot voice. You can never appease comic book nerds so you might as well just do what you want and whatever sticks sticks.
>B-b-ut she's a jew
So is Susan Eisenberg, the woman who has voiced her for over 20 years.
[more autistic pol and r9k screeching]
>Exactly how do you "sound" like a comic book character?
by not sounding like a mush-mouthed ESL speaker
>Being Jewish is as bad as being North Korean
Now I've seen it all.
>citation needed
pretty sure he was equating Israel with North Korea
>[more autistic pol and r9k screeching]
Beautiful argument, friend.
>Uses normie unironically
>Expects to be taken seriously
A bit more meat on Gadot would be nice.
Watch any cape movies that weren't made by Christopher Nolan.
She sounds like she just walked out of the ESL class.
Someone doesn't know their haplogroups...
Would you prefer the term general audiences? You know, people who never spent money on a single issue of Wonder Woman?
The only women who look like that irl are professional body-builders.
Jessica Biel and Emily Blunt would like a word with you.
>Jessica Biel
She looks nothing like that. Go see an eye doctor. Would it have been better if Gadot hit the gym and got toned arms? Yes. But this entire universe is so shambolic they might as well just go ahead and do a flashpoint reboot and start all over again.
Seriously though. Wonder Woman needs muscles. Every other action hero has to hit the bench aswell.
Gadot with a little more meat would be nice, still.
Then why does WW look like a rat
>She looks nothing like that
She a rock machine.
10/10 would hold hands with
Looks like a regular fit woman who jogs twice a week. Nothing to write home about.