Yoda is biased. I think which side is stronger is entirely dependent on the user. Just like bending in Avatar.
Ayden Gutierrez
mater race
Michael Ramirez
Moderatley hyped
William Watson
What the fuck that isn't Luke's lightsaber he is holding
Mason White
Yes, why wouldn't I be?
Daniel Barnes
Grievous was only good in the old Clone Wars end of fucking story.
Leo Nelson
No it isn’t and I tell you as a veritable connoisseur of cocks.
Jayden Hughes
Christian Stewart
>DARK AND EDGY What are the odds that nobody actually falls to evil?
Carson Smith
Your retarded shitpost Only proves me right
Wyatt Hughes
100%, don't fall for their marketing tricks
Tyler Turner
Jaxson Walker
only care about Luke
Nicholas Nelson
Matthew Allen
My enthusiasm for the ST died when I learned that they were bringing Jar Jar back in IX.
Connor Morales
>All Canon Novels and Comics: >[GONE BECAUSE AN ASSBLASTED SHITPOSTER REPORTED THE LINK] Shouldn't someone make a new one then?
Thomas Gray
Jeremiah Jackson
Leo Cox
So you can report it again? We are onto you you massive fag.
Noah Martin
we don't like star wars here user
Gavin Johnson
yes the sith are the mater race
Nathan Garcia
I'm looking forward to it but at the same time I have very low expectations.
Levi Morales
The REAL Luke is actually dead. And the one we see in TLJ & TFA is a clone of the real Luke.
John Diaz
Biigger Luuke
Hudson Baker
While I'll probably enjoy it more than TFA, I can't say I'm excited for it.
Josiah Adams
not using Luuke image
shame, SHAME!
Aiden Hill
Caleb Rodriguez
>Poggle the Lesser cloned himself in case of an untimely demise >The Geonosians rejected his reign because they thought the name Pooggle was too silly >Instead they installed Poggle's slightly larger doppleganger as their leader, who, contrary to popular belief wasn't actually called Poggle the Greater, but Bigger Poggle the Lesser
Geonosian History sure is interesting
Jayden Allen
shit it
Caleb Wilson
>but Bigger Poggle the Lesser
Carson Lewis
>Dooku was actually a clone of a gentleman by the name of Doku >You can see Doku in the Coruscant chase scene at the beginning of AotC, played by renowned British thespian, Christopher Le
Parker Morris
Looking forward to it more than I was Rogue One.
Austin Smith
A friend of mine went with me to watch TFA even though he is not into SW and we both left with a meh opinion of it so i am not forcing him to watch another potential shitfest, that's how scared i am of TLJ
Blake Evans
So when's the next Rebels?
Liam Sullivan
Late January-Early February
Adam Cruz
20 November 2182
Isaac Davis
>Grits are shit either way You are heretofore banned from entry into tge American Southeast
Charles Cook
Why not make a torrent instead?
Jacob Scott
The rest of the season is set after ROTJ. It'll be both fun and rage-inducing.
Nicholas Parker
I care only about Kylo.
Bentley Richardson
Oh no I can't enter the American South, what ever will I do without easy access to a population of illiterate, heroin-addicted incest babies and obesity?
Evan Taylor
I feel bad for you.
Joseph Ward
Wait...Grievous had a gf? And I'm still alone...shit.
Jackson Jenkins
Hail Mandalore!
Nathaniel Reed
But he is the best character from this new trilogy.
Adrian Kelly
Lincoln Roberts
a better Mandalore
Josiah Green
As a native to that region myself, being banned from here is hardly a punishment.
Nathaniel Campbell
Is KOTOR canon?
Caleb Hall
Yes, but only this version
Parker Moore
Ethan Gonzalez
t. jelly yuropoor
Nathaniel Martin
Brayden Powell
I'm just here for John Boyega's Casino Night Zone Funtime ft. Rose, DJ and BB-8.
