What's Sup Forums drinking to get through the election?

What's Sup Forums drinking to get through the election?

Pic related
>rum & coke

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>meme rum
it's actually p good
you squirting a little lime in that shizz tho

Morphine, Nuerontin and Xanax

just rum
im too much of a pussy for whiskey

Pretty loaded

Arrogant bastard ale, shit's pretty good

carling, gonna eat topkeks later

Wild turkey 101 on the rocks

Nothing until i know who's won, i want to know whether it's a happy drink or a depressing one

drinking the exact same thing

Chocolate milk
>didn't buy alcohol

Use bicardi for cuba libre.

Kracken spices with licoriche. Rich in xenoesto.

The Oaked one is my current favorite.


>tfw ran out of all the good beer and now only have generic finnish water-beer left in the fridge
Fuck my life

just some mid-tier italian beer

Got a bottle of Bowmore 12 Year for thanksgiving, haven't cracked it open yet

I got black spiced version of this. It's ass.

libtard tears

>not drinking scotch straight-up
>mixing any liquor with a sugary drink, ever

i knew this board was full of faggots


Lagunitas Little Sumpin'

Jack and Jameson. I couldn't pick so I just poured them both over some ice. MAGA

does this finnish water-beer have a name?

I'm smoking some bud

Please make it stop. Make it end

>implying mid-tier italian beer and a couple of arancini isn't a god-tier comfy bar lunch

But I'm in bed now. Waiting for Florida results.

It is a fuckin meme rum, and its one of my favorites and one of the best spiced rums I've had. Its also very powerful for its ABV and pussies cant handle it. I would love seeing them drop the meme shit and go with classic carribean/1700s labeling and bottling. I mean, I say its one of the best spiced rums I've had, but I've had so much better. Kraken is a bit syrupy and has a kick, but for some reason its just fuckin good.

jager, redbull and weed.

C'mon Sweden!

I love some Kraken, should've picked a bottle up tbqh. I've got pic related instead.

Kraken rum is good shit
I have some cheap Glenns vodka, absolutely fucking disgusting it tastes like rubbing alcohol
It was all they had at the shop, because I didn't plan ahead

Steam works , tropical tart ale

Homemade alcohol with soda

Red cans for a red map!

my man

supermarket brand beer

tastes good though


I've got the leftovers of like three sixpacks of various generic water beers in my fridge. Currently sipping on some "Karhu" (literally "Bear").

I find whisky much easier to drink straight.

>inb4 shitty Canadian swill
>inb4 no "e"

Too lazy to go downstairs and take a picture of the bottle.
Straight because its smooth as fuck


All 18 cans, just like last night. Will probably steal a roommate's beer too.

Captain Morgan's Private Stock baby


Protein shake brah. Gains for Donald PUMP

Water master race.

12th beer right now

Gin and tonics and reefer

still freaking out


drinking some Bulleit 10 year

Rum and coke is good for a sustained buzz.

Moscow Mules, thanks based "Russian hackers"


Black Mocha Stout

I actually gave up drinking yesterday to focus on my career. Tho, if I were to drink, it would have to be crown royal.


sup moonshine buddy

I have soco and coke and some good old America beer.

I'm on my eight. Cheers. Gonnna drink some of this later the regular though

Jim beam. Neat.

Highland Gaelic Ale.


good taste boychick

Upstate NY fag here, drinkin ol Genny bby

only "coke" i get into is white, my man

git gud

Rhodiola Rosea extract, Caffeine and Taurin.

Shitty scoth

Shiner Bock

Some Boodles gin

Sober, so drinking water. Drink for me pol.

>mixing perfectly mediocre rum with sugar

I can tell you have tits OP, i'm not sure about what's in your pants though

My nigga

Arboga 10.2 höhöhöhöhöhöhö

vietnambro for trump reporting in


I'm a Laphroaig man myself

Evan Williams

canadian club and gingerale
drink of the gods famalam

Asheville bro?

Love their frontier rye whiskey.

tea. i have to work in the morning.

My brother

Got any other recommended peated whiskies? im gonna buy myself another for christmas

oh man, that shit is delicious but they also carry 6ers of the regular so I decided to get faced instead


im on 6 beer
fucking americans have beer 3%
in Poland we drink beer 7%-9% u get stupid fatburger get drink as fuck after one beer XD

>not adding a small splash of water

Do you even know how to drink scotch?




my nigga

Gotta keep the ol' blood sugar up.

Nice. Switched to straight vodka because I can't afford to drink WT on the daily, but 101 is the shit.

this italian stuff
its pretty tasty

Hibiki 12 years. Here's to you America, you finally got your shit together.

24 Liter pure German beer, take my energy

Smoking... AM-210

Wild Turkey 101 and beer

not actually a Sup Forums user (huge liberal actually) but if trump loses i'm going to have a celebratory coopers green. if hillary loses i'm still going to have a beer and celebrate the fact i don't live in the united states anymore

Original super male vitality right here

I needed something a bit stiffer. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I completely forgot to drink something!!! Thanks for the thread/reminder

Johnnie Walker with soda.

We're in for a good night boyyysssss.

Jameson and Budweiser.

ew fucking disgusting what the fuck is wrong with you

muh nigga u better shove some fucking lime in there