Why didn't you fags tell me Runaways was good?

Why didn't you fags tell me Runaways was good?

So no one told me because no one is watching, I see.

Because Sup Forums hates marvel

Because you call us mean names.

all the Marvel shows are good
the only DC ones worthwhile are Gotham, iZombie and Lucifer

Molly's not a loli and it apparently sidetracks the main plot for teen drama.

I will not be watching Hulu Presents Marvel's CW's Runaways

I haven't read the original series, but the teenage drama is pretty much sidelined the moment they realize "oh shit oh shit our parents are murderers, oh fuck"

You just listed two things I know are shit and one that might be by association.

>Daredevil season two
>Jessica Jones
>Luke Cage
>Iron Fist
>The Defenders
>The Punisher
>Agebt Carter season two
Other than that I agree

>all the Marvel shows are good
Only Daredevil season 1 and Legion are good

IZombie is the only decent show on that list, lucifer is a joke it may aswell be buffy number 2 it is not connected to the comic and Gotham is a terrible shitshow.

This feels more Legionish

user I...

It's more Marvel, than Luicfer DC.

Because it is not. Stop watching Capeshit.

The best thing about Runaways is both how cringe-worthy Gert is with her social justice ways, and how she is made the laughingstock for it.

Nothing says fighting the patriarchy like thirsting for jock-cock.

I adored when she got the x-ray specs, the first thing she did was check out Chase's junk, this would be called sexual assault if the shoes were flipped. Then she hypocritically ran and found a lead apron to wear so he couldn't do the same. On top of that, she tried to argue that it was ok for her to do so to "make up" for patriarchy.

I can't tell if the writers are retarded SJWs who don't realizing they're making themselves look bad, or if its *good* writers making fun of this nonsense.

I'm definitely leaning towards the latter because the non-SJW writing is solid as well. This might be the best Marvel tv show so far. Not saying much, because most of the rest has been mediocre, but its actually good tv that happens to be Marvel fare.

Normally I'm not a fan of teenage drama shows, I did not like the Smallville formula at all. But thats because the shows are so damn padded, nothing happening of supehero interest because talking heads are so much cheaper to film. Not getting that vibe from Runaways, they've shown some decent effects *and* when the talking is going on its been generally interesting.

Its worth a watch. Pirate the first coupla eps and see if it catches you.

You could have just said that you don't like the netflix shows user.

Punisher was great, pleb.

punisher was ok-ish at best user.
Not the worst of the netflix shows, but it was just origin story 2.0 when they already did that in DD season 2.

>I can't tell if the writers are retarded SJWs who don't realizing they're making themselves look bad, or if its *good* writers making fun of this nonsense.
Neither, user. She's puting on a facade.
It's exactly what pretty much every other one of the Runaways is doing in their own way.

I do agree it wasn't that strong but it was still satisfying as fuck to watch. I also meant to quote this guy

>I can't tell if the writers are retarded SJWs who don't realizing they're making themselves look bad, or if its *good* writers making fun of this nonsense.

Not everone is fully invested in internet politics and being part of Sup Forums vs tumblr retarded meme war.

The writer just wanted to portray a contemporary teen that deals with stuff teens deal with, and feminism and activism are some of those things.

>Agent Carter season one
>Agents of SHIELD season four
>Runaways season one (so far)
>Daredevil season one
>Agents of SHIELD season two
>Agents of SHIELD season three
>Agents of SHIELD season one
>Luke Cage season one
>Iron Fist season one
>Daredevil season one
>The Punisher season one
>Inhumans season one
>The Defenders season one
>Jessica Jones season one
>Agent Carter season one

>t. clinically retarded

I know a few people that feel the way you do but it just didn't grab my attention.

I mean i guess i binged it over a 2 day period, but i had stopped watching at any point i don't think I would have felt the urge to go back and complete the series.

back on topic. I haven't brought myself to watch Runaways yet. Seeing an user mention that all the magic powers were being explained as nano tech instead made me less interested in it.

How so friend?
It's magic in the show. The characters assume it is tech, but quickly realize the staff is doing things science can't.

>apparently sidetracks the main plot for teen drama
Runaways is literally full of teen drama

Not that user, but AoS season 1 > any season of daredevil is just retarded.

Nothing in the show says it's magic
On the other hand, the showrunner said it was technology on an interview because marvel TV said that magic was a nono to them

They literally say that technology couldn't be doing the things the staff does in the show. Also that interview made zero sense since magic has been in there since Agents of SHIELD season one

You're working under the assumption that Marvel's TVverse has any sort of concrete, unified planning behind it and is not in fact an afterthought to the movies and produced by completely different crews to the movieverse's.

>lucifer is a joke it may aswell be buffy number 2
If Lucifer is as good as Buffy was, I'd have to check it out. Buffy is better than any of the other shows you posted.

