Batman Beyond #14 Storytime























No back pages?

Good page.

Is this the one where they kill off Terry and replace him with Tim Drake?

Yes. But then
Terry is alive because timeline changes, Tim rescued the Justice League in which Jon is Superman now and then got MANHATTANED and is now somewhere because of Mr. Oz stuff. Likely forgotten since he hasn't shown up after OZ is over.

that's good to hear, thanks for posting. I was really looking forward to this series until I heard it had no Terry.
Now that he's the star, I'll definitely start picking it up.

So how is this series? Did the Dee Dees show up?

Dick Fury is better than Old Man Bruce

Its kinda mediocre until another of the Robins shows up, word of warning.

shes down to boogie

>Still Jurgens
How the fuck did he get this book in perpetuity?

matt is embarrassed to his big bros girl naked.

Lol really
