Doctor Strange

Fuck Modor seriously. I hope they kill him in Doctor Strange 2 and never comes back

he was right though, if it wasn't for magical users on Earth Dormammu would have never almost eaten the planet

>Doctor Strange 2

I read that as Mordor


Nigger what?

Dormammu was entirely Kaecilius fault after he got buttmad the Ancient One was using prohibited magic to become immortal, went nuts and wanted to go full LCL on everyone's ass.

Modor was right. That bald bitch lied to and manipulated them all.

Make sorcery great again!

> Oshtur has a bitch fit and orders Mordo to kill Wanda in the sequel.

It's in the list of 20 films between now and 2027

I think they were being a little too sensitive and retarded, desu. she was using the magic for good, and she's also the only one powerful enough to handle it. if you think about it logically, she didn't do anything wrong.

We just calling him Modor now, for memes sake?

Modor was a great character. He was a hero that saved the day but still turned into a villain.

>Dormammu was entirely Kaecilius fault after he got buttmad the Ancient One was using prohibited magic to become immortal

That's exactly the sort of thing he's pissed off about.

what's the point of modor? he's basically among.

fuck whether or not modor was right, he still sucks as a character. if you were asked to describe him without using the word black, could you?

He has the Staff of the Living Tribunal

A stern formerly by the books sorcerer who feels betrayed after his master for lied to him for years and now wishes to balance her mistakes but might take it too far

And the Vaulting Voots ov Valtor.

Mordo was the recovering alcoholic whose only coping mechanism the binary state of going cold-turkey. He is unable to process the notion that there are shades of grey within the morality spectrum, that you can have bad magic used for good, that your heroes can be heroes with flaws instead of perfect angelic beings. Mordo is a person who wants to exist within the Silver Age of DC comics but finds himself in the post-Bronze Age of Marvel.

Personally, I find that character trait to be very interesting and think Mordo has the potential to be the best villain in the MCU since Loki, if not surpassing Loki. It helps that the actor playing the character is one of the best actors in Hollywood who remains criminally underrated.
We need to see what is done with Mordo in the Strange sequel because what we've seen so far is just the setup to that character not the pay-off.

it's definitely happening.