I read the first few episodes of the comic after watching the first 3 episodes of the show. They are pretty close to one another. mean there are minor changes like Molly being older and being adopted by Gert's parents, the Scientology knockoff church, and Nico's dead sister. But generally the feel and the characterizations are pretty similar.

*issues of the comic

Lucifer is ok user, it's not great but it's solidly comfy.
completely off topic lucifer spoiler
The new LT. or CPT. or whatever who is running their precinct is actually an angel or some other supernatural here to check up on Lucifer

>How so friend?
I mean you have Agent Carter season one twice, once at the top and once at the bottom. Maybe you meant to put season two at the bottom? Season one was not that good though. You also put Daredevil season one twice. I will guess the second one is supposed to be DD season 2? DD season 2 was really good though, best screen version of Punisher so far. I would put all the Netflix shows except Iron Fist above Agents of SHIELD 1-3 (can't comment on 4 since I never watched it).

It depends on who you ask.

I'm mad that changed a lot of important stuff but if you never read it or don't care and like drama shit it might be fine.

I meant season two for Agent Carter and Daredevil, bith lower than their season one. I agree Punisher was the best thing, but the show is Daredevil not Punisher and when Daredevil is the centerpiece it's unbareable

>Because Sup Forums hates marvel
ftfy. Sup Forums is cool with the MCU, they just don't like Marvel Comics.

>not muh
Oh, please.

Because MCU is actually still about the characters we love, Marvel comics is about their legacy knockoffs shitting on them.

I didn't tell them not to watch it. Why do people get so mad if someone gives a differing opinion around here?

Runaways is one comic with very little canon so diverging as much as they have is quite drastic already.

Can people still enjoy it? Of course.

Will I? Probably not.

Will I still watch it? Yep, but the America threads don't reach 500 posts with people reading it because they like it.

Because implying that anyone who read the comic wouldn't like the show is highly presumptuous.

This. I own all of BKV's run and love the show

I said if you don't care about canon? It isn't a put down. It's just a matter of fact.

>all the Marvel shows are good
Woah there, user. Let's not get hasty. AoS, Legion, and some of the Netflix serieses, sure, but "all" is a stretch.

>co-produced by Marvel Television
>Loeb is a producer on the show
>gets advertised at Marvel-ran panels and on Marvel's website (unlike all the X-men movies)
Gifted, Legion and the upcoming Deadpool animated series are all made, at least partially, by Marvel. They may not have anything to do with the X-men movies, but the X-men shows are a different matter.

>Molly being older and being adopted by Gert's parents,

for what purpose?

how could you even stay true to Molly without making her mentally challenged or something?

Gert's parents experiment on her.

She's got the lead poisoning retardation.

in which episode they say that? i don't remember anything like that

All I remember is Nico saying her HOUSE couldn't do it.

I still assume it's Magic, but it is weird they use such Geometric shapes to depict it.

Third, it's when the staff made it snow

Yeah, THAT i remember, it's kinda like the nods to time travel with Gert

>for what purpose?
Purpose of making her adopted? Gives them two less parents they have to pay as semi-main character actors and that the audience has to keep track of. Purpose of making her older? Maybe they just want to make clear that it's a teen show and not a kids show, so they can deal with sexual stuff without worrying that younger kids are watching it later? I dunno.

Ok, so you're not retarded user you just have very bad taste.

I seriously didn't like the first 3 episodes. Sorry.

How come?

Explain? The hand and elektra stuff was abysmal

They did that a lot it seems. I don't know if they mean it as a nod or foreshadowing.

Bringing it up as a nod just seems like an insult or at least misguided. We know it's different. It's not cute. Most people watching didn't read the comic so won't get it.

>MCUcky shills the TV shows

Punisher stuff made up for it.
>but it's not a punisher show
The whole season was like an extended pilot episode/season zero for Punisher.

She acts extra immature, probably because of losing her parents at such a young age. She holds onto her overly cutesy hair clip because she got it from her mom, so I'm assuming they're going in that direction.

She was probably aged up so that they could all go to school together. Less of a headache to try and work two different schools into the story, and more practical financially to have a single school set.

And she was occasionally mentally-challenged in the comics, anyway. She was supposed to be 13 or something, but acted and spoke like a toddler half the time. Her character was atrocious in the comic, really. I have no doubt that the TV version will be way better.

She was 11, and the implication was she was manipulative.

Which could be true in the show considering she lied to Ms Wilder.

>The whole season was like an extended pilot episode
That’s not how seasons are supposed to work.

Where to download Legion? All torrents I find are dead.

As that's not how it works. I agree that it was season 0, but Punisher was a supporting character and the main plotline was the Hand and Elektra. It was a Daredevil show and needs to be viewed as that.

It was the best on-screen Punisher we've had, better than anything in his own series. Daredvil fans may have been disappointed but it was great for Punisher fans.

Where is animated Deadpool airing? Is PG or R?

but I did. I made a thread and everything

FXX, being done by the guys behind the show Atlanta