Are there any good modern suicide squad comics?
Are there any good modern suicide squad comics?
Manta has a nice ass.
Tim Seeley's really short run was pretty good
Wish they hadn't stopped it to make way for Williamson and shitty Lee art. I mean, it was already just the movie team, I don't get why they bothered restarting it.
But if you mean from DC? No
The closest you'll get is Secret Six but even that pretty different
The only good SS run is Ostrander run
why are the good runs always so short
Good things don't sell anymore
I stopped at volume two because of the justice league international tie ins. DeMatteis is unreadable. He repeats dialogue word for word like three times. That and the manhunter stuff was pretty bad.
Does it get better after vol 2?
That was like what, 2 issues?
Yes, it gets better after that.
Read for the new gods issues
I thought New Suicide Squad was pretty decent, even before Seeley took over. The arc where Black Manta tries to join ISIS was pretty solid
>Black Manta tries to join ISIS
Giffen's run. Yeah, that's right, Keith Giffen wrote Suicide Squad. And it was aces.
What's your favorite squad lineup?
boomerang and bronze tiger interactions make the book
Kot's and Seeley's short runs.
>no Ostrander SS omnis
JLI ust got them so it can't be far behind right?
Are the trades still coming out?
I read for King Shark
I don't remember anything from Kot's run but I think it was alright