If Superman is so powerful, why hasn’t he learned Ultra Instinct yet?

If Superman is so powerful, why hasn’t he learned Ultra Instinct yet?

Not enough S-cells.

>Superman doesn't know Ultra Instincts
>Therefore Superman is less powerful than Goku
>Spider-Man knows Ultra Instincts
>Therefore Spider-Man is on par with Goku.
Damn. I need to start rethinking how I power scale.

Because he's too busy being an attentive husband and father.

this is why Goku and Black People are physically more powerful than normal humans

>Spider-Man knows Ultra Instincts
Ultra instinct is a significant step down from Spidey-sense.

When you can tank almost everything the universe throws at you, why would you waste time and energy trying to dodge it? Goku needs UI because he is too weak to tank the attacks the Superman can (like bullets and lasers).

Superman already knows what's essentially ultra instinct.

How do you think he catches those bullets

He did, nearly over a decade before Goku.

>It took Goku this long to learn observation haki

You're fucking retarded, all spider sense does is warn you of danger and he still has to consciously dodge, UI is literally autododge and soon to likely be autoattack too, UI is objectively better

Ultra instinct only moves you out of the way of attacks. Spidey-sense lets you know of any danger, before it happen, and gives you complete 3d awareness of your surroundings, which ultra instinct specifically does not do.

Are you sure user? Superman's "Ultra Insticts" are better then Goku's.

Yeah but who cares if you know about the danger but then can't dodge it? Anyone faster than spidey just literally fucks him because he can't dodge what he can't react to. It's literally like babys first UI

>Anyone faster than s
obviously spider sense gives him enough warning to doge/counter attack a speedster

Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Superman? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Golden age Superman. I’m not talking about Pre-Crisis Superman trained by Muhammad Ali either. Or even talking about All Star Superman with the Time warping gravity gun and Solar suit (with the solar power cancer abilities and being capable of lifting 200 quintillion tons) equipped with Amalgam Comics Cap´s shield and Mjolnir, Hell, I’m not even talking about Superman 1 Million with solar supercharge, with all his multiversal powers and inside his fortress in the supersun. I’m talking about new 52 superman combined with Post-Crisis Supes with reality chattering punches, Solar Flare piloting the thought Robot powered by symmetry, memories, duality, probabilities, and possibilities with Hyperverse level of strength, , 4th wall awareness and plot Manipulation.

Literally when, generic spiderguy fights weak ass villians with weak ass speed


The obnoxious piece to Goku vs Superman that nobody ever agknowledges is how the reason their powerlevels are impossible to compare is because of an unsaid powercap in DC that really doesn’t exist in the DBverse.

In DC, at a certain level of strength you basically automatically become an abstract. Your powers move from those that can level a continent to those that can rewrite reality. And you become, on a certain level, untouchable to anyone that isn’t also an abstract. And there are abstracts, and mortals, and some beings that straddle the line but what’s important to understand is that this means that no matter how strong you get physically in DC until you can become an abstract or gain tools designed to hurt them you will never get beyond a certain teir.

This doesn’t exist in DB. After Kami stops being relevant the plot shifts wildly in tone from martial arts fantasy adventure to balls to the wall shonen action. Even at the (current) upper echelons of DB, aka the gods of destruction and supreme kais, the ability to warp reality is never used beyond time manipulation and warping a bit of matter here and there. So there is no power cap, every character in DB is mortal (in that sense), which means that any character can punch any character, and thus Goku can get as strong as he wants. There is no power cap, which means right now Goku’s power level literally does not have a match in the DCU power wise, making comparisons virtually impossible as DC fanboys will always lowball Goku’s tier and DBZ fanboys will jerkoff how large Goku’s number is and how it’s the biggest number ever.

No it doesn't. Peter can go into autopilot mode and let the spider senses take over. Only problem is, when he does this, it only worries about HIS safety and people around him could get hurt. Also, the spider senses could confuse a friend for an enemy, like the time Peter punched a hole through Wolverine's girlfriend's head. Also, when pushed to it's upmost limits, it can literally make a user all knowing. Spider senses kicks the crap out of UI.

Maybe he can go into an autopilot mode, but that's kind of the entire point of UI. As of right now it's defensive but i bet the next time it comes up it's going to be used offensively as well. I think it's hard to argue that the automatic and optimized nature of UI movements is objectivly worse then what i can only see is the marginally weaker and powered down version of the spiderguys use


We're not talking about Spider-Man vs Goku though. We're talking about spider senses vs Ultra Instincts. There's been some users, like the Madam Webs, who have pushed it to the degree that they achieved the ability to know everything that happens in the future. It can also sense disturbances in the balance of space time. If someone with the reaction speed of Goku had spider senses the Tournament of Power would have ended very quickly.

I was more so comparing generic spiderguy spider sense, I'm admittedly not super well versed in the deep Spiderman comics and lore but for the most part it seems like the more standard versions of it, that don't grant precognition, are just early warning systems at worst and a powered down UI at best

because he's not a pussy, powerlevel fag

and yet Spiderman kept getting knocked around or surprised

Oh, yeah, in their most basic stages spider senses are pretty dumb, but it's like a muscle that you can exercise and grow. The more you try to hone in on it the stronger it becomes. It also has nothing to do with the radiated spider powers Peter got and actually comes from an ancient spider god, but no one likes to talk about the totems.

That's because Peter refuses to push it to its limits. It only protects HIMSELF, something Peter doesn't really care too much for to begin with. If we were to rely on his spider senses 100% he'd end up lashing out at random passer bys. Like the time he punched a hole through Charlie's face by accident.

I'm sorry, fucking what? You're telling me my boy Tobey Maguire got his spider sense from some fucking esoteric spider god?? What an absolute madman

Yeah, it's really fucking stupid, hence why no one likes to talk about it. Basically Peter Parkers are just avatars for the Great Weaver across the multiverse.

>UI is autododge
That is beyond retarded. Why do you keep watching that crap?

Isn’t that standard anime ‘he’s fast’ dodging?

Longer damn it!
Longer i say.

Reminder that General Grievous destroyed Shaggy Verde (Fuerza) without even trying
How powerful does that make Contar Dooku (Completado)?