Why is Daria rated higher than Beavis and Butthead? How come did she get her own show anyway...

Why is Daria rated higher than Beavis and Butthead? How come did she get her own show anyway, she wasn't even a good character to begin with, she was the dullest supporting character in B&B, God knows what Mike Judge was thinking when he created her. The cartoon itself was literally soyboy garbage compared to B&B.

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Please stop trying so hard.

They wanted to appeal to the teenage girl audience like Beavis and Butthead appealed to the boys, so they took her as a blank slate and reworked her.

>The cartoon itself was literally soyboy garbage compared to B&B.
And that's, just, like, your opinion man.

>And that's, just, like, your opinion man.
But you did said that they wanted to appeal to teen girl audience. Also, every cartoon ever made is soyboy garbage compared to B&B.

Judge didn't create her, one of his staff writers (Glenn Eichler) did because Judge wanted a female foil for B&B.
Daria got her own show because of two reasons:

1. It was greenlighted at the height of B&B mania, when a spin-off made sense

2. Daria was popular with the "Just here for the MST3K segments" segment of the fanbase, who generally hated B&B/only liked them when they were ripping off Joel/Mike. She was the only character that didn't take their shit and gave as good as she got done to her by the two.

Third, Daria was insanely popular because it was it's own unique entity and not just a soulless rip-off. Eichler openly admitted ripping off what was done with Fraiser, with Daria in terms running from the source material in order to create a unique entity.

Daria is loved because it's a snapshot of a time LONG LONG LONG ago, one I bet a newfag like yourself never fucking lived through. It's a show about an era in American history before 911 ruined everything and irrevocably fucked up the world and society, especially if you were a teen coasting through the Clinton era. When there was no more horrors left except the crisis of the spirit and society's desire for conformity at all cost.

But like I said, you are most likely a newfag who wasn't a teenager when Daria first aired and experienced it when it first aired.

The show writers quickly realized though that the show had a large number of male fans though. So female pandering was quickly shelved for more universal stories about teenage life/angst.

>Why is Daria rated higher
because its the best western coming of age story

So where did this Soyboy term originate from? I remember seeing it in a PJW video but he's basically just a faggot who is desperately trying to be cool by being a young conservative so I figure it came from somewhere else.

daria is hot

Her show had a plot

Beavis and Butthead was fart jokes and making fun of weird videos

Mtv would never have the guts to do something like Daria now. A True counter-culture show. They'd have to make her hate SJW shit.

>This show is like totally buzzword I heard yesterday!

>triggered soyboy response

stay mad

iirc beavis and butthead was crude and had no narrative like daria.

She'd be too apathetic to care either way. She wouldn't side with one group but not allow the other side to think she supports them by proxy.

Either way, Daria the character was okay but rewatching it I appreciate every other character more now

MTV wanted to market to girls. That is all.

I can't believe people born this century will soon be legal to fuck en masse.

I'm glad I got to experience some of the 90s myself. Hell, even the 'just after 9/11' world is league's better than the depressing crap-shat that is current times.

>Daria would be in her mid-30s now

Daria would have two blogs that mock hated each other over controversial issues that every pseudo intellectual in her school would read.

>muh narrative
Why would you fartknockers care about some gay ass wussies' life? Beavis and Butthead did magic by pointing a middle finger at the complexity of life and paranoia of the future. By letting 2 idiot savants who only care about basic needs ravage their way through modern society, we notice how banal the development of human civilization has been that society misunderstood someone as incredibly simple as Beavis and Butthead. It's not even nihilistic, it pokes fun at the materialistic needs of humankind under the guise of progressiveness. Daria's SOL garbage has nothing on this.

And everyone stopped taking you seriously.

The 90s was stupid, though. The internet was wild and free, but you could gag on all the irony and cynicism everywhere else.

Fun facts on that subject:

1. The Hard Times Of RJ Berger (a short lived live action show on MTV in the late 00s) was supposed to be a spiritul success to Daria. Basically male Daria in high school. Sadly, it the writers decided to only emulate the episodes where Daria gets screwed over in the end in the way RJ Berger was 100% misery porn/anti-outcast, with RJ never winning ever.

