Are there any examples of superhero moms? Also, how would you write a comic/cartoon with a super mom as main character
Are there any examples of superhero moms? Also, how would you write a comic/cartoon with a super mom as main character
Jessica Jones and Spider-Woman
Helen Parr
Right HERE.
And my story would be a Superhero Step mother in a love triangle with her Husband & Step Son.
No cape = no real hero
Wondy should be a mom. Not really sure why she isn't. Hell, alternate versions even have a daughter, Lyta, aka Fury.
>the most generic, hentai-tier idea
Stop thinking with your dick
Who said I was?
Power Girl should be a mom too
>Phillipus turning white, then black, then white again
DC colorist idiocy strikes again! But then, this art is really fuckin' weird. What is this from?
The last time she had a kid Hal wiped it from existence.
Didn't we do a whole thing with supermoms that one time?
The black woman isn't Phillipus. Look again
Yes. It was autistic as fuck
I would make a show about a super mother having to juggle between being a mom and a superheroine. And maybe her son doesn't know or does know but has to keep the secret
This reminds me. In Sky High, the fire teen boy was said to have a super mom and a villain dad. That also sounds like a good plot, though I'm pretty sure Sup Forums would only be interested in all of the hate sex involved
That episode of Fairly Odd Parents had both of them as superheroes
We are about to get a Pixar film about a superhero mom next year, and luckily they are more likely to do well with the interesting premise then folks here who feel the need to lewd it up right away instead of just using an already interesting premise.
>her son is a hero too but she doesn't know
Meat vision was dad's power. She had regular super vision
That is kind of like how Dr Fate was for a while. That woman fucked both her husband and hes adopted son.
god those thighs
She had it too.
MOM: "Hey, I have meat vision too".
aw yeah i remember that now. good shit.
>get bj from medi
>after a long loving sloppy bj, your foreskin grows back
This is why Sup Forums projects are always a failure
Nah, the main cause they fail is that there are only 5 working hands and 200 idea guys.
ideas and pervertism that doesnt accumulate anything of worth beyond greentext stories and shortlived flavor of the month porn?
>there are only 5 working hands and 200 "I want my fap material" guys.
I had a similar idea about a single mom who gets superpowers, decides to become a superhero and also uses her powers to help her raise her kids.
I kind of wanted to base it around women I've grew up around and who have raised me.
I don't like the idea of powerless kids desu
Scarlet Witch
Sue Richards
Jean Grey-Summers
Saturn Girl
Technically also the mothers of a couple members of Infinity Inc. and those of The Inferior Five
>be tranny
>she licks your crotch
>penis grow back
>Also, how would you write a comic/cartoon with a super mom as main character
lots of rape, lots of tentacles, lots of hunk farm horses, lots of alien mutant hunk humanoid tentacle rapists horses
Not technically Sup Forums but it is supposed to be in the style of American comics. Basically she is retired superhero and her daughter took up the mantle.
Came here to mention this. What happened to this project?
>not superhero dad fucking his super wife and super femboy step son
This, basically
somebody spoonfeed me, what was happening with supermoms?
Rather see a superhero wife keeping it a secret from her newlywed husband.
>seeing where I was
Well, I'm glad things are better
That feels like just porn
It pretty much is.
It actually is a Hentai series.
You forgot to mention that it's just porn user. It's just porn
Do they fuck?
A lot actually. Even lolis get some action too. But beware there are dickgirls.
just like every Sup Forums project
it started out as an ecchi series but the artist just said fuck it and made it porn
So why the fuck did you post that shit as example?
That's not a deterrent, amigo.
>Divorced mom
>The kids were left with the father
>All the family thinks she wanted more time to focus on her career
>Only if her career is being a superhero!
First season is how her family and coworkers shit about her for her career choices, even if she is just finishing her studies and getting a humble job
Her ex husband is happy playing the single parent card. Just one of her children cares for her, the other two just hate her.
There is an inner debate in her mind, because she really loves being a superhero, so in some sense she left her family to focus on her career.
More please.
And here i was skipping that because i thought it was a cap marvel parody. I like momXdaughter a lot
Which is why I respect him.
So, a mom version of Peter Parker? Best post in this thread
The tl;dr would be: People got fed of it because it wasn't going anywhere.
Gender bender MILF Parker, why not.
>mom is made single mom because someone killed her husband
>same criminals try to kill her but accident gives her powers
>She's on a crusade to get revenge and track down her husband's killer
Nah then it would be always about "muh dead husband" like Katana.
It should be more about her being a (single) mon and heroine.
Why a single mom?
This series made it to at least issue 8.
And she was happily married with two reasonably well-adjusted kids.
That's her (Hispanic) husband in the background of the previous image, waving goodbye.
Super MOM
>it's all fetish shit
...And her husband is her nemesis, unbeknown to either.
Superhero version or Mr and Mrs Smith?
I get what you mean, but I would eventually bring in a new child being born with superpowers but base it around how first time mothers worry about every sniffle, cough and scrape their child gets.
Id read it.
That's kinda hot. Did she keep the helmet on?
>both husband and wife want to get their child to be their sidekick
>kid ends up learning his father and mother are superhero and super-villain at the same day
>he has to double time as both his father's and mother's sidekick and make sure neither find out of one another because he's afraid they'd divorce
>hijinks ensue
>kid wants to be good for his mom, but sometimes he canĀ“t resist being bad and badass like his father
>mom is a former "hero" of two whole weeks in her college years
>takes down a minor villain at the time, who then in the 10 years since, makes their way up the evil ladder
>wants to get revenge on her, but has no idea who she was or where she lives
>just happens to do it near where she lives now
>tries to go out and fight said villain, but can't fit into old outfit, spends time making a new slapped together outfit.
>heads out and stops villain 1,2,3 because strong
>headpats villain and tells them not to do it again
>villain enjoys the positive attention she gives, does it over and over
>super mom gets pouty mad eventually, asks them why they keep doing it
>villain explains why and super mom is weirded out and leaves hoping it doesn't become some common thing
>it does
>she frowns and huffs every time she has to deal with the villain, because its taking away from from her family and such
>eventually, has a sit down with villain to fix this whole mess
>finds out all she needed to do to stop this was just adopt the villain into her family
>she does, they live a happy life afterwards
>the end
That sound weird as fuck
>momdom super with emphasis on positive reinforcement
Would be a good porn
Id like it better if the mom was a more virtuous and law abiding hero while the father was a fierce vigilante.
its more like, finding a means to an end
villain is pacified by wanting to be in a family with her, she accepts mostly to end the BS of going through all that crap every week or whatever.
>tfw no buff spandex-clad supermom