What is so bad about a Clinton Presidency anyways?

What is so bad about a Clinton Presidency anyways?


Where will we get our memes?

Women, apparently.

so both clinton and trump are shit?

World War 3. We all die. That's kinda bad.

It's really just four more years of obama

The republican party is dead after this election fyi

world war 3, higher taxes, more degeneracy, take away our guns


The transformation of the US into a Hispanic Mexico 2.0

A good time for personal development, our collective undoing will usher in an era of mass growth

Icky free trade. The good socialists of Sup Forums know that the capitalism is a tool used by Wall Street.

that whore is fucking disgusting.

Feminist and SJW thought will be pushed further.

Possibly WW3 with Russia and Syria.

The mexicans will take all their jobs and the islamic terroroists will blow up all their planes

And don't forget all those children around the world who will continue to be kidnapped, raped, murdered, and possibly eaten because President Hillary demands the DOJ and FBI stay away from her and her friends.

Hillary has corrupted the entire system. The media call her apparatus to ask for questions to pose to Trump, and beg for her interviews with walkover questions. They tell her questions in advance to gain the democrats' favor. The State Department employees privately and personally about 50x as much money to Hillary as to Trump. She has filled it with political appointments who fill it further with political appointments. The longer a party has power, the more that power solidifies, because everything comes to serve that party.

Also, muslim immigrants.

What is so bad about Trump Presidency anyways?


Very basic example:
No handles on immigration. Expect more lowest-tier wage & skill workers flooding the country and lowering the wages of all workers. Don't count on manufacturing to increase though- oh no. Taxes and lack of tariffs are keeping manufacturer owners financially motivated to set up shop in Mexico / China.

tl;dr more people with less jobs paying for more welfare.

Massive population shift to non-whites will force politicians to cater to Hispanics, thus turning our country into Mexico 2.0

Don't forget the war mongering and the saudi funding and the aiding in the creation of ISIS


The Supreme Court will contain at least one, and up to 3 of whichever Communist pedo murderers she wants to sell the position to.

Which means there will be nothing standing between her and what will effectively be dictatorship.


Immediate war with Russia.
Continued censoring of free speech
Increased permeation of SJW/feminist culture and science/reality denialists
Increased citizen reliance on the welfare state and thus more economic turmoil

Take a look at the average Clinton shill on here. These are the people that are being "empowered" by her presidency. And they're definitely not the ones that are going to be sent off to fight Russia, either. They're going to sit at home leeching more money off the government while America rots away, spamming "DRUMPF" on Facebook because they think it's clever. I hate to say it, but we *deserve* to be nuked into oblivion at this point.

Martin Shkreli won't give me my god damn albums

Killed Gadaffi and flooded Europe with migrants for twitter fame.
Wants to give Israel to the muslims because it's pc.
Will enforce TTIP upon us and destroye Denmark.
Will work with Nato to force flood all smaller european countries.
Will be a victory for all the degenerates all over the world.
