Which one?
Mandy or Gaz
Mandy. Gaz a shit and people only like her for the Bigdad art.
The best one
I like Gaz and I hate Bigdad’s version.
Go home Dib.
Why not both?
The one that isn't a huge cunt.
You draw this user? Looks great!
Same. While I don't hate Bigdad's version, I think attention for it has gotten overrated and dislike how some people think that this version of the character is the only one that exists.
Mandy's more pro-active and logical, as well as less spiteful and self-absorbed.
Gaz is so misanthropic and tied up in herself she couldn't even care if the Earth was invaded by aliens. At least Mandy's willing to defend hers, even if it's only because she's playing the long-game for world domination.
Thanks, but it could better, I'm still trying to get this style down.
Depends on which Gaz we're talking here.
Comic Gaz >>>> Mandy > Cartoon Gaz
Hey, Cartoon Gaz had her moments.
Mandy, because despite her frown and attitude she actually an okay person and friend to Billy. Gaz is just a superpowered brat who never suffers any consequences in the show while everyone else suffers in some sort of way. I can understand finding her brother annoying and getting mad when that kid took the last copy of a game. Other than that she's kind of annoying and unlikable. No amount of Shadman loli crap and R34 art will make her likeable.
Hey Dib, Zim is the president in disguise
P.S. Zim told me not to tell you
- Gir
If I had to choose comic Gaz. Tv show Gaz and Mandy are both awful.
Both are annoying and unbearable, but I like Gaz more simply because she only ever actively involves herself in an episode's plot maybe three times. Mandy meanwhile is a main character so I have to put up with her "My contempt for all life trumps even the most evil of creatures" bullshit.
>Mandy, because despite her frown and attitude she actually an okay person and friend to Billy.
You can say the same with Gaz and her father.
Membrane is the best Sup Forums dad
Hell, are you me?
Both is good.
>that time zim was trump
I like how everyones name in Invader Zim is 3 letters. So Gaz.
>Which one?
It's both... cut the shit and never ask again
Not really. Mandy is still better.
Mandy is the most lolilicious
Mandy all the way. I'd take the chick who hates my guts any day over the one who's so self absorbed in her games that she barely notices my existence.
Satan has nice taste.
Plus she has daddy issues.
34 posts in (as of this posting) and only a few pieces of big tit Mandy and/or Gaz fan art?
C'mon, Sup Forums, we're better then that!
Let's get to the image limit with the big tit art!
No tits.
No ass.
No thicc.
Hey faggots! Check out this Pedophile!
>big tit art!
pls go
We don't need slutty fan arts. What we need is funny interactions between the two. Maybe in a comic.
Aight fucker but I'm only posting a chibi.
Oh and as for OP's question Gaz, Mandy is just to manipulative for my taste.
>finally my own clone
>now neither of us will be virgins
That's thanks to Membrane being an extraordinary man. Mandy has to put up with Billy's shit and still sticks with him.
But I like my lolis young
oppai lolis!
I paid for one of the pictures you found; I've already done my part.
invader zim girls by far
Too old
posting some more of these
My nigga
He literally spends one day a year on quality family time.
Membrane is terrible dad.
Theres no competition
B-but... but toast!
Gaz, Mandy is just a total bitch, plus as a gamer I relate to Gaz just wanting to be left alone to play video games.
He's gotten better in the comics and interacts with his children more. Also as another user said earlier, Gaz doesn't do horrible shit to you unless provoked, while Mandy will probably manipulate and abuse you for her own amusement.
The awful one