What would 616 and Max Frank Castle had done?


it's not nearly as bad as this makes it sound

nothing in that image is exaggerated, it's literally just facts

Frank has franked for less.

You're right, he probably wouldn't have disobeyed basic firearms safety and the rules of engagement, so he wouldn't have fired on Samuel Weaver when he was standing in front of his door, so he wouldn't have missed, the bullet wouldn't have penetrated the door, and the bullet wouldn't have killed Sam's wife.

oh hello federal agent! How´s the day ?

are you suggesting that Sam did nothing wrong
would you say that you sympathize with him

Not them but
>are you suggesting that Sam did nothing wrong
>would you say that you sympathize with him
Yes, and you'd have to be retarded to feel otherwise.

What exactly was the plan here?
Hold out forever in a shanty shack?
Best the agents, surely they won't think of sending another better equiped force?

>murdered a man's son and wife, then unintentionally taunted him over it by repeatedly asking the wife to exit the house and surrender
Yes it was.

>an issue of Spider-Man/Deadpool, in which Spider-Man becomes a federal agent


I don't get it

>Don't do anything wrong
>Cops think you did
>raid you with a fucking deathsquad
>kill your wife and child
>Have enough supplies to hole up and hope that eventually your friends or the 4th estate can dissuade the government from murdering you and the rest of your family too
Why in the world would he have left that house after they blew his wife away?


How did the government fuck up so badly?

'Ambush' and arrest a fugitive from the law who refused to go to court. Oh and a member of the Aryan nation who hated the Zionist US Government and sent threats to people.

So what are the cops supposed to do? Not arrest criminals? Their job is to take them in. Not conduct their own trial into the weapons he was selling or the bond he was violating.

And you missed that the son shot and killed a Federal Agent.

Go back to Sup Forums

>OP wants Frank to become Timothy McVeigh

sniper missed a shot he shouldn't have taken

You mean what would Scott have done

>hated the zionist U.S government



Not exactly his style
which comic?


Hm... are we talking Vietnam Era Castle from the books or Afghanistan Era Castle from Netflix?

Hike through the woods with a rifle in order to get the perfect shot.
Lure Weaver out of the compound and gank him.

Ruby Ridge was a huge fuck up by the federal government in every way shape and form. No one in their right mind denies that.

Wow Raimi, a little too on the nose, don’t you think?

It was a different time.

>tfw you will never be as cool as BOPE.


>which comic?

>ywn get to hop in an AAV with your bros to go clap some Comando Vermelho
Feels bad
>ywn have to fight a bunch of strung-out gangsters in a favela for your very life
Doesn't feel so bad