Brand new to Sup Forums. What does everyone think of this age old debate?

Brand new to Sup Forums. What does everyone think of this age old debate?

It has more or less moved away from the comics threads, which is nice. Unfortunately now it's a large part of the movie threads which continue to drain this board of its soul.

Image Comics is better than both RIGHT NOW. You cannot seriously deny this

this, and also pledging an allegiance to a company should be a crime punishable by death

It's retarded. Movie & comic book wise.

Both universes are enjoyable and writers from both companies have written for each other multiple times. And have even used eachothers character concepts.

The whole thing is dumb as fuck.

can we blame disney interns for this one?

>marvel movie comes out

disney shills: amazing!!!

>DC movie comes out

DC shills: amazing!!!
Marvel shills: No is not, fuck you!! DC playing catch up!!! LMAO the state of DCucks!! Laughing evans!! Jew Wonder Woman!!! Affleck wants to quit!!!

>pledging an allegiance to a company should be a crime punishable by death
On the contrary, senpai, I expect by the end of Dear Leader's first term it'll be the LAW.

Comic books:

>contrarian bullshit


V for Vendetta
Dark Knight trilogy
Batman 89
Superman the movie
Road to Perdition
Batman V Superman
Man of Steel
Justice League.


Iron Man 1
Winter Soldier

That's it, those are the only good movies they have

Every time you try to push company wars, you're doing exactly what Quesada wants you to do.

Don't be one of Quesada's minions, user.

You forgot

>marvel movie comes out

disney shills: amazing!!!

DC shills: Wow, quip, quip, quip, these movies are so formulaic and kiddy. You Marvelfags don't appreciate art.

Both sides are cancer and need to die.

>Batman v Superman
>Justice League

Also, if you're going to count non DCEU films on your list, then you might as well add non MCU Marvel films like Spider-man 2, X2, DOFP, Logan, etc.

but that's not wrong, Thor 3, Iron Man 3 and Guardians 2 became a parody of themselves

While Marvel tards always go: Wow, the sad part is that this 3 seconds clip of this cartoon is already better than justice league!

LOL Just reboot everything!!! LOL JL2 already cancelled!!! News about Afleck wanting out!!! Box office reports!!!!

You don't see even half the amount of negative posts towards Marvel movies that go out of their way to bring any meaningless detail as ''lol DC is finished!!! pajeets!!!''

Difference being that DC films are all made under the WB logo.

All those other movies don't count since they are different studios.

If anything we should just talk about those fox and sony films while leaving the mediocre MCU out of the equation

>LOL Just reboot everything!!! LOL JL2 already cancelled!!! News about Afleck wanting out!!! Box office reports!!!!

You don't see even half the amount of negative posts towards Marvel movies that go out of their way to bring any meaningless detail as ''lol DC is finished!!! pajeets!

Except that's not wrong either. Sorry, but the normalfags don't like the DCEU, and that's going to lead to bad news. It's just that DCfags can't accept them.

Most of those films were made under different management and approach, that they might as well be under different studios. And if you want to do that, the more accurate term would be Marvel and WB, not DC. The latter don't have a movie studio and don't have any influence on the films.

>Except that's not wrong either. Sorry, but the normalfags don't like the DCEU, and that's going to lead to bad news. It's just that DCfags can't accept them.

See? This is literally why we can't never have a decent conversation about DC movies, too many marvel interns posting buzzwords and trying to make them pass as opinions.

Rinse, repeat

>that they might as well be under different studios

They are not from different studios just because that would help your argument.

While you are trying to argue that movies made by different studios should be taken as the same thing

The best marvel movies by far are Logan, Days of future Past and X-men 1, none of them were influenced by Marvel Studios.

They've both made a lot of great comics over the years.

Recently Marvel can't seem to stop screwing the pooch.


The consensus here is
Comics dc>marvel
Movies marvel>dc
And with TV it's mixed. Because this is a comic board, there are a lot of DC fanboys here who defend the movies despite them being garbage.
There are also many people here who disregard any of Marvel's good comics because either they're DC fanboys or they're alt-right and think Marvel are destroying the west.
Overall, I prefer DC personally.

>they're DC fanboys or they're alt-right and think Marvel are destroying the west.
Or maybe the writing is shit.