Avengers Assemble has gotten better

Avengers Assemble has gotten better

Hm, They are doing Secret empire.

5 bucks that say it will be better than the comics.

The Cabal has spread the Avengers across time and space.
>Vision and Wasp teamed up with Old Man Rulk to save Falcon and the future from Kang.
>Ant-Man teams up with Cap, Black Widow, and Hawkeye to save Dimension Z from Arnim Zola.
>Black Panther has to save Hulk from Executioner's control on Asgard
>Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel save Thor from Enchantress

Looks like a cheaper version of young justice style.

No, it really hasn't.

Avengers Assemble was always decent. It just became good this season.

This is probably the only time when completely changing the main cast in the middle of the series actually made the series better.

I really hope that the new team doesn't get shafted once the original team is back together.

How so? Compare season one to this season please

i like the b-team better. herc episode, ms. marvel and vision ftw.

not bad

I'll never forgive AA for taking Thor and making him even more of a pathetic jobber
EMH didn't totally nail him but at least he had a presence and wasn't relegated to "Hulk's fuckboy"

It could be the best cartoon over but people will only ever hold EMH to any regard

is Cap a Zola!??

this sounds like good classic superhero shit, love it

Why'd they have to replace Earth's Mightiest Heroes with this shit?

Has anything like that ever happened in the comics?
Imagine all the titles dealing with misplaced heroes for 6 months.

Hawkeye was stuck in the Old West for awhile but that's the only big one i can think of that wasn't the whole team

Carol makes everything better.

Her giving the littler girl her gauntlet was cute

It's true that the show is better now, compared with first seasons, but the MCU synergy is still a problem, especially because the MCU costumes looks lame in animation.

Also, we will never see Hank and Jan, Ultron will always be like the MCU shitty Ultron and I'm sure they gave hints of a possible Hulk/Black Widow relationship...

Can you blame them when EMH only got canned because of Jeph "should've died instead of my son" Loeb thought kids would only like MCU stuff.

It was Ike Perlmutter. Loeb intended to have Assemble be a continuation (which you can even see in a flashback during season one) only following the movie characters, Man of Action said that after The Avengers came out orders up high came that it needed to follow the film and the show was radically changed

Season 1-decent
Season 2-decent
Season 3-decent
Season 4(current)-good so far

Carol is so likeable in this show. She needs more episodes with Kamala though.

It's strange that Ms. Marvel had more interactions with Vision instead of the person who inspired her in the first place.

So Loeb could hire all his friends to write for it

Being better than gutter trash doesn't make it good. Call me back when they bring back the EMH crew

Holy shit, are they doing Remender's run mixed with Secret Empire?

>Avengers Assemble was always decent.

Yeah, it's kinda a big deal when Carol is actually being a model hero and inspirational, instead of us just being told she is.
I mean, fuck! Kamala is doing so much better a job in the comics at just that it's not even funny.
How can you inspire people when what you do is administration and diplomacy on an orbital platform? Much harder if you push for precrime mass incarcerations a decade after Minority Report.

Anyone here kinda happy that they referenced the Ultimates in an ep?

It was when Ultron came back and made duplicates of the Avengers and that was their name

It got better in the sense that it went from horseshit to occasionally interesting but it's still pretty boring.

Guardians of the Galaxy is also pretty horseshit, only the Adam Warlock episode are worth watching but the animation is awful.

>Carol is so likeable in this show.
>Carol is actually being a model hero and inspirational

Am I the only one who remembers that she makes the aliens she saved wash her ship? And IIRC they weren't all bad guys, some were just the slaves of the bad guys.

If you wanted me to watch the show, all you had to tell me is that senator guy from Heroes isn't voicing Tony anymore.

is this the one that has really shitty animation quality? i've lost track of marvel's current crop of toons.

All current Marvel shows have shitty animation quality.