2. They seriously planned on reviving Daria when Mike Judge finally came crawling back to do Beavis and Butthead for MTV. To the extent that they refused to let Judge use Daria in any shape/way/fashion in the '10s revival, so as to not muddy the waters with a potential Daria reboot. Sadly, the network head who greenlighted the B&B revival and the planned Daria revival, got fired and replaced with SJW feminazis who declared B&B and Daria too "toxic" for their all feminist vision for MTV, due to the fact that the original Daria had a large male demographic as did the revival of B&B, and they would rather have poor rated shows watched by only women than having high rated shows watched by both sexes

>1. The Hard Times Of RJ Berger (a short lived live action show on MTV in the late 00s) was supposed to be a spiritul success to Daria. Basically male Daria in high school. Sadly, it the writers decided to only emulate the episodes where Daria gets screwed over in the end in the way RJ Berger was 100% misery porn/anti-outcast, with RJ never winning ever.
But he had a big dick so it was okay!
Seriously though, that show was meh at best only for the animation spots really the whole show was literally "You're a nerd and life can shit on you, but because you have a big dick, that makes you way better than anyone." the whole plot/theme of his dick size was just kinda cringey

>Beavis: Didn't Daria, like, kill herself or something?
>Butthead: No, dumbass, Daria didn't kill herself. She moved away.
>Beavis: Oh yeah yeah... heh... Always thought she'd be the type to, y'know, kill herself.

Is it just me, or did beavis and butthead become somewhat prodigies in the season 8 revival? Not smarter, but much more insightful.

How does it feel being 15

prove me wrong

whelp, that is the draw of the show.

B&B attracts 14 year olds who only want to see fart jokes, and Beavis freaking out and getting his ass kicked. They don't want or care about depth.

Daria attracts the people who like the deconstruction of teen angst/drama angle

What the fuck os beavis and butthead?

Daria's best moments always wind up being with people nothing like her. As fun as her constant interaction with Jane is, it's the moments where she has to spend meaningful time with Britney or Upchuck or, obviously, Quinn where the show gets sublime.


See I've always wanted to believe that at least Daria and her family would wind up like her vision of the future where she has to write an essay for Mr. O'Neill's class. It's a little more flattering, plus the idea of Quinn becoming a baby-making machine and a doting mother tickles my sense of irony.


Future Daria is quite the Fluid Druid.

I remember her and Jane writing off two guys that they were enjoying talking to just because they were related to Upchuck, that was kind of a bitchy thing to do.

how do I get a Daria gf


Go out with a slutty goth chick, then meet with her weird frigid friend.

>Quinn's life is shit
Good to see Trent having a good end.

They were sionist jews so it's alright.

>Daria is loved because it's a snapshot of a time LONG LONG LONG ago, one I bet a newfag like yourself never fucking lived through. It's a show about an era in American history before 911 ruined everything
So is Beavis and butthead

>Sadly, the network head who greenlighted the B&B revival and the planned Daria revival, got fired and replaced with SJW feminazis who declared B&B and Daria too "toxic" for their all feminist vision for MTV

The fuck? Daria is one character whom all the feminists I know, AND lots of guy friends I know, unashamedly likes.
I don't think this could really be why a Daria revival was blocked.

Sup Forums it's a really stupid meme and it's the newest buzz word.

Autismo speak moves too fast for me. What does this one mean?

Here's the punchline: PJW tries to spin a story about soy making people retarded cucks, and then shills for Alex Jones' snake oil pills which are made of, wait for it, FUCKING SOY.

>muh cartoons have depth

Already legal in 31 states.

I always stumblr across a daria thread when I'm rewatching.

>2. They seriously planned on reviving Daria when Mike Judge finally came crawling back to do Beavis and Butthead for MTV. To the extent that they refused to let Judge use Daria in any shape/way/fashion in the '10s revival, so as to not muddy the waters with a potential Daria reboot. Sadly, the network head who greenlighted the B&B revival and the planned Daria revival, got fired and replaced with SJW feminazis who declared B&B and Daria too "toxic" for their all feminist vision for MTV




top 10 anime plot twists

Does anything have depth? What is depth? How do you know what has depth and what doesn't?

If I like it it has depth, if dad dislike it it's a masterpiece.


>Sionist Jews

So they were Chinese?


Daria was the opposite of Beavis and Butthead, and that is the draw.
In every way Daria's life is different than the two highlanders.

Who gave Beavis and/or Butthead access to the internet?


>soyboy garbage
You need to stop getting your opinions from Sup Forums and Info Wars

You can use any smartphone to connect to public wifi hotspots and look at boobs just by typing "boobs", which they are likely to do with any text input device they encounter. This would set them on an epic quest to acquire more internet.


You saw what they did when they called the phone sex line. Internet would be no different