It seems like, design-wise, Aquaman is gonna be one of the most accurate movies.
This is official promo art for the movie, by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado.
It seems like, design-wise, Aquaman is gonna be one of the most accurate movies.
This is official promo art for the movie, by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado.
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Mera looks exactly as she should look, if only to see her I could go to the cinema.
Her costume in the movie is fantastic.
I'm curious about how Atlana's is gonna look like (besides this small peek).
And it's rumored that this is gonna be Aquaman's new costume.
The trident seems to match the Atlantean King's (and Momoa said he'll get a new trident, instead of the current quindent).
>manta's suit still has the oversized helmet with glowing red eyes
Manta's actor already showed us his prototype costume.
stupid cockteaser
Excellent Desgin.
how was mera in JL
This is, for sure, my most anticipated DCEU movie. It seems like Wan has taken great care to respect the source material and the filming/directing hasn't been a clusterfuck like the other movies (besides WW). On top of that, Aquaman has been consistently good-great since the New 52.
It's a good to be an Aquafan
Pretty good.
She wasn't in it for long but her powers were cool and we got a bit of her backstory; it seems like Atlana took her under her care.
Her and Arthur didn't seem close yet.
Agreed. And the few on-set pictures we have look great.
>scales and V-Neck
It was posted by Aquaman Shrine (and confirmed by Joe Prado on his twitter).
If it is good, it's going to be weird living in the world where Wonder Woman and Aquaman got the best movies in the DC Universe while Superman and Batman got the shaft.
I hope Momoa is able to bring dramatic chops. I don't want the Thor Ragnarok problem where the character seems so divorced from the reality of their story
Is this our first comic book ginger not turned black since Raimi' s Mary Jane?
Jean Grey - Sophie Turner is still red head.
Batman still has the Matt Reeves movie coming. And Superman may still get Matthew Vaughn.
Not saying much but her fight against Steppenwolf was the most thrilling action scene to me.
Also Archie in Riverdale
Also Daredevil. He's not black but his hair is usually too dark
>actors doing goofy shit like this
Makes me pretty happy desu
>Both Ocean Master AND Black Manta
Bit worried about that
Eh, from what we know it's about a possible war between the surface world and Atlantis, like 'Throne of Atlantis'. Maybe in the movie Manta will be the instigator, instead of Vulko.
>"And how he has to bring these two worlds together. Because you're going to see this ocean world, which we just pollute, and how do these people feel underwater with what the land does to the ocean. And this war that is going to come between the two, and I'm the only one that can link the two. He has to do it. He doesn't want to do it."
>"In the story, we're going to see a couple different younger versions of me. And even before I was born, so you'll know where my mother came from, Atlantis. We've got to establish seven different kingdoms and the threat," said Momoa.
Id rather Manta stay the main antagonist and not have Ocean Master reduced to a Loki. Johns did it the right way, having Orm care about his brother while having misconceptions about the surface
>That Namorfag that said that the Aquaman movie would just be a Namor movie is disguise
Where is he? How does that look like a Namor movie?
Funny how everything but Aquaman himself looks spot on
Don't even bring up that retard
That's what I'm assuming is the case.
Like in Throne of Atlantis, Orm technically attacks the surface but only because he thinks it's in self defense of the kingdom; Manta, as the instigator, would be the actual villain.
Motherfucker actually cut a promo as Manta trashtalking Aquaman. I can't wait for this movie.
What you mean, senpai?
C'mon man I'm looking forward to the film buy Mamoa isn't your typical Arthur
No no no no, I wanna see him.
He said that the Aquaman movie would just be a Namor movie ns disguise, I wanna see him explaining it.
Is Ocean Master a Namor character?
Is Black Manta a Namor character?
Is Mera a Namor character?
The Trench? Atlanna?
He's 90s Aquaman's head on classic Aquamans body.
Whats the problem?
Not yet.
>"There's people that I would save, that I could save, and there's people that I couldn't. The human side of me is that heartbreak of he couldn't save someone. Not knowing what to with these powers, he was a drinker. He'd just down that emotion. He couldn't ever get that out.
>"You're going to see that I really wanted him to be that gruff thing, because he has to become king. If Justice League is like seeing him at his lowest, and not just his lowest, but this loneliness that I wanted about him, so when we get to Aquaman you know why he became that, and how he had been put in that lonely spot."
>"You're going to see him start as this guy who probably rides bikes, works on cars. You get to see him this one way as kind of a dirty, dark, drunkard, and then turn into this regal king."
Looks fine to me.
I like my Aquaman with short hair and a beard
This remains the best Aquaman.
what is that?
Some kind of soldiers; they were chasing Mera across rooftops and shooting at her.
wow. . . . Mera is easily twice the woman WW is.