What does Sup Forums think of this overlooked and forgotten masterpiece?

It was really, really, boring

It really wanted to be a misterious epic, but ended as, "meh

I kinda liked it, but agree the script needed something less generic happening.
but it was decent. coulda been great but it settled for decent.

The script needed like 30 more minutes to flesh things out. It felt like cutscenes from a video game spliced together.

Nice atmosphere and style. Great color palette.

Boring as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

The plot made very little sense.

Watched in when it first came out. I only remember minor details about it.

Conclusion: it was boring and forgettable.

>everything is different shades black and brown brown with the occasional green energy somewhere the movie

Not enough crotch rubbing.

It really could have benefited from some blue.

same board that says frozen was a masterpiece, not surprised

Fucking fujos
>looks at deviantart
Despite the autism, this artist is p gud

If its not from the mouse this board wont actually like the movie, you cant ask about animation here. OP

It's a non-masterpiece that deserves to be forgotten.

You're either a newfag or retarded. I'm placing my bets on both.

It was not a well structured and put-together movie. I do like the designs of the machines, though.

>Fucking fujos
Isn't one of those dolls a girl? Fujos are usually associated with homo ships.

But it didn't make any sense

there's your keyword

Really loved the style and world's atmosphere, but I don't remember much about the characters and story outside of the pragmatic fearful leader.

7 was the female/maternal aspect of the old scientist's mind.

So, eh?


Yeah, there's 7 on that art, the only female in the entire cast.

It's trending on Netflix so it can't be that forgotten.

I think they just got it recently so are shoving it at people. I know that's why I've seen it at all.

It probably hasn't been on Netflix before so people are excited they've gone from 8 to 9 movies to watch.

Not overlooked, and not a masterpiece.
's alright, though.

It cares more about the lore and concepts than the actual story which is a big problem. I mean I love lore and dystopia characters/settings so I really like this movie but there's a reason nobody remembers it.

A movie or series needs more than backstory to keep it going. It can help a series's longevity but it can't attract people in the same way the main story can and should.

The trailers were better than the actual movie.

The trailer was 5/5, the movie was 3/5. Hype crash can make a good movie half-way decent and a half-way decent movie into a turd.

sort of an evil little big planet

seen it on 9/9/9

deserves 6 at most.

Its hardly a masterpiece. It was interesting, but its pretty cliche and not as cool as the art/world that they made. There's so little to the characters and story. It's meh and just another in a string of failures of studios trying to hit on a more mature animated movie. Studios keep having giant failures in those regards. You can make some goofy cartoon and make millions, try to make a little dark or action related you bomb. I used to work in animation, you guys have no idea how much this movie and others like it are looked at hurting the industry. Not with disdain, but more disappointment as no one really knows how to crack it. As in make all parties, audience, studio ect. happy. Like how to really a pitch to a big budget studio that is marketable. They don't like high concept, they don't like rated R, they don't like using cartoon voice actors (gotta have famous people) Here's some examples of other decent movies that flopped and make studios scared of this idea.

Titan AE
Final Fantasy

I really liked the setting, but it kind of fell through about halfway in

The original short/trailer was good. The movie was a fucking bore.

Frozen is just "generic good"

>Frozen is just "generic"

The movie has a really cool world, the machines especially look awesome, the plot isn't that bad either. What really keeps it from being among my favorites is the fact that the characters arn't memorable, besides number 1 all feel very one note.

First of all, no they don't. There's tons of posts here of people hating on frozen, especially after it overstayed its welcome. Look, you're even one of them. Second of all, as with any board, Sup Forums isn't one person.

I've been wanting to watch it for a long time and coincidentally I just watched it yesterday.

It was ok. The story is generic, it's mostly boring, there's no deeper lore to play with, none of their tiny tools were really interesting or elaborate.

The only thing that stood out to me was the use of locations, running through the trenches, the factory, fighting on the plane, it was neat.

A+ monster design and trailer but the story was very generic. Just kinda felt like stuff happening because the plot needed to end with the main machine dying. 5’s death got me. He didn’t deserve it.

Or maybe 9 is just a bit of a bore?

Similar problem as Kubo but worse, great visuals but pretty average story.

It was really dissapointing

flash > substance

Had Coheed and Cambria as it's licensed music. So solid 9/10 just for the song alone.

I actually just watched it for the first time and man did the previews make it look great. Sadly the movie was disappointing in comparison it was ok. Nothing to write home about I'm not surprised it's on Netflix.

The original short film was a thousand times better, this movie is garbage.

It was boring as fuck.

Great aesthetics

Decent worldbuilding

It forgot to have a plot, or chracters