Possible homosexual?

Possible homosexual?

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I think Dan would top Walter.

Walter only bottoms for Dan.


wow for a second I thought I stepped into 2009 Sup Forums


You're just not seeing the love triangle.

i can dig it

Costumes on?

No. Rorschach would take his mask off, thus signifying his letting down the barriers he's put up around himself since childhood. For once, he becomes Walter, not Rorschach.

Dan might keep his on, because as in the comic he can only get it up with the excitement of superheroics.

the only heterosexual here is The Blob

perfect analysis.

It depends how Rorschach feels.

Lolgay aside Dan is the only person who bothered to befriend him and the only one who treats him like a human being and puts up with his shit, so Rorschach cares about Dan a lot.

It's why he apologizes to Dan and the hand holding parallel it's just to show how much he likes Dan.

It felt more like a love triangle in the Snyder movie more than the comic because Rorschach is extra bitchy about Laurie being with Dan and her being the reason he's out of retirement. He also makes comments about her that he didn't make in the comic.

What comments did he make in the movie?

Nice trips

>Jesus Dan, why are you chasing that whore's worn out disgusting flaps when you could be lodging that owl dick right in my Rorschass like back in the old days?
You're seriously telling me you missed that part?

They wrote him way out of character. He would never have said Rorschass.

The rooftop argument he has with Laurie after she and Dan free him happens differently in the comic (pic related) and it's mostly because Rorschach starts suspecting Laurie of being the mask killer. Before that he even tells her he's happy to see her in uniform (even though he also tells her he doesn't like her uniform).

In the movie however he only tells Dan that he's happy to see him suited up and then ends up saying "should have known all you needed was a nice pair of legs to motivate you" and Laurie calls him and asshole and they argue and Rorschach starts accusing of her picking a good time to be unfaithful to John and then Dan tells them to zip it.


Also when Rorschach and Dan have the fight that leads to the handshake, in the comics Rorschach says this to Daniel.

>Rorschach: Been lazing around a long time. Maybe you’ve forgotten how we do things.
Then Dan gets angry about the lazing around part.

In the movie however

>Rorschach: You've forgotten how we do things Daniel. You've gone soft. Too trusting. Especially with women.
And Dan gets angry because but it's debatable if it's because Rorschach brought up Laurie or if it's because Rorschach was just insulting him


Also those scenes (I think they were deleted?) that looked like Rorschach was spying on Dan and Laurie in the Gunga Dinner, and in the beginning of the Watchmen movie Rorschach tells Dan he was stalking him because he wanted to make sure he got home safe.

Then the flashback scene with the Crimebusters in the movie Dan does little things like hold Rorschach back when he's angry, and fixes his lapel. He also saw him die in the movie and got upset about it enough to beat the shit out of Veidt. In the comics he doesn't notice because he's too busy fucking Laurie.

Honestly there's more to their relationship in Snyder's movie than in the comic, even if the comic is the better story.

What the hell was the VP's plan in Pax Americana? I understand he was the villain but what was he trying to accomplish? To assassinate the president? Why assassinate Peacemaker's girlfriend? She didn't crack algorithm 8 until after the assassination

No doubt.

I laughed.

geez snyder cool it with the irony

>the first cro-magnon did to the last neanderthal

They fucked. This is what actually happened.

>In the comics he doesn't notice because he's too busy fucking Laurie.
And feeling sorry for himself because he can't get it up/save the world. God, Dan and Laurie were shit.

Forget it Jake, it's X-Men. Nobody knows how Genetics work (or for that matter, magnets) and nobody understands what actually happened between the various types of Cavemen.

He didn’t want the President assassinated. The President wanted himself assassinated because he felt guilty about murdering his dad. The VP is just trying to benefit from the situation/not have it explode further on top of trying to snag Algorithm-8 for himself and outlawing superheroes. What he was behind was assassinating Peacemaker’s gf and the attempt to murder Adam with the Supercollider

I remember that scene where Dr. Manhattan slipped a Jolly Rancher into President Nixon's mouth.

was that in the director's cut?

is he straightening his cravat or awkwardly retracting his hands?

I thought it was because the Gentry demanded blood, so he offered himself and Adam would bring him back once the trouble was past.


snyder is a repressed homosexual, and I'm not joking when I say that

Anyone else ever feel like Dan and Laurie are the only normal people in the comic? Or at least the only normal main characters. Rorschach, Ozymandias, and Manhattan are all gods, one way or the other. They're not human to varying degrees.

Dan just had a kink, sure, but I dunno about Laurie, nobody raised by a pageant mom comes out human.

Well, it kind of varies. In some places they died out, others we interbred with, and in many places they simply never got there.

homo sapaiens having neanderthal (and denisovan ancestry in some regions like the south east asian islands) was only discovered in the last 5 years more or less. before people thought the sapiens came out of africa and did a clean sweep killing all other human species.

