Girl reading comics

Found her on YouTube, thoughts?

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Dude a girl reading a comic book? I am so fucking turned on right now holy shit

"Cute" is a bit of a stretch

I don't think it's anything that special, given how popular the movies are nowadays.
Some girls should have been tempted to search out the books and one of them just happened to have a webcam.
If she was an old woman or something sure, but some girl?

Wow, an attention whore.

>If she was an old woman or something sure, but some girl?

Not sure what you mean by that?

WHY ISN'T THIS VIRAL!? SHE'S READING! WORDS! words and funny pictures but WORDS!

The other video on her channel,

Claims to have 3,000 comics.

Send her timestamped photo of your pissjugs, see how she'll react.

>She bends the pages as she turns.
This bitch. This goddamn whore.
>Captcha says STOP

haha girls cant read

Found the guy who never reads comics.;

Having them is irrelevant. I could buy a huge music studio with all kinds of instruments and never be able to play a tune

If it was obvious that she wasn't the type to watch the movies which are popular, or in fact had actual reason to believe she liked them from way before it got a surge in popularity.
What I mean is if it was so far out of the actual demographic to be an interesting or unusual sight, the reaction in the OP would be more justified.

Fair point

What kind of fucking review is this.
>In this comic Batman vs Hulk Batman and Hulk fight
>Hulk wins the first fight
>But then they team up to stop Joker.
I think reading is a stretch, I'm pretty sure she just looked at the pictures.

>He likes having bent pages in a comic.
Not even a collector thing, it's obnoxious finding a book with a bunch of bent pages.

I think the word "review" is incorrect. Reviews are intended if you are looking to buy the product.

oh god that triggers me.

Obvious you know nothing about comics.

Tell me how a comic can be 40 years old and not have a bent page?

Please post some pics of your collection.

Out of state for the holidays m8, but it's pretty damn easy. Hell, I have a Don Quixote comic from the 40s that's not bent up. The cover page and first is missing though Comics just don't get magically bent for no reason.

Prove it

Post a pic of comics with date and time stamp

Yeah, sure. Let me buy a fucking plane ticket to Florida so I can go home and take a picture some something to prove a stranger on the internet wrong.

Is this going to end up like that girl YouTuber /lit/ found? Or just some bitch shilling her trash videos?

Also, I'm not even going to bother watching since she calls herself cute in the title of the video. How pathetic.

>Or just some bitch shilling her trash videos?
Pretty obviously that one.

Turn the pages from the edge instead of banging at them like a caveman

it's a shit comic, so yeah. They fight and become friends, the end.

>Implying Sup Forums buys comics

Mouse dancing the waltz

Found him on YouTube, thoughts?

Back history?

I know right. Something would have to be really cared for to not have a crease or bent page. The only way that is going to happen is if a collector bought it and put it up.

I am a very big fan of wonder woman, and loved learning about her back ground in the new DC comic movie 'Wonder Woman', made in 2017.

You get to see 'Wonder Woman', as a small child and see her abilities come together from training from her Aunt and fellow 'Amazons'. It is a very empowering movie for woman everywhere, it has war scenes, including scenes of her in the battlefield, dodging bullets and protecting men to get them across 'No Man's Land'.

There is a love interest that arises early on in the movie. You learn the history of their 'Island', and learn the power of 'Aries'. It had a very interesting twist in the movie, and learn more and more about the great 'Wonder Woman', and her true roots and where her power comes from.

I will be making some videos in the future about things left out about 'Wonder Woman', if you have anything you think that needs to be discussed about 'Wonder Woman', send me a message and I will go threw the comics to find more. Thanks for reading."

She seems autistic desu

>Not bringing up how Joker started to bring people's nightmares to life.




That paragraph structure. It's like when a teacher asks a student to write an essay and they put the least amount of effort into it. Where is the personal inclinations, where is the enthusiasm?

Lifeless recap/10

maybe English isn't her first language?
god, optimism sucks