Brayden Thompson
He had a MAIN lover once but after she died. He later got a harem and had multiple children with them.
Still suffered degression thou.
Jeremiah Brooks
Why did Disney pick an ugly chink instead of a good looking one?
Liam Myers
Jonathan Campbell
Visit Appalachia, the Big White Ghetto.
Matthew Ross
Jealous of what? Your diabetes rates, illiteracy rates, % beneath the poverty line, opioid epidemic, violent crime rates, or levels of governmental corruption? The South is a 3rd world shithole hiding underneath the banner of a 1st world nation and feebly pretending otherwise.
Kevin King
who let a nigger and a chink in to the Casino
Carter Watson
>implying that Appalachia isn't a part of the South
Dominic Gray
>that pic Grievous' gf was a magical girl?
James Barnes
>didn't deny Europoor so which Islamic Republic are you from
William Moore
>nigger hey, don't you dare liken blacks to that obvious T*rkroach
OwO whats this
Julian Bennett
God, what a waste. Zahn just introduced Luuke as a one-off shocker moment and killed him off immediately, while he could be a rather interesting character in his own right.
Brayden Nelson
Large parts of it are in the north user.
Hudson Perez
>Luuke could have been an interesting character >a hyperviolent literal retard with less personality than Jason Voorhees You remember that episode of South Park where Dr. Mephesto clones Stan? That's the total extent you can write a human pokemon.
Kevin Reed
Fan retexture of the BF2 CIS stuff to be screen-accurate
not sure where they're from, just saw the image posted on the BF2 leddit sub
Benjamin Kelly
Zahn wrote him as a hyperviolent retard, but he could be fascinating if handled differently.
Nathaniel Russell
That's one of his daughters actually. Thou wife does look her her only taller.
Eli Lee
>If [character/setting/plot] was unrecognizably different, imagine how interesting it could be! I hate Infinities
David White
Trap Ezra
Eli Young
I feel like they're never going to do anything in the Old Republic era and instead we're going to get hints that it was mostly the same event wise (Revan fighting Mandalorians, Exar Kunn fucking with the Senate, etc) but obviously with a more ancient aesthetic. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the aesthetic of Tales of the Jedi is the canon aesthetic for most of the Old Republic era because I could see Lucasfilm saying 'well we already have this aesthetic that works really well and showing it again would be a good way to show thanks to the old Dark Horse comics guys'.
I think the canon Old Republic will basically be like 80% of the EU's OR events (TOTJ, KOTOR 1/2, maaaaaybe some of the Darth Bane trilogy) with aesthetics inspired by Tales of the Jedi (but more diverse than 'space romans' if the Sith's 'space samurai' aesthetic is anything to go by), with the only new stuff being hints to new events (Amaxine Warriors, etc) and maybe complete retellings of important stuff like Bane making the Rule of Two to fit more in line with what Lucas would have wanted those stories to be. Aside from that I get the feeling it won't be elaborated on much at all and instead we will just always be focusing on expanding the current film's eras.
Daniel Nelson
I mean... ANH Infinities was pretty fucking good.
Elijah Lee
Yeah, that's what I'm getting. Hopefully this is the case. I'd rather not go back into that era any time soon.
Tyler Morgan
>Dude like...what if...Luke just like, fucking DIED at the beginning of ESB lmao I HATE INFINITIES
Michael Gomez
I'm scared.
I really love star wars for what it could be, not for what it actually is/its becoming.
Juan Barnes
Hey, I didnt say the rest of them were good, just ANH.
Cooper Ward
I'm hyped as fuck. Also, if it is relevant in any way, I'm doiing my best to dodge any promotional material they released after the first big trailer.
Xavier Hall
Who here doesn't feel hype but will watch anyway? Star Wars movies on Christmas are comfy as fuck
Kayden Allen
Regardless of how the movie is, The Last Jedi is probably my favorite title in the series.