Dr. Manhattan making a giant jar of piss on Mars was a little much.

Snyder's personal cut.

I like this fanfiction.

Dan is a real ass in the comic. That scene made me legit angry.

Bros before hoes, Dan.

Movie Dan was much more of a bro.

It's just the macho Trump handshake to see who is more manly.

I bet he wishes they weren't wearing gloves.

The only normal/"good" person was Hollis.
He became Nite Owl because it was the right thing to do. It wasn't a kink, it wasn't for money, or exposure, it was something that was needed.



Who is more manly?

rorschach deserved better.

He became God of the underworld



Well, Dan banged more chicks, but streetfighter hobo killed more dudes. It comes down to who is the least metrosexual, so Rorschach wins.

Rorschach deserved better friends. Poor guy.

Would Dan at least have tried to convince Dr. Dick not to kill him if he knew?

Good question.

I honestly think he might have thrown Walter under the bus in order to have a chance of a life with Laurie.

Name a cuter couple.


rorschach x unrequited love and also pain.

It hurts because it's true.

Walter and Rorschach


And a better parent and some serious help.

Why wasn't Rorschach allowed to be happy?

The President planned to be resurrected by Captain Atom so he could be a messiah figure and save the world. But Sarge Steel, implied to be an agent of the Gentry, fucks it up by banishing Atom.


rorschach and beans

>4channers will never understand a true friendship

This. It isn't gay to hold hands with your best friend you fags. Or give them a quicky.

How does he hold in all those farts when he's sneaking around?

Nothing this is the G.O.A.T ship, how can anything else compare?

Reads like a genophobian to me.

He was wearing Veid's gay cologne in the comic though, which I always thought was a weird little detail.

>Reads like a genophobian to me.
yeah. he was a deeply repressed person and any urges he might have had were buried under layers and layers of thought distortion.

>He was wearing Veid's gay cologne in the comic though
i think it was actually the aftershave which was marketed to gays, but he used that too.

why not?

walking dead Bendis edition

only time in the whole book you see in-shape Nite Owl

at the Crimebusters meeting his cloak is covering his body

It's nice to see Watchmen coming up a lot recently.

Reminds me of this place before the movie came out.

I miss the "RRAAAARRL" meme.

Look how Hank holds Rorschach's hand with both of his hands.

Dan was probably the only guy who touched Rorschach in a positive way.

No, Manhattan was set on killing Rorschach, especially after Rorschach asked him to "Do it"

Dan didn't even see Rorschach's death in the comic and probably thinks he disappeared (but then again wouldn't he wonder about him since he didn't take Archie?) The comic really never deals with his thoughts about Rorschach after he leaves.

In the movie he screams when Manhattan kills him and runs to beat up Adrian and cries.

Honestly what I wonder is if Dan had for whatever reason died in the story how Rorschach would have taken it? Adrian didn't really had a reason to kill Dan but he also wasn't below killing anyone. He would have sacrificed anyone.

He does use Dan's perfume IIRC.

But fuck he just broke into Dan's apartment and did whatever and Dan just took it lol.

I meant Dan, I'm warching King of the Hills right now and made that error.

me too, user

Christ I hate the gays and the women too and shippers in general. Moment a dude shows some emotional vulnerability to another man you have to gay it up.


Rorschach is asexual.

What Batman comic is this from? Looks cool and worth checking out.

One More Day

Haha suck it up fag.

It's the one mistake of moore. How everyone simply said 'lol rorchsarch went off to die in the snow' and forgot he ever existed. Snyder's take on it was much bettet

I think moore just really disliked what he made rorsarch represent and killed him off that way as the final fuck you

but he had a heroic death. you'd think moore wouldn't grant him that, had he disliked him so much.

Was it really heroic?

Always seemed like an autistic brealdown to me

The dislike is evident in the fact that Rorschach's closest thing to a friend was pounding ass at the moment his constituent atoms were ripped apart.

I always imagine a cat sound.

He puts objects in his anus to loosen his butthole. That way the farts pass through his loose anus quietly.

>"Let's REALLY start plumbing the depths."

Yup; also h. neanderthalensis contributed to legends of dwarfs, goblins, trolls, "wild men", etcetera.

Me too user. Sup Forums was like a warm bath at that time.

Welcome to Sup Forums.

I think almost everyone agrees on that at least.

I just don't understand why Moore hated Rorschach so much. If anything, Rorschach was becoming more likeable at the end of the comic. Playing with others, actually giving a shit about Dan's feelings after Hollis died, etc.

Can't unhear in my head.

sure, in walter's dreams.

I wish I had that /fit/ copypasta right now.